Q&A for How to Write a Great Christian Song

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    What verses should I use?
    Community Answer
    Try finding a verse that speaks to you the most. The book of Psalms has plenty of verses to turn into a song.
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    What if you don't have a good idea?
    Community Answer
    You can ask God for help, and have faith in God.
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    How can I put a song together about Jesus love?
    Community Answer
    Include truth from the Bible about God's love for us even when we mess up. Also include our own struggle to love Him the way we should, and think deeply about the topic and your own feelings. Think of questions like: Why is it difficult for us to love God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength? Why do we keep messing up and sinning when we try to love God and do the right thing? Why does God love us even when we've sinned against him? Asking questions like this gets you thinking. Using people's internal struggles versus what God says is true is a good start. People will connect with that.
  • Question
    How can I get closer to God?
    Community Answer
    You can get closer to God by studying his word, praying, and fasting.
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    How can I write a Christian song for if I'm a beginner?
    Community Answer
    Find a psalm that speaks to you and add in your own lines that rhyme with parts of it. Then put it with a catchy melody or tune.
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    How can I get a tune to a slow Christian song?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what instrument you are playing, but a guitar is good. Listen to slow Christian music to motivate you, and always make sure to pray and ask God for help and guidance.
  • Question
    Could I get more information to help me be a perfect lyricist?
    Community Answer
    Think about what you want to write. Write what you feel, what you like, or what you are thinking about.
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    How can I create a jingle on suffering from a biblical standpoint?
    Community Answer
    Find words that describe suffering and base your music around that. There are lots of verses on suffering. When in doubt, pray to God for guidance.
  • Question
    I have discovered that once I start composing my songs, my inspiration stops coming. What can I do to be able to keep coming up with ideas while I'm composing?
    Community Answer
    Here's what I've learned: 1. You can't force inspiration. You just can't. Inspiration is like a cat; it does what it wants when it wants. 2. Emotion seems to drive inspiration. The music flows when I'm either really happy or really down. 3. If you're on a roll, don't stop! Once you stop, it's hard to get back into it. 4. When you're listening to music for pleasure, figure out what makes your favorite songs work.
  • Question
    Can I choose the beat and melody before starting the writing process?
    Community Answer
    You can write the music before the lyrics, and it can make your songs sound better. It's different depending on the person. Some people are better at first writing the melody and then finding words with the right number of syllables. Other people are better at writing the lyrics first then making the melody fit their lyrics. Either way it's really up to you!
  • Question
    Where can I find a beat to use?
    Community Answer
    Make an account on Xvideos and download a bunch of source material. Make sure all of these files are converted to .mp3's, or any other appropriate audio file type. Download a free trial of FL studio. Use the slicex tool to cut up the .mp3's into smaller samples you can use as a drum kit.
  • Question
    How do I improve my song writing skills?
    Community Answer
    Keep listening to music and keep writing! This is key. If you don't practice, you can't get better.
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    Does a Christian song have to rhyme?
    Community Answer
    Nope. No songs has to rhyme. But songs that have some sort of internal rhythm sound better and are catchier.
  • Question
    Is it good to compose Christian songs for a contest?
    Community Answer
    If it is a contest for Christian songs, that is a great idea. If it's for a broader audience, probably not such a crash hot idea.
  • Question
    How can I get a good harmony and melody to a mix of an upbeat song and a slow Christian song?
    Community Answer
    You can choose a piano as an instrument, and then for another instrument you could play a guitar. Then it would be a cool mixture.
  • Question
    How do I write a good worship song?
    Community Answer
    find your passion, pray about it and if something strikes you in another song find what the topic is and write about it.
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    How do I write a great Christian song if I don't play any instruments and don't know how to write music or read music?
    Community Answer
    You can recruit friends or co-workers who do know how to play music. If you are wondering about the composition of the song, it generally goes like this in most contemporary praise songs: Verses; the grounding of the songs; chorus; a theme that you always come back to; sometimes you will go back to another verse, and sometimes you will play another chorus. All my favorite songs have a build-up to the bridge (the bridge is usually the most heartfelt and powerful part of the song). Then you will calm down and end quietly in a chorus or ending. This is how all my favorite songs are composed. If you want to learn more about music, talk to a local piano teacher or worship pastor.
  • Question
    How do I know which bible verse stands out to me and which book is the best to look in for inspiration?
    Community Answer
    Study the Word of God regularly and consistently. Let it be your guide rather than forcing it. As you study and spend time digging into the Scriptures, truths and themes will jump out at you, and as you meditate on what you read, you will find yourself forging poetic lyrics about these truths.
  • Question
    When I write Christian songs, does God speak to me?
    Community Answer
    That depends. Many people would say that God does speak to them when they write songs about Him.
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    How do I write a song about having hope and trust in God?
    Community Answer
    Think about times in your life when you put your trust and hope in God, and He came through for you. Ask friends and/or family for their experiences if you can’t place one of your own. Pray and ask God to revel all the things He has done for you. Remember, this your song, so try to have it relate to you.
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