Brad Wells

Brad Wells, known online as BRICKLOVER BRAD, is a LEGO content creator and Adult Fan of LEGO (AFOL) based in Toronto, Canada. As a lifelong LEGO enthusiast, Brad has spent over 14 years sharing his love for the brick with his community online. Brad creates content showcasing his vast LEGO collection as well as sharing building tips, reviews, his LEGO travels, vlogs and more. With nearly 150,000 followers across YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, Brad has amassed over 100 million views, bringing creativity, entertainment, and LEGO inspiration to fans around the world.


  • BComm, Marketing Management, Law Minor, Toronto Metropolitan University

Professional Achievements

  • Marketing Specialist at Bell Canada
  • Held a role in Digital Content Creation & Strategy at The Amazing Race Canada
  • Holds experience in Digital & Strategic PR and Corporate Communications
  • Has worked as a Project Manager in Advertising Operations
  • Formerly worked as a Marketing Manager at TSN
  • Formerly worked as a Product Manager at Crave

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Co-authored Articles (13)