What Is My Hogwarts Life Like?

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Ever wondered what your life would be like if you attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Wonder no more! Take this quiz and we’ll tell you all about your destined Hogwarts experience, from what your social circle will be like to what extracurricular activities you’ll participate in (Quidditch, perhaps?). Hit "Start Quiz" to get started!

Three students in robes gather around a book and two vials of potion, holding their wands out.

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Questions Overview

1. You’re in your common room. What are you doing?
  1. Reading. There’s so much to learn!
  2. I’m with my friends. They might need defending.
  3. Shining my prefect badge. Did you know some prefects have become Minister of Magic?
  4. I’m not in my common room. What was the password again?
2. What is your go-to spell?
  1. Expecto Patronum. It’s supposed to be one of the hardest spells!
  2. Expelliarmus. You never know when you need to disarm someone.
  3. Levicorpus. It’s just an innocent prank!
  4. Muffliato. That sounds harmless enough, right?
3. The owls are here. What are you getting?
  1. A new book. I want to read everything in Flourish and Blotts!
  2. Chocolate frogs. I’m collecting all the cards!
  3. Anything from Borgin and Burkes. I can use it to scare off those who try to get in my way.
  4. A remembrall. I’m always forgetting something!
4. If you had to use any unforgivable curse, what would it be?
  1. Imperio. At least I can do something useful.
  2. Crucio. It’s painful, but no permanent damage.
  3. Avada Kedavra. Why not just finish off my enemies?
  4. What are the unforgivable curses again?
5. Who is your best friend?
  1. Cho Chang or Hermione Granger
  2. Ron Weasley or Harry Potter
  3. Pansy Parkinson or Draco Malfoy
  4. Luna Lovegood or Neville Longbottom.
6. Who is your favorite Professor?
  1. Professor Flitwick. I love learning new charms!
  2. Professor Dumbledore. He truly is the best headmaster Hogwarts has ever seen.
  3. Professor Snape. Potions have so many possibilities…
  4. Professor Sprout. Herbology is fun, and most importantly, safe.
7. What are your extracurriculars?
  1. Charms club. It might come in handy someday.
  2. Quidditch team. There’s a sort of thrill that comes with flying through the air.
  3. Dueling club. I need some way to vent my anger!
  4. Frog choir. I love my pet frog, so why not?
8. The Yule ball is coming up. Who are you taking?
  1. Cho Chang or Dean Thomas
  2. Hermione Granger or Ron Weasley
  3. Pansy Parkinson or Draco Malfoy
  4. Luna Lovegood or Neville Longbottom

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The Classes & Clubs of Hogwarts

You probably already know quite a bit about Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but how much do you know about the curriculum and clubs that the school offers? We know, it's hard to believe that Harry, Ron, and Hermione ever had time for schoolwork (well, maybe not Hermione), but they did in fact have a variety of classes they had to attend, plus some clubs they could join. Here's a list of all the classes and clubs available to students at Hogwarts:

Core Classes:

  • Charms
  • Transfiguration
  • Potions
  • History of Magic
  • Defence Against the Dark Arts
  • Herbology
  • Astronomy


  • Divination
  • Muggle Studies
  • Arithmancy
  • Study of Ancient Runes
  • Care of Magical Creatures
  • Apparition


  • Alchemy
  • Ancient Studies
  • Art
  • Charms Club
  • Duelling Club
  • Earth Magic
  • Flying
  • Frog Choir
  • Ghoul Studies
  • Gobstones Club
  • Music
  • Muggle Art
  • Quidditch