If you do Taekwondo and would like to be a better student or if you would like to join Taekwondo the following are important things to keep in mind.

Taekwondo tradition is based upon decent human values such as self discipline (Guk-Gi) , good conduct, decent (Ye-Jol) behavior, sincerity, honesty and integrity (Yom-Chi) . A Taekwondo practitioner (Suryun-Saeng) shall not misbehave ever if provoked or harassed. He would react on the physical assault or abuse but refrain from emerging as a nuisance. He shall respect law of the land and would assist the enforcement authority against anti social and the unlawful acts and helps to prevail peace and security in the society. Taekwondo means ‘the art of the hand and foot.’

One should respect his senior (Sun Bae-Nim) in belt grade and elsewhere irrespective of age & sex or status and should address him or her as Sir (Son Saeg-Nim) or Madam (Puin or Madam) in due respect (Jon-Gyung) and shall behave in humility & courtesy. A Taekwondoin should treat his Master (Sah Bum-Nim) as ‘ideal' commanding full respect and care. One should treat his junior (Hu Bae-Nim) in the training ground or Taekwondo Gymnasium (Do-jang) as a caring elder who would prefer pardon to punishment to induce correction in techniques and behavior amongst them. The generosity may be suspended in the course of training or order to teach lessons through rigorous physical involvement. There is a mutual understanding between the master and the learner (Suryun-Saeng) . The Taekwondoins duplicate their Master's style & tradition as an identity.

Taekwondo begins (See-Jak) & ends (Ko-Mahn) with display of courtesy confirmed by bowing (Kyung-Nae) in submission of the senior by the junior at first sight. It's an unavoidable obligation on the training ground or Taekwondo Gym. One should obey commands of their seniors as concerned with their lessons & practice only. This is a Taekwondo tradition which transforms a commoner into a decent person and responsible citizen in due course.


  1. Each Taekwondo practicing ground/hall should take an Oath either in English or local language as per the following:
    • We solemnly affirm that we shall be ready to maintain sovereignty and unity of the Nation in a disciplined way.
    • We shall not take part in any illegal activities.
    • We always be ready to save the people in guard and poor.
  2. Black belts should be referred to as 'Sir' or 'Ma'am'. At the end of any exercise where you have worked with a partner or group, you must bow to your partner or to the members of your group and say 'Thank you'. Courtesy is a key part of Taekwondo.
  3. exercises are often tough and there will many times when you want to give up, but to persevere is to carry on regardless.
  4. it is likely that you will suffer setbacks at some point during your practice of Taekwondo, but it is important not to let these put you off. 'Fall Seven times, stand up eight'.
  5. don't overtrain or try to continue with an injury. Listen to your body. If you are injured, take some time off and come back when you are ready.
  6. at least three times a week to get the most out of it. [1]
  7. don't miss a grading, prepare yourself properly and be ready for it on time.
  8. put your skills to the test against new people. Watch other students and pick up tips.
  9. in most Dojangs, the black belts are friendly and more than willing to help you, whether you need to go over your form, kicking, or blocks. Just ask nicely, be polite and remember to thank them for their time. [2]
  10. A nice cardio workout will be good for kicking. Try a stairclimber or treadmill. After, try a muscular workout. This can include weights, pull ups, etc. [3]
    • Taekwondo is a Korean martial art. Some styles of Taekwondo are similar to American karate.
    • Taekwondo is known for its jump kicks. It is one of the more aerial types of martial arts.
    • Karate tends to do more kicks from the waist down, while Taekwondo does kicks from the waist up.
  11. make sure your diet is high in protein for muscles and carbohydrates for energy (especially on training days).
  12. before, during and after training. Dehydration can seriously affect your performance.
  13. Go over all the patterns every week to keep them fresh in your mind. [4]
  14. Don't forget to stretch AFTERWARDS! [5]

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    When I am doing Taekwondo my instructor ties my belt for me. Should I tell him I know how myself or should I just let him do it?
    Community Answer
    You should let him do it because he is probably trying to show you how to do it correctly. Once he is done, you can politely tell him that from now on you will tie your own belt and you should thank him for showing you how.
  • Question
    How can I do the splits?
    Community Answer
    There are many ways to achieve the splits. Do stretching regularly and make sure you work harder and push your legs farther every time. Make sure that you also stay in that position for 20-30 seconds so your muscles get used to the position. However, if you stay in one position every time, and don't work to stretch more, your muscles will not move out of their comfort zone.
  • Question
    How do I maintain perfection in my moves?
    Community Answer
    Perfect practice makes perfect so strive for perfection every time you practice. It takes hard work, dedication and concentration to achieve perfection.
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      • Enjoy the journey- once you get to black belt, you'll wish that you hadn't wished to get there so fast as a color belt.
      • Age doesn't make a difference as long as you want to join, and are willing to give 100% do it!
      • Only find an instructor you can respect. Once you find a good instructor, be loyal to him/her. If you find you cannot be loyal to your teacher, TKD isn't for you.
      Show More Tips


      • Make sure you wear the correct protective equipment when sparring - the helmets may not be comfortable or attractive but they are there for an obvious reason.
      • Taekwondo is not for those who are not willing to try their hardest. If you cannot give 100% effort, it is not worth it.

      Things You'll Need

      • Do Bok
      • Head guard (depending on your Do Bok)
      • Gloves
      • Feet pads
      • Shin pads
      • Gum shield

      About this article

      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 115,248 times.

      Reader Success Stories

      • Denise Modum

        Apr 19, 2017

        "Everything helped, I just love it and I hope to pass all the tests required to get to the next level."

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