Eric Christensen, DPT
Physical Therapist
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Co-authored Articles (31)
How to
Crack Someone Else's Back
Though cracking your back can provide relief, it can also cause serious injuries. In fact, if you don't follow the proper safety precautions, it can actually make back pain worse or cause further trauma. This article pro...
How to
Crack Your Sternum
Sometimes if you’re stretching a certain way, you may hear a popping sound that comes from your sternum. This can sometimes be accompanied by a feeling of relief, especially if you’ve been struggling with muscle sore...
How to
Crack Your Neck
When you've been staring at your screen too long, you might have a stiff neck and want to crack it. This can feel really good and relieve some tension in your stiff neck. You can gently crack your neck using your hands. ...
How to
Crack Your Shoulder Blades
The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body and, as a result, it’s easy for your shoulder blades to become tight or strained. Cracking your shoulder blades can help relieve pressure and alleviate pain cause...
How to
Crack Your Shoulder
The shoulder is a complex ball joint that can become stiff or strained easily, especially in athletes and older people. While not all people can crack their shoulders, you can try stretching to crack your shoulder and lo...
How to
Improve Your Posture
Improving your posture takes a little work and patience, but it’s well worth it–good posture can help you look and feel better. If you want to stop slouching or get relief from back pain, start to work on your postur...
How to
Reduce Lactic Acid Build up in Muscles
Lactic acid is released into the muscles when they have used up their normal energy stores but still have intense energy needs. Small amounts of lactic acid operate as a temporary energy source, thus helping you avoid fa...
How to
Stretch Your Outer Thighs
The outer thighs are made up of lots of different muscles that can become tight. You don't have to be flexible to stretch them out. There are a few simple poses you can do, either sitting down or standing up, to relax th...
How to Pop Your Lower Back Yourself
Tips and stretches for when your lower back needs to pop Lower back pain puts a damper on your day, and sure doesn’t help your motivation to exercise or stay active. Sometimes it feels like all you need is a quick crac...
How to
Stretch Legs for High Kicks
Doing high kicks safely and successfully requires a lot of flexibility. To kick high and accurately, you’ll need to stretch the major muscles that stabilize your body and propel your legs up. Whether you’re a ballet ...
How to
Do a Butterfly Stretch
The butterfly stretch is one of the simplest stretches, and works on your inner thighs, hips, and groin. It can improve your flexibility for a variety of motion sports, including cheerleading, gymnastics, tumbling, and b...
How to Sleep Comfortably with an Intercostal (Rib) Muscle Strain
Learn how you can alleviate the pain in your side at nightSleeping with an intercostal muscle strain can be a pain, but by caring for your body while you’re awake and sleeping in the right position at night, you can sp...
A Complete Guide to End a Neck Cracking Habit
An in-depth look at neck cracking and how to stop doing itFor some people it’s a snap, for others, it’s a crunch. As satisfying as it feels to give your neck a good crack, it isn’t always a good idea—and we’re ...
How to
Do Side Splits
Flexibility provides many health benefits and helps athletic performance. Stretching helps the movement in your joints and allows your muscles to work much more effectively. Besides the health benefits, the side splits s...
How to
Stretch Trapezius Muscles
Your trapezius muscles, the ones that cover your shoulders and upper back, can end up sore and tight-feeling from days spent hunched over a computer or looking down at your smartphone. Simple exercises, such as turning y...
How to Do Cupping Therapy: What It Is, Benefits and Risks
Cupping is an alternative medicine technique that involves placing heated cups on the skin to draw blood toward the surface.. 29 April 2021. If you've seen photos of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps with round bruises on h...
How to
Kneel Comfortably
Kneeling can make knees sore and stiff, causing discomfort and damage over time. Kneel more comfortably by purchasing knee pads or a kneeling mat to cushion your joints. Avoid kneeling on the ground with bare knees, whic...
How to
Stretch Your Quads (Quadriceps)
The quadriceps are a group of four muscles that run down your thighs. Virtually every athletic activity or exercise engages your quads, so it's important for them to be flexible and strong. To maintain healthy quads, str...
How to
Do a Needle in Cheerleading
A needle is a posture in cheerleading used by flyers/tops during stunts. A needle is like a "penche" in ballet. The flyer kicks up and holds an extended, straightened leg behind their body, all the while standing upright...
What Is Shrimp Posture & How Do You Fix It?
Learn why a curved spine can be bad for your healthYou’re scrolling through TikTok when you stumble across an image of a shrimp at a desk. Huh? This is a rendition of “shrimp posture,” or a term used to describe po...