Facial masks can help your face go from dry and dull to soft and bright, and you can make your own using basic household ingredients. Learn how to make four different types of masks: a pore-minimizing mask, a moisturizing mask, an acne-soothing mask and a quick toning mask.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Making a Pore-Minimizing Mask

  1. This mask works to reduce the appearance of pores with clay, which pulls dead skin cells and other pore-clogging debris away from your skin as it dries on your face. Go to health food stores and get the following supplies: [1]
    • Bentonite clay, which draws out impurities.
    • Oatmeal, which leaves your skin feeling baby soft.
    • Essential oil of your choice, such as peppermint or lemongrass, for an added sweet scent.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Facial Mask
    Place a tablespoon of Bentonite clay, a tablespoon of oatmeal and a tablespoon of water in a small bowl. Use a spoon or whisk to thoroughly mix the mask.
    • Add a few drops of essential oil if you want to feel the effects of aromatherapy as the mask works its magic.
    • Using the same ratio of ingredients, you can make a larger batch and store the unused mask in a jar with a tight-fitting lid for later use.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Facial Mask
    Rub the mask lightly over your forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin. Let it sit for 15 - 20 minutes, until it is completely dry. [2]
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Facial Mask
    Splash lukewarm or cool water over your face to rinse away the clay. Blot your face dry with a soft towel and apply a moisturizer to finish.
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Making a Moisturizing Mask

  1. You can make a moisturizing mask with ingredients you probably have in your kitchen. Check your cabinets or go to the grocery store to get the following supplies: [3]
    • Honey, which has natural antibacterial and moisturizing properties.
    • Olive oil or almond oil, each of which leaves your skin smooth and supple.
    • Apple cider vinegar, a natural toner that can also be used to condition your hair.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Facial Mask
    Place a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a bowl. Use a spoon or whisk to stir the mixture until it is completely combined. [4]
    • Store extra moisturizing mask in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and keep it in the refrigerator until you want to use it again.
    • Add a teaspoon of plain yogurt or oatmeal for an even softer result.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Facial Mask
    Starting with a clean face, rub the mask liberally over your skin. Make sure to apply plenty to areas that are the driest, like your forehead and the bridge of your nose. Let the mask dry for 15 minutes.
  4. Use cool water to remove the mask and tone your skin. There's no need to moisturize afterward; your skin should be soft and fresh.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Making an Acne-Soothing Mask

  1. Acne tends to pop up during stressful times of life. This face mask soothes inflamed skin and includes essential oil to calm your mind, too. Take a trip to the grocery store for the following ingredients: [5]
    • Lemon juice, which has astringent properties and tones your face. Buy a fresh lemon and squeeze the juice; pre-squeezed juice may have preservatives that are hard on your sensitive facial skin.
    • Honey, which softens the skin and eases inflammation.
    • Egg white, which brightens and tones skin.
    • Lavender or rosemary essential oil.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Facial Mask
    Place a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of honey, one egg white, and a few drops of essential oil in a bowl. Use a spoon or a whisk to stir until the ingredients are completely incorporated. [6]
    • This mask is made with perishable ingredients, so any extra mask mixture should be stored in the refrigerator in a jar with a lid.
    • You only need a couple of drops of essential oil; a little goes a long way.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Facial Mask
    Smooth a liberal amount of the mixture over your face, gently applying it to the areas where you have acne. Don't rub or scrub it into your face, since you risk inflaming your skin even more. Let the mask sit on your face for 15 minutes.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Facial Mask
    Use lukewarm or cool water to rinse away the mask, then pat your face dry with a soft towel. Apply an oil-free moisturizer to finish. [7]
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Making a Quick Toning Mask

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Facial Mask
    Crack an egg into two halves over a bowl. Transfer the yolk back and forth between the two shells until the white has collected in the bowl. Apply the egg white to your face and let it sit for five minutes before rinsing with warm water. [8]
  2. For a toner that softens your skin as well, splash a teaspoon or two of apple cider vinegar over your face and let it sit for five minutes. Rinse it off with warm water. Make sure not to leave any traces, or you'll smell like vinegar for the rest of the day.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Facial Mask
    Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with a tablespoon of warm water and apply it to your face. Let the mixture dry for five minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Facial Mask
    This sweet-smelling substance cleanses and moisturizes the skin. Rub it over your face and let it sit for five minutes before rinsing your face with warm water. [9]

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What is the best purifying mask?
    Joanna Kula
    Licensed Esthetician
    Joanna Kula is a Licensed Esthetician, Owner and Founder of Skin Devotee Facial Studio in Philadelphia. With over 10 years of experience in skincare, Joanna specializes in transformative facial treatments to help clients achieve a lifetime of healthy, beautiful, and radiant skin. She is also a contributing author for the prestigious Les Nouvelles Esthetiques & Spa magazine and has been featured in a number of magazines including InStyle.
    Licensed Esthetician
    Expert Answer
    Try a mask with charcoal for extra clean skin. Charcoal is increasingly popular because of its ability to purify and detoxify your skin. Charcoal is already used in the medical industry for the same reason — it neutralizes toxic substances in the stomach.
  • Question
    Can I use egg whites and lemon juice to make a facial mask?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can, because both work very well together.
  • Question
    Can I just use flavor essence instead of essential oil?
    Community Answer
    Well, the a flavor won't do much for your skin. The point of using the oils is that they contain beneficial nutrients.
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      • Add a drop of honey or a dash of brown sugar for a sweet scent after- (careful, or you'll attract flies! Seriously.)
      • After washing the facial, some people tend to rub their face in the towel; instead pat dry your face to avoid redness.
      • If you have long hair, you may want to put it up in a ponytail before applying the facial.
      Show More Tips



      Things You'll Need

      Pore-Minimizing Mask

      • Bentonite clay
      • Oatmeal
      • Peppermint or lemongrass essential oil

      Moisturizing Mask

      • Honey
      • Olive oil
      • Apple cider vinegar
      • Yogurt or oatmeal (optional)

      Acne-Soothing Mask

      • Lemon juice (fresh-squeezed)
      • Egg white
      • Honey
      • Lavender or rosemary essential oil

      Quick Toning Mask

      • Egg white
      • Apple cider vinegar
      • Oatmeal
      • Coconut oil

      About this article

      Article Summary X

      To make a homemade facial mask that will soothe acne, begin by gathering lemon juice, honey, and an egg white. Mix the ingredients in a bowl until they are completely blended. Then, carefully spread the mask on your face and let it sit for 15 minutes. When you rinse the mask off, gently pat your face dry with a towel, and apply a moisturizer or some coconut oil. You could also use the same basic method with apple cider vinegar, honey, and almond oil for a moisturizing mask. To learn more, such as how to make a toning or moisturizing mask, keep reading the article!

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      Reader Success Stories

      • Keabetswe Mokoena

        Apr 6, 2020

        "This helped so much by giving me tips and warnings about this mask. Thanks."

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