The COVID-19 pandemic has created plenty of uncertainty all over the world. With all the rumors and misinformation going around, it can be easy to harbor and share stigmas related to COVID-19. Unfortunately, these stigmas are hurtful to a lot of different communities and do much more harm than good. There’s no need to worry—you can make a positive difference by spreading factual and information and supporting your community during this tough time.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Preventing Stigma in Society

  1. Break away from the mentality that certain ethnic groups or communities are more likely to spread or contract COVID-19. Instead, remind yourself that people all over the world have come down with the illness. If you work for a group that’s making informational pamphlets about COVID-19, check the publication to ensure that people of all backgrounds are represented in the literature and that it doesn't focus on a particular ethnic group. [1]
    • For instance, creating a pamphlet that features only Asian American citizens would cause an extremely negative and untrue stigma about COVID-19.
  2. Don’t look down on people who are wearing masks. These people are just trying to do their part to protect themselves as well as the people around them. There’s no need to assume the worst—in fact, people should wear masks to protect themselves and others! [2]
    • Many businesses require you to wear a mask before you can enter and many states and countries are mandating their use in public places.
    • The CDC recommends wearing masks indoors even for those who are vaccinated in areas of substantial or high transmission. [3]
  3. Pay attention to your surroundings, whether you’re online or in a public space. Look for people who are targeting or harassing others based on common COVID-19 stigmas, like racial stereotyping or specific health issues. Take time to insert yourself in the conversation and correct the toxic behavior, if possible. [4]
    • If you hear someone referring to COVID-19 as the “Asian Virus” or “Wuhan Virus,” take time to correct them on how their language can be harmful.
  4. Rather than criticizing people who are promoting stigmas or untruths, be polite and respectful. Share facts that debunk myths from reputable sources. [5] Recognize that people may be scared or upset about the pandemic, or even looking for someone to blame, which can lead them to believe or promote misinformation or stigmas. [6]
  5. Listen to the accounts of people who contracted COVID-19 and recovered from it. Let these individuals share their experiences, so other people can know and understand what to expect from the illness. Additionally, focus on individuals who cared for a loved one who came down with COVID-19. [7]
    • You can spread awareness by retweeting or sharing posts on social media, or by sharing someone’s story by word-of-mouth.
    • As you listen to more accounts from people who had COVID-19, you’ll realize that this illness has affected people from all kinds of ethnic backgrounds.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Spreading Factual Information

  1. Listen to nationally- or internationally-recognized, authoritative sources for all of your COVID-19 questions and concerns. Only trust information provided by medical experts and professionals based on evidence, instead of third-party gossip and social media posts. You can prevent a lot of confusion and worry by focusing on reliable information! [8]
    • It’s perfectly normal and valid to take some time away from news reports and articles. Do whatever is best for your own mental health.
    • Groups like WHO, the UN, and the CDC are great resources to reference.
    • Take the time to analyze the news source, headline, content, and images in articles or posts about COVID-19. [9] See if other reputable organizations are reporting the same thing. If not, it could be misinformation.
  2. Share tidbits of verified information with your friends and family, even if it’s just in idle conversation. Take every possible opportunity to remind your loved ones about safe and effective ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19, along with basic treatment options. [10] Back your statements with information from reliable sources, like WHO, the CDC, or other humanitarian organizations.
    • Social media is a great way to keep your friends and family informed. For instance, you can create a post on Facebook saying something like: “Wash your hands thoroughly or use hand sanitizer to keep your hands clean.” [11]
    • You can insert useful facts into a conversation pretty easily. For example, you can say something like: “I know you don’t think that the virus is that serious, but it can still be helpful to disinfect some of the surfaces in your home.”
    • You can also encourage your community to sign up for the UN’s Verified campaign ( ) to better understand how to identify fact-based and accurate information on social media platforms.
  3. Be on the lookout for false facts, or statements that are riddled with prejudice. Take a few minutes to kindly and politely correct your loved ones, using facts to back up your points. Remind your friends and family that it’s perfectly normal to feel afraid and uncertain, but stigmatized language only ends up hurting the people around them. [12]
    • For instance, if a friend mentions that Asian-Americans are more likely to contract COVID-19, say something like: “I understand that you’re anxious about the virus, but there are no facts to support that. People from all backgrounds can come down with COVID-19.”
    • If someone says that the virus was manufactured in a lab, remind them that COVID-19 probably originated in animals, but that more information about the virus is being gathered and studied on an ongoing basis. [13]
  4. Tell your loved ones that there are plenty of practical, easy ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Remind your friends and family that wearing a mask or face covering is an easy way to prevent the spread of germs, as is frequent hand washing or hand sanitizing, and social distancing. [14]
  5. Take some time to keep your children updated on what’s going on in the world. Remind them that it’s important to listen to the facts, and not get carried away with stories and gossip. You can really bring the message home by teaching them about incidents in the past where groups of people were discriminated against. [15]
    • For instance, you can tell your kids about how Japanese Americans were wrongly viewed negatively and interned during World War II.
    • Don’t try to erase or invalidate your child’s feelings. Instead, remind them that it’s perfectly normal and valid to feel upset about everything that’s going on.
  6. Do your best to hold yourself accountable for the information you share with others. It can be really easy to get caught up in the hysteria and panic of the pandemic, but try not to let these feelings take control. Instead, think about what you plan on saying before you actually say it. If your words aren’t spreading factual information, then you probably shouldn’t be saying them. [16]
    • For instance, avoid sharing information like “I saw on social media that…” or “A friend told me…” Instead, only share verified information that’s backed by medical professionals or scientific experts.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Advocating for Affected Groups

  1. Don’t view sick individuals any differently than you would if they were perfectly healthy. Note that quarantining is the best thing that sick individuals can do for both themselves and others. With this in mind, offer consistent support and encouragement to any sick relatives, friends, or acquaintances, so they don’t feel extra isolated from the rest of the world. [17]
    • For example, don’t give someone the cold shoulder if they’re currently quarantining themselves. With the extra isolation, they’ll need your love and support more than ever!
    • Similarly, avoid judging people who have recovered from the virus or have been released from quarantine. [18]
  2. Avoid using harsh terms and language to describe people who’ve come down with COVID-19. Use phrases like “people who have COVID-19” or “someone being treated for COVID-19” instead of harsh words like “victims” or “cases.” Remember—people who have COVID-19 are the same as everyone else. [19]
    • Listen for instances of someone using harsh terminology, and correct them whenever possible. For instance, you can say something like, “I understand where you’re coming from, but ‘victim’ is a pretty harsh word to use.”
  3. Take some time to write a card or make a social media post dedicated to the first responders, nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers in your area. Acknowledge that they’re putting their lives on the line to help countless people recover from COVID-19. [20]
    • For instance, you can say something like: “Thanks so much for all you do! I feel so much more at ease knowing that you all are here.”
  4. Show your appreciation to all the part-time and full-time workers during the pandemic, whether they’re grocery store cashiers or restaurant employees. Remind them that they’re making a big difference and helping countless people adjust and adapt to the reality of COVID-19.
    • For instance, if you’re at a fast food drive-thru, say something like: “Thanks so much for your tireless efforts. I truly appreciate everything that you’re doing.”
  5. Look for opportunities to donate and help parts of your community that have been hit hard by the outbreak, like nursing homes or low-income neighborhoods. Even if you can’t go outside a lot, consider donating money or food items to these parts of the community. You can also provide emotional support by sending cards and well wishes! [21]
    • For instance, you can send a card of support to a nursing home, or donate canned food to a food drive.
  6. Take a few minutes to privately message a celebrity or social influencer. Explain your concerns about how certain groups are being stigmatized due to COVID-19, and how this particular influencer can make a difference. Encourage them to speak out against negative rumors and stigmas, which may have a positive ripple effect among their followers. [22]
    • For instance, you can write something like: “Hey! I’ve been a long-time fan of yours, and I wanted to reach out regarding the current COVID-19 pandemic. With your platform, I think you can make a big difference if you share a post on common COVID-19 myths, or share some tips on how to stay safe.”

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      • If you suspect a friend, family member, or loved one may be coming down with COVID-19, give them plenty of privacy and compassion as they get tested. [23]
      • Send mental health resources to any loved ones who are negatively affected by COVID-19. [24]



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        Oct 7, 2020

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