Ken Colby
Saltwater Aquarist
Professional Achievements
- Has appeared as a guest on multiple video podcasts including 'Reef Beef' with Richard Ross and Ben Johnson, and 'Humblefish and Friends'
- Coral Magazine featured Colby's 'Cocktails & Coral Talk' speaker series events in their January 2023 edition
- He launched High Tide Aquatics’ YouTube channel in 2023, sharing recordings of events he’s hosted as well as "how-to" videos covering everything from coral fragging to kalkwasser dosing
Certifications & Organizations
- Bay Area Reefers Club, Member, 19 year tenure
- Certified by Humble Fish
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Co-authored Articles (9)
How to
Revive a Goldfish
On occasion a goldfish might jump out of his tank and end up out of water. This could be due to water that is too warm for the goldfish (at a temperature higher than 75 degrees F), or a goldfish that is infected with a p...
How to
Treat Tropical Fish with White Spot Disease (Ich)
White spot disease, also known as Ich, is a parasite that most tropical fish enthusiasts will, at one time or another, have to deal with. White spot disease is responsible for more fish deaths than any other disease. Thi...
How to
Dig for Clams
If you're visiting or live near a shoreline, clam digging is an enjoyable way to find ingredients for a meal. To search for clams on the shore, look for coin-sized depressions and water spurting out of the hole. Once you...
How to
Take Care of an Aquatic Snail
Aquatic snails need a healthy, stable environment and adequate food in order to survive. Depending on the size and type of snail you choose, you may need additional space and alternate food sources. There are many differ...
How to
Take Care of a Live Clam
Clams are a wonderful, low-maintenance addition to any tank, as they naturally filter out some microorganisms and make beautiful, decorative structures on the bottom of your aquarium. However, just because they are low m...
How to
Prepare Veggies for Your Molly
Molly fish in the wild feast on scraps and floating bits of food in the water, but in an aquarium, they can thrive off of a mix of nutritious fish flakes and veggies. A molly fish diet should be mostly fish flakes, but i...
How to
Grow Copepods
Copepods are tiny crustaceans. These little critters are important food sources for certain types of marine fish and filter feeders. In fact, they are the only food that some species of fish will eat! Growing your own co...
How to
Take Care of an Apple Snail
Whether you want a new addition to an already thriving freshwater aquarium or you're in search of a new, low-maintenance pet, an apple snail is a great choice. A species of aquatic snail that encompasses the mystery snai...
How to
Hold a Fish
It’s important to know the right way to handle a fish when you take it out of the water, especially if you plan to release it. Holding a fish improperly can traumatize and even injure it, making it less likely to survi...