Bats are small nocturnal flying mammals with leathery wings stretching from the forelimbs to the rear legs and tail. They are fond of eating fruits or insects and usually hang upside down when resting and they want to live in the dark. They are a favorite depiction for something sinister. Here's how to draw a bat!

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

A Cartoon Bat

  1. This will be for the bat’s head and body respectively. You may want to tilt the figures depending on where you want the bat to face.
  2. Draw a smaller inner oval in each oval drawn. This will be for the bat’s ears. The ear at the left is bigger to depict distance.
  3. This will be for the eyes. Draw also a curved line below the circle for the neck.
  4. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

A Traditional Bat

  1. This will be for the bat’s head and body respectively. You may want to draw it at the center to give space for the bat’s wings.
  2. This will be for the bat’s ears.
  3. Draw the tail at the bottom center of the oval body.
  4. Add details to the bat’s wings and body.
  5. Advertisement

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    How do I draw a spooky forest?
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    Check out the helpful tips in this article about how to draw a forest on wikiHow. You can add things to make it more spooky once you have learned to draw it.
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      • Draw lightly in pencil so that you can easily rub out mistakes.
      • Use an art pencil to sketch, then color in the sketch gently.
      • Bats are comprised of simple shapes, but they are linked to each other in unusual ways; make sure you have the anatomy correct before you go over your drawing in ink. Looking at real photos of bats helps, as does reexamining the distinctions between each step (see images above).

      About this article

      Article Summary X

      To draw a bat, start by drawing a circle for the bat’s head and an overlapping oval below it for the bat’s body. Next, draw 2 small vertical ovals on either side of the circular head for the ears. Then, add a small oval at the center of the oval for the bat’s snout. At the top part of the oval body, draw a stick framework of the bat’s wings. You’ll then want to add the bat’s limbs using small, thin ovals for the legs and tail. Once your basic bat is complete, connect the wings framework by connecting the wings and the tail. Finally, add details to the bat’s face. To learn how to draw a cartoon bat, keep reading!

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