Shellisa Ruvalcaba

Shellisa Ruvalcaba is a slime expert based in Apple Valley, California. She is the owner and operator of Duncan’s Slime, a slime small business. She has over 6 years of experience making and selling slime. She sells a variety of slime products, including icee slimes, cloud slimes, crunchy slimes, and clear slimes. She got inspired to start her slime business after discovering the ASMR side of playing with slime. She has built an online community of slime enthusiasts with over 44K followers on Instagram, where she posts product videos and other slime content.

Professional Achievements

  • Winner and "Slime Champion" of Slime Wars, a television competition series created in 2020
  • Featured "Slimer of the Month" on Reddit's r/Slime Page
  • Has been selling her own slime products since 2019

Favorite Piece of Advice

If you want to start selling slime, take your time with it and make sure you know your stuff first. It's a good idea to send out PR Packages to reviewers and slime creators that you look up to get the word out about your products. Finally, be social! Be as active as you can with your social accounts because people LOVE that! Don’t be scared to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

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Co-authored Articles (15)