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How do I become a bartender?

08/26/24 11:28 AM
I want to become a bartender but I don't know how to land my first gig. Every bartending job wants experience but where do I get that experience? Are bartending classes or training worth it?
08/26/24 1:07 PM
I think getting experience is more worth it than spending money on bartending school. You can try getting your foot in the door as a barback or try to land a non-bartender position at a bar doing serving or something. When the bar is short-staffed they may tap you in to work behind the bar and you can gain experience that way.
wikiHow Expert
08/26/24 8:55 PM
Bartending is people. Depending on the bar you work at, 60% to 80% of your job is people. You can learn how to make cocktails, but dealing with people or understanding people is a skill that you can't teach anyone. And that's the hard thing to do because you need a lot of patience. You need to be able to not think about yourself and instead think about the person sitting in front of you. I think that's the hard part that makes this job so much more difficult, because every person is different.

You want the person to be attentive and understand and hear you. And, of course, you'll have a bad day, but if you're not even looking the person that you're taking orders from in the eye or not making them feel welcome, you're not excelling at what you're doing. There's a difference between delivering someone a drink or making them a drink or creating an experience that's going to make them go, "This was awesome.” And that is the tricky part. Some people are born with it and they're just naturally so good with people that it doesn't even matter what you do. They will love you and come back. Some people are in between. So if you want to become a bartender, make an effort to work on your people skills.
wikiHow Expert
08/27/24 10:14 AM
I'm more familiar with mobile bartending, but I agree that people skills and building a relationship with the client is the most important thing—creating a rapport, really hearing them out, and seeing what it is that they want to do for their event, considering everything, making sure that you take in all the details and then you deliver that the day of the event because they're investing in you. You don't want to just have them pay for a service and then it's mediocre. You want to make sure that it's an experience that they remember you for. Going above and beyond. It's your brand, it's your business, you want to stand out.

I believe what helps me stand out is giving exceptional service, delicious cocktails, creating themed cocktails that go with the theme of the event, and even playing with different colors, textures, different flavors… People notice the small things. Even if you have a printed bar menu that has the color of the centerpieces on it, they notice that. So, it's in the small details that you'll stand out and that's what we try to do so that people remember that. It's a sensory experience from the moment that they approach the bar and they're looking at the ice and then they see the cocktails. So, it's like first as they look, they taste, they enjoy everything about it, even the decorations of the bar. So, it's just crafting an experience that they're going to remember.
08/28/24 8:30 AM
One thing you can do is practice at home. Build up your confidence and skills by learning how to make a bunch of classic drinks at home so that if and when you do get considered for a bartending job, you look right at home behind the bar. You can get familiar with free pouring, using a shaker, and other bartending skills that will help you succeed when you finally land a job.
08/28/24 4:11 PM
Have you considered trying to get a position at a chain restaurant? A lot of chain restaurants have really good training programs for bartenders, so they can be great places to get some experience and kick off your bartending career.

Working at some chains will give you specific knowledge and experience with their unique cocktails instead of general cocktails, but the skills you develop are still valuable and transferrable to general bartending!

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Other wikiHow readers have submitted their own tips on topics similar to this one.

Reader Tips from How to Become a Bartender
Anonymous wikiKoala
Anonymous wikiKoala
Try not to be picky about your first bartending job, especially if you don’t have much experience. It’s important to get a foot in the door in the industry, so don’t turn down a job if it isn’t perfect.
Anonymous wikiStoat
Anonymous wikiStoat
If you want to be a bartender, be prepared to work nights, weekends, and holidays. These are the busy times when you'll make the most in tips.
Reader Tips from How to Make a Cocktail
Anonymous wikiAxolotl
Anonymous wikiAxolotl
Start with simple cocktails and work up to more complex mixes.
Anonymous wikiEagle
Anonymous wikiEagle
Adding ice into a shaker, mixing tin or glass should always be the last step.
Anonymous wikiSeahorse
Anonymous wikiSeahorse
The bigger the ice cube, the colder the drink with the least amount of dilution.
Anonymous wikiFox
Anonymous wikiFox
Make sure to stay up to date on the newest beers, wines, and cocktails so you’ll always be in touch with what customers want.
Anonymous wikiPangolin
Anonymous wikiPangolin
Make sure that your customer service skills are perfected—people are inviting you into their personal spaces and special events, so you want to be very professional.
Anonymous wikiWombat
Anonymous wikiWombat
Keep a running list of every professional you have spoken with in the hopes of getting referrals so that you can follow-up with them every couple of weeks and leave more business cards, if necessary.