Q&A for How to Dress at Summer Camp

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    If I go to the pool, what should I wear over my bathing suit before and after?
    Community Answer
    Use a t-shirt or swimsuit cover you don't mind getting a little wet and remember to keep it close by.
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    What should you wear if you know that you are going to get it dirty?
    Community Answer
    It kind of depends how dirty. If you are going to get caked in mud, it's always a good idea to take the oldest, worst clothes you have and simply throw them away when you are done with them. It saves the hassle of packing them and trying to get them clean.
  • Question
    What if my roommate does not like me?
    Community Answer
    Try to understand why and work things out with him/her/them. If this person really doesn't like you, simply ignore them.
  • Question
    My camp requires us to bring linens, but I'm flying to my camp. Any tips if I only want to bring a duffel bag and backpack?
    Community Answer
    If you're flying to your destination, they will let you bring your pillow with you on the plane along with your carry on, so you could try keeping the extra linens in your pillowcase.
  • Question
    What do I wear if I'm going during the cooler seasons?
    Community Answer
    Wear denim shorts or any kind of shorts that are comfortable, with thin leggings underneath for warmth. You can wear tennis shoes or walking shoes with socks. For showers and swimming, take along flip flops and a swimsuit.
  • Question
    Can I bring a bracelet that I'm very attached to with me?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't recommend it because small objects (like bracelets) are very easy to lose at a busy camp.
  • Question
    My camp has these dance parties daily. What should I wear?
    Community Answer
    However formal these dances are, try to pack outfits that don't take up much space or wrinkle easily. Don't worry about packing a different outfit for every night because you're at a camp with limited bag and closet space. Remember, dances are supposed to be fun so don't bring anything that's uncomfortable or annoying to wear.
  • Question
    What should I wear to a camp dance?
    Community Answer
    It depends on whether the dance is casual or has a theme. If there is a theme, wear the color or costume of your choice. If it's casual, wear a cute skirt and a tank top with flip flops or flats if you're a girl, or shorts a graphic design t-shirt if you are a boy. Wear something cute and comfy that you can move in, and have fun!
  • Question
    What happens if someone teases me about my cloths and I punch them out?
    Community Answer
    If you start a fight at camp, there's a good chance you will get sent home. It's better to do your best t o ignore any hurtful comments someone makes about you.
  • Question
    What if I don't own pajamas?
    Shannon Henderson
    Community Answer
    You can wear any old clothes to bed. Girls can wear just a sports bra if you're comfortable with it.
  • Question
    If I am an Adult Baby/Diaper Lover, will diapers be allowed or should I keep my diaper wearing private?
    Community Answer
    Diapers as an adult will probably be looked down upon, so try to keep it a secret. If possible, leave them at home, but if it's really necessary, you can take them.
  • Question
    What should boys wear to sleep while in camp?
    Community Answer
    Just wear whatever you normally sleep in. Make sure your pajamas are warm enough, though, as it might get cold at night, even in the summer.
  • Question
    Do camps usually make you change clothes in front of other people?
    Community Answer
    It depends. Usually they have bathrooms in the cabin, where you can change if you're uncomfortable changing in front of others. At the pool or lake, they usually have changing rooms. It depends on your age. If you're younger at a day camp, they may not have changing rooms. If you're older or at an overnight camp, they likely will. Remember that nobody's judging you, because if you have to change in front of them, they do too! Everyone's too worried about how they look to judge anyone else.
  • Question
    What if I have diamond earrings and my mom won’t let me take them off?
    Claire Compton
    Community Answer
    Talk to your mom and tell her that you care about them so you want to avoid them being broken, stolen, or lost. If she still will not let you take them off, you could just double check to make sure they are still in one piece throughout the camp day. Also, taking them out at night and putting them into a little bag (like a coin bag) and putting that into your luggage or into something you will not forget about (like your shoes). Or, ask the camp counselor to keep them safe for you the whole camp.
  • Question
    What if I hate going to the dances but have to go?
    Community Answer
    If you don’t like going to the dances, then you can ask if you can do something else. You can get a book you like and read outside instead of going to the dance.
  • Question
    What do I wear at a performing arts sleepaway camp? This camp has dance, music, and arts and crafts.
    Amanda Cousins
    Community Answer
    Wear what you choose and buy in advance for that camp and enjoy that time over the summer.
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