Q&A for How to Win at Tug of War

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    Would it be effective to line people up according to height?
    Community Answer
    Not really, as height doesn't signify strength. It might look good, but what if the tallest person is also the weakest?
  • Question
    If I'm a fast runner, where should I position myself in tug of war?
    Community Answer
    Probably towards the middle. Being a good runner won't help too much with tug of war since it's primarily about strength, but running does build strong leg muscles so you can use those to hold your rope steady.
  • Question
    Would it help if one person acted as the leader to call out the movements that should be worked together?
    Community Answer
    Yes. For example, the leader could count to three so that you all pull as hard as you can at the same time.
  • Question
    Is it better to put heavier people at the ends?
    Community Answer
    Yes, the heaviest should go at the end to act as extra weight.
  • Question
    Is it legal to pull while I am seated on the ground?
    Community Answer
    As long as you fell during the Tug-of-War, you will be fine. Just try to get back up.
  • Question
    Does lifting weights help me in the tug-of-war competition?
    Community Answer
    Yes. As you can see in this article, you need strength by pulling and strength by keeping your position so it is 50% hands and 50% legs (Also a little bit of stable body). Therefore, if you lift weights you have 50% of what you need.
  • Question
    If we arrange the members in a zig zag manner, will it be more effective?
    Community Answer
    No, it would actually make everyone fall. If you make your team arrange in a zig zag position, you would have the strength divided and you will be pulled.
  • Question
    How do I tie the rope to the last person?
    Community Answer
    There's no rule or regulation about how to tie the rope, so you can tie it however you like. As this article has mentioned though, no player should tie their arms around the rope as it can cause accidents during the game.
  • Question
    Should shorter people go in the front or back?
    Community Answer
    I would say it depends more on their strength. The strongest people should go in the back, so if the person is short but strong, they should go in the back. If they're weaker, keep them in the front.
  • Question
    Should I use dirt to get a better grip on the rope?
    Community Answer
    No. Regardless if you are using gloves (which is recommended) or no gloves, do not use dirt.
  • Question
    Is it better to wear shoes or not while playing tug of war?
    Community Answer
    You should wear shoes with decent tread on the bottoms to avoid the possibility of slipping.
  • Question
    Could anything be designated a "foul" in this game?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Letting go of the rope and making the opponent fall is a foul. The opposing team might get injured and they will all fall. This is an automatic lose for your team. Other than that there are basically no rules. If your hands slip and they fall, however, this is not a foul as it was beyond your control.
  • Question
    What if I can't plant my feet into the ground because the ground is flat and hard?
    Community Answer
    In this case, you need to try good rubber shoes or boots. They will help you in grounding your feet.
  • Question
    How do I keep from sliding?
    Community Answer
    If you are outside you can dig your feet in the ground a little bit and when you lean back, don't lean too far.
  • Question
    How do I improve my grip on the rope?
    Community Answer
    You could use gloves. You can also do exercises to work on your grip strength.
  • Question
    What happens if all the power is at the front?
    Community Answer
    It does not matter how powerful a person is; the whole team should coordinate.
  • Question
    If we have a heavy person and a strong person, who goes in the very back?
    Community Answer
    The heavy person should go at the very back and the strong person can go wherever they want, it doesn't matter.
  • Question
    Is hand over hand pulling allowed?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is allowed.
  • Question
    Is it better to put the tallest and heaviest in the back and another heavy person in front of him or spread the weight out?
    Community Answer
    You should put the heaviest at the back to be the anchor. The tallest should be in the middle.
  • Question
    What do I do if it's raining?
    Community Answer
    Champion American League Tug Of War (CAMLTOW) rules state it is not to be played in the rain.
  • Question
    How can I get a proper coaching manual?
    Samantha L. Campbell
    Community Answer
    There are a few abridged coaching manuals available online if you search "Tug of War coaching manual." If you're looking to coach for a team that plays in a local league, contact the league to see if they have any specific manuals or rules that they require coaches to follow.
  • Question
    Should I arrange my team according to our weights? For example, I am not heavy but I probably have the strongest chest and legs. My friend weighs around 300 pounds, has a good grip and leg.
    Samantha L. Campbell
    Community Answer
    Some teams choose to have the heaviest person with the most lower body strength at the back of the rope to be the anchor and hold everyone in place. It's best to stagger people based on their strength, rather than weight. That way, less strong people will stand in between stronger people.
  • Question
    If our opponent is stronger than us, what should we do?
    Community Answer
    Since tug-of-war is a strength game, if your opponents are simply stronger, they'll probably come out the winners. If you wanted an even, fun game, you could switch around some of the participants to evenly balance teams.
  • Question
    What is the person standing at the end of the rope called?
    Community Answer
    The person at the end of the rope is called the anchor.
  • Question
    Can I win the game even if I am weak?
    Community Answer
    Yes! It's a game of teamwork, it doesn't matter if one person on the team is weak. Just try your best.
  • Question
    How is the winner determined exactly?
    Community Answer
    There is a mark, like a colored strip of fabric, tied on the rope between the two teams. When this middle mark reaches far enough on either team's side, the referee will declare them the winner.
  • Question
    Is it good to keep the lightest person in the front during tug of war?
    Community Answer
    Probably. The biggest and heaviest person should go to the end to act as extra weight.
  • Question
    Which direction should I pull and go?
    Nigah Hussain
    Community Answer
    Tug of War is the game to pull opposition to your own side; therefore, you need to go toward your backside. It's an interesting feature of this game: if you go back, then you've won.
  • Question
    How can I contribute to the strength if I am a small, weak person?
    Community Answer
    Sneak out to the playing field the night before and bury sticks or bricks in the ground on the side your team will be one in order to give your teams shoes a better grip on the ground.
  • Question
    Which side should my team line up on?
    Community Answer
    It does not matter which side you line up on, as long as you have your strongest people mixed in among the weaker people.
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