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What does it take to be a teacher?

08/24/24 1:43 PM
In the past when I've tutored people I've found it really rewarding and want to become a teacher! I'm curious about what becoming a teacher looks like. How long does it take? What sort of degree and credentials do I need? Why did you become a teacher, and do you enjoy being one? How do you be a good teacher? Thanks!
08/24/24 5:08 PM
The credentials and certifications you'll need to become a teacher will depend on the state you're in, so I'd recommend doing research for those requirements based on your location.

In terms of the degree you should get, I'd recommend getting a degree in the area you want to teach in instead of a general degree or education degree. For example, if you want to teach Chemistry, get a Chemistry degree so that if you end up not wanting to become a teacher, you can always fall back on your Chemistry degree.

I became a teacher because I want to make a positive impact on the lives of others. So far I'm enjoying it but it can be difficult at times when I feel like I don't have a lot of support from the school system. A lot of times it's a thankless job, but if you focus on the kids it can still be really rewarding.
wikiHow Expert
08/25/24 8:22 AM
I'll answer your question about enjoying being a teacher first—I love being a teacher… there's something to be said about leaving every single day knowing that you helped somebody learn something new. Even if it's not anything big, just being able to be a part of that moment in their lives and being a continuous moment in their lives, having them come back and visit and talk about how they're using the things that they've learned in class outside of my classroom and in other classrooms and life, those ideas and those concrete concepts stick with them. And then it helps me recognize that the things I'm doing in the classroom do matter and they do stick with the kids. So, it's like little things like that that make it all worth it.

And for your question about being a good teacher—I think that the most important thing in keeping students engaged in the classroom is creating an environment where they feel heard, seen, and safe. So, the social-emotional learning aspect of education is something that I feel some teachers overlook. And I have found that the most engaged students are the ones that feel comfortable in their space. That means creating an environment where the students feel like they are in control of the rules, where they help create the environment, and where it's not just a dictatorship where the teacher tells them how things will go and the students must follow it. It needs to be more democratic. It needs to be more of a peer-to-peer relationship than a teacher who's overseeing their classroom. That being said, of course, the teacher is still always in charge, but I found that when kids have ownership over the rules and the consequences and even what they're learning or how they're learning, then they are much more engaged and better behaved in the classroom.
wikiHow Expert
08/25/24 9:51 AM
To be a good teacher, I think it's important to get to know each student and really connect with each one of them. That's an investment to make early on in your classroom because we usually keep our students the entire year. You have to do that early to get them to buy in. And once they do, and they trust you, it's usually smooth sailing after that, they'll just like you. They'll do what you want, they'll trust you, they'll respect you and they'll like you and that'll make the year a lot easier.

I find the job really rewarding. I get enough students that are looking at me just with those wide eyes, even though they are 16 years old, almost adult, they really still want to become a better person. And that's the end of the day answer that brings me back to education every single year. It gets me excited to get back in the classroom. It's not all of them, but enough of them that it makes it worth it.
08/25/24 2:45 PM
I find teaching incredibly rewarding and truly cherish the relationships I have built with my students over the years. It is so fulfilling to see how my students grow and it makes me feel incredible to be able to offer them support and be someone they can feel safe reaching out to for help. If teaching is something that calls to you and is something you're really passionate about, I'd say go for it. You'll have to keep in mind that teachers are not compensated very well for their work, but if you're good with managing your finances, are okay with not living a lavish life, and find teaching rewarding, it's worth it.
wikiHow Expert
08/26/24 12:09 PM
Being a teacher requires immense creativity, and thinking on your feet and decision-making to gain awareness, situational awareness. You can get caught up in demands like reading and working behind the scenes too, but at the end of the day, the most important thing, and the most gratifying thing about teaching is just interacting with students.

You can't plan for those moments. Students come into the room, and they're different every day. And they'll surprise you and say things they didn't expect. And their moods reflect their lives. And sometimes you'll see a kid that you love, and they'll look like they're down and just feeling sort of sympathy for them or checking in with them and giving them an option or an opportunity to share with you. I think it's about relationships. And the more everybody knows that I think the better it is. Kids should know that what's important in a class and education is how much you're communicating with your teacher, and how comfortable you feel with them and say how you feel with them, and how able you can express your voice in the classroom. It is about learning and progress.

What do other wikiHow readers have to say?

Other wikiHow readers have submitted their own tips on topics similar to this one.

Anonymous wikiGiraffe
Anonymous wikiGiraffe
Ask other teachers to observe you and provide constructive feedback. Often other instructors can see strengths and weaknesses that are hard for you to see in yourself.
Anonymous wikiOwl
Anonymous wikiOwl
Ask other teachers for advice. Teaching is, in many ways, a communal activity; if another teacher has found that a particular exercise works well, ask them to explain the exercise to you, then try it in your own classroom.
Anonymous wikiMeerkat
Anonymous wikiMeerkat
Observe the classes of more experienced teachers.
Anonymous wikiFlamingo
Anonymous wikiFlamingo
In general, students like teachers who are not conventional. They like teachers who are different. Try to avoid fitting a pre-determined mould of what a teacher must be and instead, develop your own idea of what kind of teacher YOU want to be.
Anonymous wikiSquid
Anonymous wikiSquid
Many teachers struggle with their classroom budget to find the resources to provide these opportunities. Consider looking into classroom funding sites that can help you access the materials you need.
Reader Tips from How to Be a Good Teacher
Anonymous wikiGator
Anonymous wikiGator
Try different ways of teaching a topic to appeal to different learning styles: like watching a video, listening to a song, or doing a hands-on project.
Anonymous wikiTiger
Anonymous wikiTiger
Let the students share their ideas with the class, and encourage them to contribute to class discussions.
Anonymous wikiEagle
Anonymous wikiEagle
Get to know your student’s names as quickly as possible. They will appreciate your efforts and you’ll find it easier to communicate with them, too.