Jun Draper

Jun Draper is a candle maker, mold maker, and origami artist based in New York. She is the founder and owner of her own business, The Handmade Charm & Sweet Sting Apiaries. With 10 years of experience, Jun specializes in making candles with beeswax from her family's hives. She also crafts silicone molds that can be used for candles, soaps, resin, and more. She offers a wide variety of options on Etsy and her personal Shopify store, including taper molds, pillar molds, tealight molds, figure molds, and more. Her candles are made with 100% pure fresh capping wax and her molds are platinum-cured silicone. Her shop also offers candle-making accessories and bee products like honey, beeswax, and propolis.


  • Bachelor's degree in Education, Chongqing University of Arts & Sciences

Favorite Piece of Advice

Building a candle-making skillset takes lots of patience. To be a professional candle maker, learn from other professionals, and be humble–there is always something new to learn and you can never know everything.

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