A.J. Jacobs

A.J. Jacobs is an author, journalist, and crossword puzzle expert based in New York. He is a human guinea pig who has written four New York Times bestsellers that combine memoir, science, humor, and self-help. His book, “The Puzzler”, details why puzzles matter and describes his project to solve the most complicated puzzles that exist, including word-based and number-based puzzles, along with riddles. He is an editor at large at Esquire magazine, a commentator on NPR, and a columnist for Mental Floss magazine. In addition to his books, Jacobs has written for The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, and New York magazine. He has appeared on Oprah, The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, The Dr. Oz Show, Conan and The Colbert Report. He is a periodic commentator on NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday, writes a bi-weekly advice column for Esquire.com called “My Huddled Masses”, and is a columnist for the LinkedIn Influencers program.


  • BA, Philosophy and English, Brown University

Professional Achievements

  • Bestselling author of “The Year of Living Biblically,” "Drop Dead Healthy", “The Know-It-All”, “Thanks a Thousand", and "It’s All Relative: Adventures Up and Down the World’s Family Tree”
  • His new book is “The Year of Living Constitutionally” in which he tries to understand the U.S.' primary document by adopting the mindset and lifestyle of the Founding Fathers
  • Contributed several stories to the Moth
  • Given several TED talks that have amassed over 10 million views
  • Host of “The Puzzler With A.J. Jacobs,” a daily podcast produced by iHeart media, in which he gives short, audio-friendly puzzles to celebrity guests
  • Featured in the New York Times crossword puzzle, his name was the answer to 1 Down on March 8, 2014

Favorite Piece of Advice

Ideas are the lifeblood of writing – I like to spend 15 minutes a day coming up with ideas.

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Co-authored Articles (7)