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Q&A for How to Microwave an Egg
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QuestionWhy is the quiche cooked in only 45 seconds to a minute and a half, but the mini quiche in a cup takes a full 3 minutes?Community AnswerThe thinner it is and over a wider area, the faster it cooks. Thinned out in a wide pan, it cooks fast, but narrowed down in a cup, it needs more cooking time.
QuestionCan I make a sunny side up egg in the microwave?Community AnswerYes, you can. Use a saucer to crack the egg into and use a bowl to cover it, just in case it explodes. You might also want to break the yolk to prevent exploding, but it doesn't always work if you microwave it for too long. Start with maybe 15 seconds, depending on the wattage of your microwave. You can probably guess how much longer to cook it after that. Just make sure it is fully cooked before eating.
QuestionCan I boil eggs in a microwave?Community AnswerPut the egg in a microwave-safe container with some water. Cook for about a minute -- the time depends on the type of boiled egg you prefer. See How to Hard Boil Eggs in a Microwave for more details.
QuestionCan I cook without any sort of oil/butter?Amy HarrisonTop AnswererYes, but try using a non-stick bowl. Sometimes the egg will stick to the edges, which is why it is recommended to use a greasing agent.
QuestionCan I fry my bacon and eggs together at the same time?Community AnswerA microwave leaves meat partly raw, giving potential for food poisoning. Precook the bacon or buy it precooked.
QuestionCan I use a plastic container?Community AnswerYou can use microwave-safe plastic containers. Most Tupperware containers and the like are microwave-safe.
QuestionCan I microwave eggs in a Styrofoam bowl?ToddCommunity AnswerOnly if the Styrofoam bowl has a microwave-safe label. Otherwise, the bowl may cause chemicals to leach into your food.
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