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Feel confident and relaxed so you can score a second date
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First dates can be a little nerve-wracking, especially if you aren’t sure how to act or what to talk about. It’s all about getting to know the other person and letting them get to know you, so be yourself! By making a good first impression and coming up with a few topics of conversation, you can have fun on your first date and learn new things about your potential romantic partner. We compiled a list of top tips and spoke to dating coach Lisa Shield to find out how you can prepare for and act on a first date.

  1. On a first date, dating coach Lisa Shield recommends “to go out and do an activity” like “grabbing a cup of coffee, and then going for a walk down to a really interesting neighborhood.” [1] This can allow you to get to know your date. You could also go for a walk in the park, visit a museum, or play mini golf. [2]
    • If it’s around Halloween time, try going to a pumpkin patch or visiting a corn maze.
    • If the holidays are coming up, plan to walk around your neighborhood and look at the Christmas lights.
    • If you’re feeling adventurous, go rock climbing , head to the roller rink, book a hot-air balloon ride, or explore your way through an escape room together. [3]
    • You can make a general plan, but be open to doing something spontaneous! If you’re walking around with your date and see a fun-looking club or theater, why not pop in?
    • Reader Poll: We asked 572 wikiHow readers who've asked someone on a date, and 53% of them agreed that the best way to approach it is by taking things slow and getting to know them. [Take Poll] Try to choose an activity where you can talk to your date so you can learn more about them!
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Look your best .

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  1. Dress in clean, wrinkle-free clothes that are good for whatever you’re doing, and make sure you feel comfortable and confident. When you look your best, you’ll feel your best, even if you’re a bit nervous! [4]
    • Dating coach Lisa Shield says that “unless you're going to a fancy place or you’ve been invited to some kind of event where you're somebody’s plus one, I wouldn't get dressed up too much.” [5]
      • For example, if you’re going mini-golfing or roller skating, a pair of jeans, sneakers, and a T-shirt would be perfect.
    • If you’re taking your date to a nice restaurant, try dressing up with some slacks or a skirt, a button-down, and a nice jacket.

Ask questions that keep the conversation going.

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  1. Choose a couple of questions ahead of time to avoid awkward silence. If you aren't sure what to talk about, ask your date questions they can give long answers to instead of just “yes” or “no.” Relationship expert Joshua Pompey says to try to “put a unique spin on questions that are very common and routine to make them more interesting.” Ask questions like: [9]
    • "What was the highlight of your day?"
    • "What’s your favorite thing to do for fun?”
    • “If you could teleport to any place in the world, where would you go?”
    • "What’s your favorite place on earth?”
    • “What’s your dream job?”
    • "Do you have any pets / want any pets?”
    • "What’s your family like? Do you have siblings?”
    • “If you didn’t live here currently, where could you see yourself living?”
    • "What’s something you’d like to learn or wish you were better at?”
    • "What’s one thing you’re really proud of?”

Listen when your date talks.

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  1. Listen to your date’s interests and repeat their answers back to them. First dates are a great opportunity to get to know your date better and see if you’d like to continue the relationship. Show your date that you’re engaged with what they’re saying by making direct eye contact, nodding your head, and summarizing the details of their answers. [10]
    • You might say something like, “So, what happened after Hannah called you back?” or “You said earlier that you’d love to visit somewhere like Hawaii, have you ever been there?”
    • It can be tough to really listen when you’re nervous, especially if you’re thinking of what to say next. It’s okay if you can’t memorize everything your date says right now!
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Talk about yourself, too.

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  1. Make sure to talk about your life, your hobbies, and your passions, too. [11] That way your date gets to know who you are. Your date might have questions of their own or you can relate their answers with your own experiences.
    • For example, if your date just told you they have a dog, you could say, “Oh, that’s awesome! I don’t have a dog right now, but I’d love to adopt one someday.”
    • There’s a fine balance between talking about yourself too much and not enough. If you feel like you’re dominating the conversation, switch to asking your date questions again.

Stick to fun, light topics.

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  1. Unless you two get really deep, discussing deep personal traumas on a first date can feel too heavy and put a lot of pressure on your date to comfort you. Similarly, try to avoid talking about your ex too much (or at all). It might make you seem like you’re not over them, which can make your date nervous. [14]
    • Although tradition says you should never talk about politics or religion on a first date, now most people believe it’s important to find out if your political and social views are aligned. [15]
    • To move forward from a past relationship, dating coach Lisa Shield says to “cut them off,” “delete any texts and emails and messages” from them, and “get rid of anything that that person has given you.” [16]
      • She also recommends doing “some sort of ceremony to cut those ties” and “cleanse your energy field from that person.” [17] You might burn all photos you have of your ex, for example.
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Face your body toward your date.

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  1. This lets your date know that you’re paying attention and listening to them. This also helps you make eye contact with your date, which can help maintain the flow of the conversation and make you feel more connected. [18]
    • If you’re walking around, don’t worry about facing your date (since that might be tough).
    • If you’re sitting at a table, scoot in close so you can hear every word your date is saying. If you’re on a park bench, angle slightly inwards so your body faces theirs.

Stand up straight and take deep breaths.

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Touch your date lightly on the arm or the shoulder.

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  1. If you find the opportunity, try gently touching your date’s forearm, elbow, or shoulder. [21] Keep it light and quick so you don’t make your date uncomfortable, and back off if they don’t seem into it.
    • You could say “I love your watch!” and grab their hand to get a closer look.
    • Try lightly touching your date’s arm when you laugh at a joke.
    • If your date touches you on the arm or the shoulder, it’s a good sign that they’re into you.

    John Keegan

    Dating Coach
    John Keegan is a Dating Coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. With over 10 years of professional experience, he runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health.
    John Keegan
    Dating Coach

    Spark physical contact subtly. During your date, if it feels comfortable, lightly touch their hand or gently touch their arm. If they respond positively, that may be a green light to explore further contact, leading to a more romantic connection.

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Take your time to say goodbye.

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  1. Saying goodbye is the last impression you leave your date with. Try not to rush it! Take a minute to give your date a hug or a handshake. If you’d like to, talk about plans for getting in touch in the future. If it really went well, you can shoot them a text the next day and tell them how much you enjoyed your time together. [22]
    • You could say something like, “I really had a good time tonight. Would you like to do this again sometime?”
    • You might text something like, “Thank you so much for such a great date! I had so much fun spending time with you.”
    • Not every date will be a winner. If you’re wrapping up the date and you don’t want to go on another one, give your date a handshake and just thank them for the nice time without committing to anything else.
    • If you’re both feeling it, you could go in for a quick kiss. However, not everyone likes to kiss on the first date, so don’t feel pressured to.

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  • Question
    What if I already asked them to a date at the movies?
    Hannah Madden
    Community Answer
    That's fine! A movie date can be fun too. Consider going somewhere before or after so you can talk with your date one on one. Maybe head to a diner for a late-night burger, or grab a quick coffee at a coffee shop.
  • Question
    Is it oversharing to admit to your date that you read wikiHow articles on how to act on a first date because you were so nervous? Is it possible they would find the honesty endearing?
    Hannah Madden
    Community Answer
    They'd probably find it endearing! It's a good way to break the ice and let your date know that you're a little nervous, since they're probably a little nervous too.
  • Question
    How do I initiate a first kiss?
    Hannah Madden
    Community Answer
    If you both had a good time on your date and you feel like doing in for the kiss, take a second to pause as you say goodbye and look into your date's eyes. Slowly lean in, then give them a quick kiss on the lips before pulling back.
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      • Try to relax and have fun! The whole point of a date is getting to know someone cool, and it should be enjoyable.
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        Jun 16, 2018

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