Q&A for How to Become an Actor

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    I'm 13 years old and I want to act in films. How can I get started?
    Community Answer
    Ask your parents to find an audition or company you may want to try. Acting classes can also be very helpful. You're never too young to start.
  • Question
    How many years do I need to study to become an actor?
    Community Answer
    It's not about the years, it's the effort and perfection of the craft. You could study acting for as long as you want, just make sure you are working to improve your skills as an actor.
  • Question
    How do I start as a 16 year old?
    Community Answer
    Audition for your high school plays and think about taking a drama class. When you go off to college, you may consider majoring in acting for either theatre or film.
  • Question
    What advice can a drama student use to start their future as an actor?
    Community Answer
    Stay in school. Audition for all the plays you can. Ask acting/drama teachers for advice. Be prepared for a lot of rejection. Have a side job that earns the money. Realize that most actors don't make it big but if you're prepared to do a range of work, from corporate functions to stage and ad work, there is work out there for a dedicate and flexible actor.
  • Question
    What should I do to become an actor after I complete my degree?
    Community Answer
    Try to get involved in workshops that have agencies that work with TV channels. Getting an agent can often help, and going to auditions is very important.
  • Question
    What are some tips for children who are interested in acting?
    Community Answer
    Definitely get into it early. Children can often have an advantage in casting, as many roles are specifically for young people and can't be properly done by adults. Do plenty of reading on parts you're interested in, and don't be afraid to show your talent! Have fun with what you're doing, and consider the stage a home.
  • Question
    If I have an agent but find a job myself, do I still have to pay the agent?
    Community Answer
    No, not unless the agent helped you find the job in some way.
  • Question
    How can I become an actress if I live in a small town with no film scene?
    Community Answer
    Find someone whose hobby is making interesting films, and volunteer to participate in it to get exposure.
  • Question
    How do people know what to do when acting?
    Community Answer
    You normally get a script with all your dialogue written in it. A professional actor will rehearse alone or with other actors until he's memorized his lines. He will then create his behavior and voice to match the words to make this fictional character real. That's acting!
  • Question
    Can I start becoming an actor at age 15 with no experience?
    Community Answer
    It's not likely that you would be hired as an actor at that age or that anyone would hire someone with little experience. I would recommend you take acting classes and/or get involved in community theatre so that when you apply to acting jobs, you have a better chance. In the acting industry, it's really about being in the right place at the right time.
  • Question
    Do you have to be in high school to become an actor, or can you be in middle school?
    Community Answer
    Actors often start studying and performing at any age. Do some research, find classes and go out on auditions you think you'd do well in.
  • Question
    Do you have to be experienced to be a professional actress?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you do. Otherwise, you would be an amateur actress. But experiences can start with school and church plays, as well as any other event that allows you to pretend to be someone else.
  • Question
    What is the best way to contact actors?
    Community Answer
    It's best to know them as a personal friend or co-worker. If you want them for work, contact through their agent or management team. Otherwise, you can join their fan club or follow that person on social media outlets. Most actors sensibly guard their privacy and safety and place distance between themselves and people who are not known to them.
  • Question
    How old do I need to be to audition to become a film actor?
    Community Answer
    When it comes to acting, age is not such a big deal. In fact, the younger, the better because that way, the child will gain so much experience before he/she reaches their teenage years.
  • Question
    When the director is shooting the movie and I forget my lines, what happens?
    Community Answer
    Luckily, movies are not completed in one shot. Even the most famous actors forget their lines, so all that will happen is they'll cut the scene and the director will give you the line.
  • Question
    How can I be an actor without taking classes?
    Top Answerer
    Watch professional actors on stage, movies, and TV and do exactly what they do until you get a feel for the craft and can develop your own style.
  • Question
    How can I overcome thinking about and becoming nervous about upcoming dialog and action while acting?
    Community Answer
    Read over the your parts again and again, memorize them, say them out loud, and rehearse with your team often so that it feel less awkward when the performance begins.
  • Question
    Do I have to get a college degree in acting?
    Top Answerer
    It can't hurt, but formal education is not required in order to find acting jobs. You just have to do well in auditions.
  • Question
    How can I break into the television industry?
    Community Answer
    Look up open call auditions in your area and try out as much as possible. Once you've been in a few commercials or films to build your resume, apply to a talent agency.
  • Question
    When is the best time to start?
    Community Answer
    The sooner the better. It can take a long time to master the art of acting. The more experience you have, the sooner you will have a resume built up which will help you get jobs.
  • Question
    Would posting videos on social media websites like YouTube help me to be recognized as an actor?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. Usually acting for YouTube requires a whole different skill set than acting in films or television (or even acting onstage). However, if you focus less on being a YouTuber and focus more on filming your acting and uploading that to YouTube, that could help. Just remember, it's actually very rare to be "discovered." You're more likely to be successful if you put yourself out there as an actor (auditioning, participating in community theater, etc.) instead of waiting to be discovered.
  • Question
    I am an 18-year-old boy from Pakistan. I want to act in Hollywood. How do I start?
    Community Answer
    Start by joining an acting class! These are available pretty much everywhere, and taking a class is the best way to learn some skills for your future career.
  • Question
    How can I get started in a country where there is nothing connected to movies?
    Community Answer
    You'll have to go to another country and start a career from there, either by enrolling in an acting program or jumping right into local auditions.
  • Question
    How can I get started if I am young?
    Community Answer
    Check online or in the newspapers. There may be auditions going on in your area. The best way to start is to join an acting school. You still get a regular education but do acting a lot more often.
  • Question
    I am 13 and want to be an actress, like right now. Two problems, though: I live in Sweden and I don't know how my parents will understand me. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Explain to your parents that, for now at least, it's just a part-time fun hobby that can earn you some money for your education. If they're on board, start by looking up open call auditions in your area. Once you've built a resume, apply to a talent agency.
  • Question
    I'm 13 and live in a city where there isn't a big film scene. How do I start acting without leaving my family?
    Community Answer
    See if your school has a drama club or ask your parents about acting lessons.
  • Question
    What subjects should I take in school?
    Community Answer
    You should take drama, music, and art, especially if you plan to go to college as a theater major. If your school as a drama club, sign up for that.
  • Question
    How tall should I be to audition for a hero?
    Community Answer
    You can be a hero at any height! If you want to play a large, muscular superhero (like Thor, for example), you'd probably want to be at least 5'9" or so.
  • Question
    I'm young and want to be an actor, my family is not ready to consider this, so what I do?
    Community Answer
    Explain to your family that, for now at least, it's a hobby that can earn you a little bit of money that you can save for your education. You should then look up open call auditions in your area. Once you've been in a few films (build your resume), apply to a talent agency.
  • Question
    What are the necessary documents to officially be an actor?
    Community Answer
    There are none. Unlike other professions, like medicine or law, where a degree is required, being an actor requires none.
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