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Discover all the Upright and Reversed meanings of the Magician
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If you pulled the Magician card (sometimes called The Magus or The Juggler) in a tarot reading and you’re wondering what it means, we’re here to help. The Magician is a powerful card associated with manifestation and resourcefulness! It often predicts a positive outlook on your ability to persevere and reach long-term goals, whether they’re personal or professional. Read on for a complete guide to the Magician tarot card, including both its Upright and Reversed meanings in love, career, health, spirituality, and more.

Things You Should Know

  • The Upright Magician tarot card symbolizes resourcefulness, manifestation, willpower, talent, logic, psychic power, and influence.
  • The Reversed Magician tarot card embodies a lack of mental clarity, poor planning, wasted talent, manipulation, illusion, cunning, and deceit.
  • The card shows a figure with one arm pointed up to the Universe and one pointed down to the earth, depicting the Magician’s connection between spiritual and material realms.
Section 1 of 8:

The Magician Tarot Card Upright & Reversed Meanings

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  1. It’s a sign you have the strength of all elements and a connection to the Earth and the Universe. It also means you have the skills and knowledge you need to succeed and superb willpower; seeing this card signifies that it’s time to show everyone your true potential and chase your goals without hesitation. The Upright Magician calls on you to take inspired action, setting aside distractions to carefully carve a path to success and fulfill your deepest desires. [1]
    • Common themes: Manifestation, ability, power, logic, concentration, resourcefulness, psychic powers, influence
    • Element: Air
    • Planet: Mercury
    • Star signs: Gemini and Virgo
  2. When you see the Magician Reversed, you may be exploring the different things you want to manifest in life but aren’t taking action just yet. You may feel unsure of your abilities or how to make your goals a reality—or you lack motivation and feel like you aren’t making any progress. This card is a sign telling you to follow your intuition and look out for new opportunities; you may not feel a deep connection to your current goals, or you may have lost touch with the “Why”—the reason you so deeply want to achieve them. [2]
    • Common themes: Lack of mental clarity, illusion, poor planning, unused talent, manipulation, untrustworthiness, cunning
    • The Magician may mean you’re surrounded by manipulative or deceitful people—but it also indicates that you have the cunning to see through their trickery and illusions.
    • Because the Magician can also represent greed and manipulation, it may be a sign that you’re out of touch with your Higher Self (if your goals are only for your personal gain or at the expense of others).
      • Tip: If you feel like you’re having trouble realizing your goals, ask yourself if you’re working for the greater good or for yourself; it may explain why you’re seeing the Magician.
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The Magician Tarot Card Appearance & Symbolism

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  1. The Magician’s outstretched arms symbolize their connection between the spiritual and material realms, with one hand stretched toward the Universe (up) and the other toward the earth (down). The Magician’s robe is typically white (symbolizing purity), while their cloak is red (representing worldly knowledge). The number on the card is 1, symbolizing new beginnings, and is associated with the planet Mercury. [4]
    • There are 4 symbols on the table in front of the Magician representing the 4 tarot suits and elements: a cup (water), pentacle (earth), sword (air), and wand (fire).
      • These symbols also represent the Magician’s ability to manifest their intentions into reality.
    • An infinity symbol hovers above the Magician’s head, and a snake biting its own tail wraps around their waist—a sign that the Magician has unlimited potential.
    • The plants and flowers around the Magician symbolize their ideals and goals blossoming and becoming fully realized.
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The Magician in Love

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  1. If you’re looking for love, the Magician tarot tells you that the chances of meeting someone new very soon are high! It also encourages you to take action rather than wait for love to find you. When you’re with someone, the Magician predicts that you’ll find staunch commitment and a deep, loving connection with them. Regardless of relationship status, Magician advises you to use all of your skill and creativity to find success in love and manifest the kind of relationship you want! [5]
    • Tip: Seeing the Upright Magician in your tarot cards is also a symbol of excitement and the desire to experiment. Don’t be afraid to embrace your adventurous side!
      • If you have a partner, try talking to them about ways to add more excitement to the relationship—whether that means exploring new activities on dates or trying new things in the bedroom.
      • If you’re single, try putting yourself out there more! Hit up a singles event (even if it makes you nervous), or make a profile on a dating app to see if it goes anywhere.
    • If you find commitment intimidating, the Magician also foretells a greater sense of trust and assurance in relationships and encourages you to appreciate everything your partner (current or future) has to offer.
  2. The Magician Reversed is a sign that not everything may be what it seems in your relationship. If your relationship is new, this card emphasizes the importance of knowing who your partner is and seeing through any lies or manipulation. Whether you’re in a relationship or single, the Magician may predict low confidence or a lack of willpower to manifest relationships—meaning you may be a little insecure when it comes to love. [6]
    • Tip: Work on improving your confidence in love and relationships. You have a lot to offer, and being in a relationship with the right partner can be a truly magical experience!
    • The Magician may also serve as a warning about being manipulative toward your partner, encouraging you to avoid conversations that might lead to a fight.
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The Magician in Careers

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  1. The Upright Magician indicates that there are likely career opportunities coming your way and encourages you to take advantage of them decisively! Because the Magician represents manifestation, it foretells great success in your career when you pursue your goals with determination and focus. In other words, it’s very positive card! The Magician encourages you to harness your inner drive and manifest your dream career. [7]
    • Tip: Take some time to list your future career goals and create a plan of attack for how you want to achieve them. The Magician also encourages logic and planning; the more you think ahead, the more likely success is!
    • For example, if you want to start a business, the Magician is a positive omen indicating future success and predicting that you’ll be able to harness your full potential.
  2. When you do a tarot spread for career guidance and pull the Magician Reversed, it indicates that you have a ton of skill and the ability to go far in your chosen profession but may not realize your full potential yet. You may feel like you have more to give or are holding yourself back from exploring a new skill because you feel you won’t be good at it. The Magician also predicts that career opportunities are coming, but you may currently lack the confidence to seize them. [8]
    • Tip: When you see the Magician Reversed, consider what you really want from your career and what may be stopping you from fully utilizing your talents. Does something need to change for you to improve your professional life?
    • The sooner you have a clear understanding of your career goals and aspirations, the easier it’ll be to jump on opportunities as they come—which is what the Magician truly encourages you to do!
    • Love tarot? Take this quiz to discover which tarot card truly matches your personality.
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The Magician in Finance

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  1. When it comes to finances, the Upright Magician tarot predicts new financial opportunities right before you waiting to be seized! The Magician encourages you to put more energy into pursuing financial goals and understanding your money's worth. If you want to improve your finances, this card is a positive omen, signifying that the time is right to purchase assets that may help you and that it's wise to set new financial plans over time. [9]
    • Tip: Consider the skills you might be able to use to make money . Are there any personal abilities you’re not using right now? The Upright Magician suggests that using your creativity to build wealth will yield positive results.
  2. The Magician Reversed predicts that you may feel like your finances aren’t where they should be. You may not currently be using your talents and willpower to make the kind of money you’re wishing for—possibly because you don’t feel confident in your abilities. Build up your confidence and work on making more financial investments! However, this card also warns against sharing details about your finances with others; caution may be wiser. [10]
    • Tip: The Magician may also suggest that you’re making money for your own gain when you could use it to help others. Evaluate your finances and consider whether you can afford to spend money on altruistic or charitable causes.
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The Magician in Health

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  1. The Upright Magician is often a sign of good health. If you’ve recently been sick or feeling under the weather in some way, the Magician predicts a full recovery—and that you’ll feel physically and mentally strong in the future. However, if you have a health issue that isn’t improving as much as you want it to, the Magician also signifies that it may be time to look for a new, experienced healer who can give you the treatment you need. [11]
    • Tip: If you draw the Upright Magician, it may also be a sign urging you to relax a little ! All the focus and determination you’re putting toward reaching your goals may be stressing you out, and a little relaxation really helps.
  2. The Magician Reversed is also generally positive when it comes to health; when reversed, the Magician indicates that you have the ability to manifest your own healing and just need to believe in yourself! However, if you have a mental health condition that involves hallucinations or paranoia, the Magician Reversed signifies that it’d be wise to find professional help sooner rather than later. [12]
    • Tip: The Magician also indicates that, while you may have lots of energy, it’s important to use it wisely. Conserve it and do your best not to overuse it and exhaust yourself, or your health may decline.
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Section 8 of 8:

The Magician in Spirituality

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  1. The Magician upright is a sign that it may be the ideal time for spiritual development in your life. If you’re interested in a particular spiritual subject, concentrate on learning more about that subject; because the upright Magician represents psychic energy and willpower, it’s thought to indicate that embracing your spiritual side may also help you develop your spiritual and psychic abilities.
    • Tip: Take some time to research a spiritual topic that has always fascinated you but you’ve never had the chance to learn about. The Magician suggests that spiritual development may be very fulfilling for you at present!
  2. The Magician Reversed indicates that your old spiritual path no longer serves you. Rather, it may be time to go in a different direction and leave behind any old beliefs or practices you no longer agree with. You may have a new spiritual skill or power (like the psychic abilities thought to accompany the Magician card) to discover.
    • Tip: Take an honest look at your current spiritual practices (if any). Do they make you feel happy and fulfilled? Don’t be afraid to pursue a different spiritual path that intrigues you or feels more in line with your current values!
    • Because the Magician can also symbolize manipulation and trickery, this card may also be a warning to focus on using your spiritual beliefs and abilities for the greater good.
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