Arvind Madan
- MD, Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi University
Professional Achievements
- Completed a fellowship in Nephrology at SUNY HSC in Syracuse, New York
- Completed internship and residency in Internal Medicine at Nassau County Medical Center, New York
- Completed his rotating internship at LNJP and Associated Hospitals in New Delhi, India
Certifications & Organizations
- Advisory Board Member & Consultant, UBC
- Advisory Board Member & Consultant, Otsuka
- Founder and President of Nephrology Consultants of Central Florida Research, “Clinical Trial Division of CFLKS”
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Co-authored Articles (31)
How to Get Drugs Out of Your System
If you’ve taken illegal narcotics, you may find yourself needing to quickly flush them out of your system—for example, to pass a work-administered drug test. Or, you may be trying to quit a drug altogether and want i...
How to
Fill a Hot Water Bottle
Hot water bottles are a relatively safe, natural way to keep warm or ease aches and pains. They can often be purchased at grocery or drug stores and take just a few minutes to prepare.
How to
Improve Your Alcohol Tolerance
'''Increasing your alcohol tolerance is best done by gradually drinking more servings over time, but there are also things you can do before drinking that will help, too.''' Since drinking is a common aspect of many soc...
How to
Know if You Are Drunk
When you go out drinking, you want to make safe decisions so the fun doesn’t stop. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you’re drunk or not, especially if you’re feeling tired or are just having a really great time. Yo...
How to
Remove Iodine Stains from Skin
Iodine is often used on cuts and scrapes to prevent infection. Your doctor may also use iodine on your skin during surgery. While iodine can be an effective treatment, it can leave unsightly red or brown stains on your s...
How to Hold Your Pee in the Car: Road Trip Survival Guide
Plus, tips to prevent excessive peeing in the first place It happens to everyone: one moment you’re enjoying your car trip, the next moment you’ve got the unbearable urge to pee and you’re counting down the miles t...
Effective Ways to Clean & Sanitize Your Neti Pot
Learn how to maintain and use your neti pot properly Neti pots are tea pot-like devices that use a saline solution to clear nasal congestion related to allergies, colds, flu, and sinus or nose surgery. It’s important t...
How to Chug Water Safely: Tips and Tricks
Chug water fast with these simple tips If you’re looking for a silly way to drink more water, you may have considered chugging. Chugging’s a fun party trick, and everyone could all use a little extra water in their d...
How to Operate an Oxygen Concentrator
Get started with your oxygen concentrator with this easy guideAn oxygen concentrator pulls oxygen from the air around you, helping you get the oxygen you need. Your doctor may prescribe supplemental oxygen if you have a ...
How to
Use Hibiclens
Hibiclens is a medical-grade antimicrobial soap that is most commonly used for pre-surgery cleaning. It continues killing germs for 24 hours after using it, which helps prevent infections before, during, and after surger...
How to
Write a Prescription
''Four essential parts to include in prescriptions so they're clear and safe''Prescription errors can be costly and dangerous, so when writing a prescription, you need to include all of the necessary information and expl...
How to
Survive on a Desert Island
Survival in the wilderness can be an unforgiving experience, filled with a plethora of dangers that could threaten your life. Combine that with the dry and isolated environment of a desert island, and you're in for a dif...
How to
Make Saline Solution to Clean a Wound
Using saline solution on a wound creates a more sterile environment that promotes healing, as it is a nontoxic, isotonic solution. Making your own saline solution is simple—just dissolve ½ teaspoon (2.8 g) of non-iodi...
How to
Write a Good Medical History
Nearly every encounter between medical personnel and a patient includes taking a medical history. The level of detail the history contains depends on the patient's chief complaint and whether time is a factor. When there...
How to Stop Wetting the Bed after Drinking Alcohol
The best drinking habits and bedtime routines to avoid incontinence Waking up on soaked sheets as an adult might be upsetting and embarrassing, but wetting the bed when you’re drunk is more common than you think. Alcoh...
How to
Use Povidone Iodine Solution
Povidone-iodine, sometimes referred to as iodopovidone, is an antiseptic topical solution commonly used to disinfect the skin or to cleanse minor wounds. It is both antibacterial and useful against many kinds of microbes...
Pedialyte vs Gatorade: What's the Difference?
Find out which drink is best for hangovers, workouts, and stomach bugs Pedialyte and Gatorade are hydrating, electrolyte-packed drinks, but they’re actually very different products. While both drinks combat dehydration...
How to
Treat Avascular Necrosis
Avascular Necrosis (AVN or osteonecrosis) is a disease that occurs from temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to the bones, leading to death of bone cells. This process can make tiny breaks in the affected bone and...
How to
Insert a Nasogastric (NG) Tube
Inserting a nasogastric (NG) tube allows you to directly access a patient's stomach. You can use NG tubes to drain the stomach, take samples, and/or distribute nutrients and medications. Inserting the tube is a straightf...
How to
Perform an Instrument Tie Surgeon's Knot
There are two ways to tie suture knots and several types of suture knots. This instruction set focuses on how to perform a surgeon’s knot using an instrument tie. Instrument ties are ties for knots in sutures made with...