Yoga is best known for its stress-reducing and relaxing effects, but active yoga poses may be able to help you to burn fat and lose weight. While yoga exercises typically do not burn as many calories as aerobics, intense sessions and poses that focus on building strength can help. To start, pick a type of yoga to incorporate into your workout routine that focuses on weight training. From there, pay attention to the yoga mindset. Yoga's ability to encourage people to live in the present and be mindful of themselves and their bodies can help curb overeating. While yoga can be a healthy aspect of a weight loss routine, you should never rely on yoga alone to lose weight. You should focus on aerobic exercises as well as a healthy diet if you want to shed some pounds.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Choosing the Right Types of Yoga

  1. Yoga in and of itself does not burn a lot of calories. However, hybrid yoga classes often combine yoga with forms of aerobics. This may result in a higher caloric burn, allowing you to burn more calories and possibly lose weight with yoga. [1]
    • Koga classes combine yoga with kickboxing. The fast-paced nature of kickboxing may burn more calories than yoga alone.
    • Yoga classes that combine with dance and cardio, with names such as "Yoga Booty Ballet," encourage fast-paced movements. If you can find classes like these, you may be able to lose weight with yoga.
    • Look into classes at a local YMCA or health center. See if you can find anything relevant to your interests, and that combines yoga with more vigorous fitness routines.
  2. Power yoga is a form of yoga that encourages complicated athletic poses. You focus on muscle groups you need to use for activities like cycling, running, and weight lifting. If you do power yoga a few times a week, you can increase your strength and stamina when you engage in aerobic activities. This could lead to a higher calorie burn during other forms of exercise, and when you move throughout the day. [2]
  3. Acro-yoga is a form of yoga that combines yoga with acrobatic moves. It's a more intense form of yoga than other practices, and calls for more demanding moves. It may burn more calories than regular yoga, so it may work well for weight loss.
    • See if you can find a yoga studio in your area that offers acro-yoga courses.
    • Be careful if you're new to yoga, however. The moves can be very demanding, and you don't want to strain yourself if you've never tried yoga before. You may want to start with a more basic class and work your way up to acro-yoga.
  4. Hot yoga may help with quick weight loss. This type of yoga is typically done in a classroom setting in a room heated to 105 °F (40.6 °C) with increased humidity. Hot yoga can help you shed some unwanted water weight. However, evidence is mixed as to whether or not hot yoga helps with weight loss long term. [3]
    • Hot yoga sessions are long, typically 90 minutes in length. Longer sessions make for more weight loss, as more calories will be burned.
    • Hot classes are intense. Typically, there are 26 poses which you must go through twice. You hold the poses for 20 seconds the first time, and 10 seconds the next time.
    • Look for a hot yoga class near you. See if the enrollment fee is affordable for you. Regular hot yoga could eventually lead to weight loss.
Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Amping Up Your Yoga Routine

  1. Yoga poses are often slow-moving, so the weight loss tends to be less overall. You'll burn more calories during 20 minutes of aerobics than 20 minutes of yoga. This is why 90 minute sessions are key if you want yoga to be a major component of your weight loss strategy. You need longer sessions to burn more calories and achieve your goals. [4]
    • You should also go for fast-paced yoga. Opt for continual, flowing yoga moves that encourage you to stay in motion throughout the session.
    • You can find yoga routines online, or enroll in a yoga class.
  2. While yoga is not necessarily a primary form of aerobic exercise, it can help with weight training. Building your muscles and core can help you strengthen your body. This can provide you with more endurance during aerobic exercise, so your body is able to go longer during aerobic routines. [5]
    • The downward dog position can help you build muscle, and you can move from this position to other similar poses. Stand with your feet together and move forward, bending at your hips, until your fingertips or palms are at either side of your feet. Bend your knees and then place your palms flat on your yoga mat, keeping them shoulder width apart. Then move your feet back slightly and raise your tailbone in the air.
    • Get on all fours. Your knees should align with your hips, and your hands should be under your shoulders. Pull in your abs and bend your elbows 45 degrees, doing a half pushup. Rise back up and repeat a series of half push-ups until you feel tired.
    • Straighten your arms and bring your tailbone down towards your heels, allowing the backs of your thighs to rest on your calves. Hold for a few breaths, and return to downward dog.
  3. You can add a series of quick circuit yoga poses at the end of an aerobics routine. This can add some muscle building and additional cardio to a workout. Choose a series of 4 or 5 poses that work for you and do them in a certain order after working out. [6]
    • You could start in mountain pose. This means standing up tall and straight with your feet held together and your hands stretched over your head. Breathe in and out as you reach upward.
    • From here, move your arms to the ground until your palms or fingertips are in front of your feet. Exhale as you lean forward. Tilt your head down and stretch your calves upward.
    • Look forward, lift your torso up, and keep your back flat. Push your hips back and transition into downward dog. Then, repeat the circuit.
  4. Yoga is not easy and can cause a lot of strain to various muscle groups. Certain positions may not be appropriate for beginners. If you've never done yoga before, it's best to start in a class. A qualified instructor can help you determine your present fitness level and give you advice and feedback on what moves are safe for you. Check your local yellow pages, or browse the internet, to find yoga instructors and classes in your area. [7]
Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Fostering the Mindset for Weight Loss Using Yoga

  1. Yoga helps you foster a sense of awareness about yourself and your body. This can help you become more mindful when you eat, allowing you to be more aware of when you're feeling full and satisfied. [8] Remember how to be in the present moment when you eat, and work on practicing mindful eating. [9]
    • First, work on making meal time a priority. Put away your cell phone and turn off the television set. Set the table, even if you're eating alone, so you can focus solely on the food.
    • Eat slowly. You want to make sure you savor each bite and enjoy the texture and flavor of the food. Try to chew each bite very slowly and pay attention to how the food tastes in your mouth, as well as the textures. Try taking smaller bites and pausing between bites to think.
    • Think about the food you're eating. Try to be aware of where it came from. Who grew these vegetables? Think about the farms from which animal products came. Try to think about food as sustaining and nourishing rather than a convenience or a splurge.
  2. Yoga also teaches you to become more aware of your body. This can help you be more aware of when you want food, and be more aware of the kinds of food you need to feel fulfilled. [10]
    • Many people who diet strive to be in control of their body or their eating habits. However, yoga preaches that your body should control you. Yoga courses encourage you to listen to your body and its needs.
    • As you begin engaging in yoga regularly, you'll find you're more aware of what you want and need on a daily basis. You may find yourself eating when you're hungry instead of when you're bored, as you're paying attention to your body's signs. You may also go for healthier foods, as you'll be longing for nourishment over taste and convenience.
    • Before you eat, stop and think to yourself, "Why am I eating? Do I feel hungry?" If you're eating for a reason other than hunger, such as stress, try to find a different way to cope. Eat only when you feel you need food to sustain yourself.
  3. Stress can cause weight gain for a variety of reasons. People who are stressed tend to eat emotionally, and may eat unhealthy foods they would otherwise avoid. [11] Doing yoga regularly can help you reduce your overall stress, as yoga encourages you to stay in the present moment and be aware and accepting of yourself. Practice yoga regularly with the aim of reducing stress to help you lose weight. [12]
    • In addition to yoga, consider incorporating regular meditation into your day-to-day life. You can find meditation routines online, or take a meditation class at a local community center. Meditation can also help you reduce life stress, resulting in a better chance at weight loss.
Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Incorporating Other Lifestyle Changes Alongside Yoga

  1. It's hard to lose weight doing only yoga, as it does not burn as many calories as other traditional forms of exercise. If you weigh 150 pounds, you'll burn 170 calories for an hour of yoga. However, if you do an hour of aerobics, you'll burn 340 calories. While yoga has many benefits for weight loss, such as increasing the strength of core muscles and potentially preventing emotional eating, you should supplement yoga with regular cardio and aerobic activity. [13]
    • Pick an activity you like to do, as you'll be more likely to stick to it. If you've never enjoyed running, you probably won't go for a jog every morning. However, if you love riding your bike, you'll be more likely to stick to your routine.
    • Always warm up and cool down before and after exercise.
  2. Diet is one of the main factors when it comes to weight loss. In fact, diet may have a bigger impact on weight loss than exercise. Strive for a healthy, low-calorie diet, that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. [14]
    • Opt for variety. This will provide you with a range of nutrients, and prevent boredom. Go for many different kinds of fruits and vegetable, striving for a colorful shopping basket.
    • Whole-grains are always better over processed carbs. Strive to get your protein from lean meats, legumes, and nuts over fattier meats. Stick to low-fat dairy over full fat varieties.
  3. If you're going to be making any lifestyle changes to lose weight, talk to a doctor first. You want to make sure your body is ready for a change given your medical history and current health. Make an appointment with your regular physician to talk over your diet and exercise plan. He or she can help you craft a diet that suits your particular needs.

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      • Don't lose weight by drinking too little fluid. Always replenish after a hot yoga class.

      About this article

      Article Summary X

      To lose weight with yoga, aim for 90 minute sessions so you can burn more calories. Additionally, do poses that are designed to build muscle, like the downward dog or half push-ups. You could also try taking a hybrid yoga class, which incorporates aerobics with yoga to burn more calories. Alternatively, incorporate other exercises into your daily routine, like cycling or swimming, to burn additional calories. For tips on how to get in the right mindset for doing yoga, read on!

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