Q&A for How to Look Pretty (Preteens)

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    How do I update my wardrobe so it's more in?
    Sarah McDonald
    Certified Stylist & Image Consultant
    Sarah McDonald is a Certified Stylist and Image Consultant and the Owner of Pivotal Style. She helps both men and women feel confident through clothing by guiding them on how to dress based on body type, color tone, lifestyle, and personal and professional goals. Sarah received her Image and Style Professional Certification from The Fashion Stylist Institute.
    Certified Stylist & Image Consultant
    Expert Answer
    Honestly, I would recommend going into any trendy boutique or youth clothing store and just look around. Anything that those stores are carrying is going to be trendy.
  • Question
    How can I look more mature?
    Sarah McDonald
    Certified Stylist & Image Consultant
    Sarah McDonald is a Certified Stylist and Image Consultant and the Owner of Pivotal Style. She helps both men and women feel confident through clothing by guiding them on how to dress based on body type, color tone, lifestyle, and personal and professional goals. Sarah received her Image and Style Professional Certification from The Fashion Stylist Institute.
    Certified Stylist & Image Consultant
    Expert Answer
    It's all about crafting a look that's mature and elegant. Don't overdo it and don't overdress. Stick with sleeker, crisper outfits and choose a handful of elegant accessories to make things pop.
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    How can I look pretty with no makeup?
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    This article is supposed to be for preteens, why does it even mention smoking?
    Community Answer
    Some preteens smoke, and it’s important for them to know the health risks that come along with it so they do not become addicted.
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    What if I don't have the right clothes, or what if people make fun of my clothes?
    Community Answer
    Wear what makes you happy and don't worry about what other people say. In middle school and high school, pretty much everyone gets made fun of for their clothes. People make fun of others when they're insecure about themselves, and everyone is insecure about themselves at this age. Just ignore them.
  • Question
    How do I get a better looking face as a preteen?
    Community Answer
    Wash your face every day and use moisturizer afterwards. You can also exfoliate once or twice a week and experiment with different face masks.
  • Question
    What should I do if I try everything and I'm still super ugly?
    Community Answer
    You're not ugly, you have low self-esteem. Talk to someone you trust about this, and do your best to focus on your good qualities, not the qualities you don't like.
  • Question
    How do I make my hair not frizzy?
    Community Answer
    There are some great tips in Care for Frizzy Hair .
  • Question
    How do I look pretty if I have dry skin?
    Community Answer
    Check out the tips in Treat Dry Skin Naturally .
  • Question
    How do I look pretty at school if I have to wear a uniform and I am not allowed makeup or accessories?
    Community Answer
    Being confident can go a long way. Stand up straight with your shoulders back and your head held high. Wash your face twice a day and use moisturizer so your skin is glowing, and try experimenting with different unique hairstyles. There are lots of tutorials on YouTube.
  • Question
    What's the easiest way to look pretty as a preteen?
    Community Answer
    Smile and be yourself. Makeup and expensive clothes do not define beauty. Follow this article, enlist the help of an older sibling or friend if you have one, and don't worry about what others do or say.
  • Question
    What if people don’t want to talk to me because they think I'm shy, but I just do not like people?
    Community Answer
    Try to find people you do like who have interests similar to yours. If they don’t make the first move, go talk to them. They will loosen up. Ask them to hang out.
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    How can I look pretty even though I'm skinny and underweight? How do I eat so I can gain weight? Is there an article about that?
    Community Answer
    Talk with your doctor if this is a serious problem. If not, eat eggs! That's one way to gain weight. The good news is that being underweight is easier to manage than being overweight. See Gain Weight and related articles.
  • Question
    I feel so ugly. Is it bad to feel like you are not pretty enough as a preteen? Am I wasting my time on feeling bad?
    Community Answer
    Everyone has insecurities. Look in the mirror and find things about yourself you like. Everyone struggles with this at this age, so try to move on.
  • Question
    What If my parents refuse to get me any sort of moisturizer or acne products?
    Community Answer
    Talk to them about it. That is unreasonable. If you have acne, seek out help. Moisturizer is a basic! Tell them exactly why you want it, and get a list of cheap, recommended products. Write an essay. Do what you must.
  • Question
    If you're in the car and don't have makeup with you, what can you do to look pretty?
    Community Answer
    If you have water, use that as gel for your brows, eyelashes and lips. Pinch your cheeks for color. Next time bring a travel makeup bag.
  • Question
    Do I have to do this just to look pretty?
    Community Answer
    No! Find your own groove! This article isn't tailored to you specifically. Find what fits you and your needs.
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    What do I do if I can't find any clothing I like when trying to look pretty?
    Community Answer
    Just wear what you want! You're probably overthinking it. Get some basics, like solid color t-shirts, a pair of jeans that make you feel good, a pair of jean shorts, and a denim or floral skirt, along with some basic sweaters or hoodies and a denim or leather jacket. A lot of this stuff you can get at Walmart or Target so you don't break the bank (and you probably have some of it already).
  • Question
    I have a lot of moles on my face, and it makes me look really ugly. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    There's really nothing wrong with facial moles, lots of people have them. If they really bother you, ask your parents if you can wear concealer, or even if you can talk to a doctor about having them removed.
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