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Dealing with cramps, mood swings, and other unpleasant side effects of your period can feel like more than enough to handle. If you have to worry about leaking when you’re wearing a pad, it can be even worse! However, there are many tricks you can use to make sure that you have a leak- and worry- free period.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Getting the Best Coverage

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  1. In order to put on your pads correctly, you have to take them out of their packaging, remove them from their wrappers, and then make sure to place them right in the middle of your underwear, so they don’t go too far up or too far down. If they have wings, then remove the wrapper from the wings and make sure you wrap them tightly around the bottom of the middle of your underwear to hold the pad in place. Once the pad is securely placed inside your underwear, you can put it on, smoothing it down to make sure everything is in place.
    • Make sure to wash your hands before you put on the pad on and that you dispose of it in a trash bin after wrapping it up in its wrapper or in toilet paper.
    • Some people prefer to use cloth pads over the more common pads. Though they are not said to be more absorbent, they are more environmentally conscious.
  2. If you’re having trouble with leakage and have a heavy flow, then you should aim to get pads that have super absorbency and which are as long as possible. At night, you should make sure to wear overnight pads, which are even longer; though these are quite thick, you can even wear them during the day if your flow is very heavy and you tend to leak often. [1]
    • You should try to get pads with wings to make sure that they don’t move around too much and that they are tightly stuck to your underwear.
  3. Some people like to place pantyliners sideways above and below their pads. This can give you some extra coverage in places where you tend to leak. You can even place some lighter pads perpendicularly to your pad to really get some extra coverage. That said, this can get a bit uncomfortable, especially if the sideways pads or pantiliners get loose, so make sure you’re wearing tight underwear and that the pads are secure. [2]
    • If you always tend to leak either in front or behind your pad, you can also move it up or down a bit, depending on where you tend to leak.
  4. Another way to minimize your leaks is to wear thicker underwear that is less prone to leaks. Though this can’t protect you from leaking all together, it can help you minimize how much you leak and will absorb more of your blood if you do have a leak. Just knowing that you’re wearing thicker, more absorbent underwear can make you feel more comfortable.
    • Just make sure that the underwear isn’t too loose. Looser underwear will actually make your pad move around more and will make it more likely that you’ll have an accident.
  5. If you really have a heavy flow and a problem with leaking, then you can consider getting special period panties. No, this doesn’t refer to those old ugly pairs of underwear that you only wear on your period because you don’t care about what happens to them; “period panties” are a special kind of underwear that are made of three distinct layers that protect your pads from leaking. The first layer is absorbent, the second is leak proof, and the third is made of cotton. These layers breathe and keep you cool and comfy while also ensuring that you have the strongest protection. [3]
    • Though a pair of period panties can cost $20-30 dollars or more, if you get just a few pairs and always wear them on your period, they can be a worthwhile investment.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Taking Extra Precautions

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  1. The best way to prevent leaks is simple; just apply one pad as it is, and apply a second pad .i.e, apply one pad in the start of your underwear, and another one in the end. Carry an extra bag of supplies just in case. If you want to be safe during your period, then you should make sure to be prepared with extra pads, pantyliners, underwear, or even a change of bottoms if you really need them. If you have room in your bag or locker, having a change of clothes can help you feel extra secure. Though you probably won’t ever have to use them, just knowing that they are there can help you feel more safe.
    • If you’ve run out of pads or pantyliners, don’t be afraid to ask a friend or even a teacher for some backup. Remember that every millions of people have a period, and even if your friends can’t help you, they will be sympathetic. If you’re one of the first of your friends to menstruate, then you can try to ask the people who you know may be able to help.
  2. Though you should be able to do pretty much whatever it is you normally do when you’re wearing a pad, you should know that you will be a bit more likely to leak if you’re doing cartwheels, running around, jumping up and down, or just moving to and fro really fast. Be careful about how you move when you’re on your period, especially on really heavy days; you don’t want the movement to move your pad around or to get it to bunch the wrong way, leading you to leak.
    • That said, you shouldn’t feel like you have to skip gym class or spend all day sitting in a corner feeling miserable when you’re on your period. In fact, exercising can help reduce cramps.
  3. You will worry less about leaking if you’re wearing clothes that are less likely to display your leaks. Darker clothes won’t show any potential stains you get, and you’ll also have to worry less about staining lighter clothes and not being able to get them clean. Looser clothes will also make you feel less self-conscious about the fact that you’re wearing a pad and you’ll be able to move around more freely.
    • Though you don’t need to wear frumpy clothes during your period and you should feel beautiful all the time, if you wear darker clothes, then you’ll be less worried about having an accident.
  4. Another way to make sure that your pads don’t leak is to go to the bathroom more often than you normally would. Take a trip to the bathroom every hour or two to change your pads or just to make sure that everything is running smoothly. This is a great way to prevent any leaks before they happen. You’ll know exactly when it’s time to change your pads and will feel safe and protected. [4]
    • If you have to go during class, don’t worry about your teacher getting annoyed; if you ask nicely and don’t make a habit of it thirty days a month, everything will be just fine.
  5. If you’re worried about leaking at night, especially if you’re having a sleepover at a friend’s house, then you can lie down on an old blanket or even an old towel that you don’t care about as much. This way, you don’t have to worry about staining the sheets and you can sleep soundly without checking the sheets too often. This can help you sleep soundly and feel less self-conscious about leaking. [5]
    • Think about: the worst case scenario is that you’ve leaked on the sheets and someone else finds out about it. It’s likely that only another person will find out, and they will completely understand what happened, so you really have nothing to worry about.
    • If someone sees the bloody sheets, they will understand what happened, too. Don’t worry so much about what can happen and focus on having a sound, restful sleep.
  6. Your period should not be something you’re embarrassed about, whether you have a little leak now and again or not. You should be proud of this aspect of your changing body and know that this is something that many people have. Talk to your friends or even your family members about your period and see that you have nothing at all to be ashamed about because it’s perfectly natural.
    • Sure, if you leak in public, it can be embarrassing for a minute or two, but you shouldn’t go out in public feeling scared when you have your period because you’re afraid you could leak at any minute. Don’t let your period prevent you from living your life.
    • If you really find that you can’t feel comfortable when wearing a pad, then you can see if using a tampon or menstrual cup is more comfortable for you. Though you have to change tampons every 8 hours at most, and menstrual cups every 10 or so hours, they can help prevent leakage and may feel more comfortable than pads.
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      • An alternative would be to try folding several squares of toilet tissue and placing it inside of your underwear. This acts as a catch-all barrier. You can change it every time you go to the bathroom. [6]
      • Avoid consuming wine, salt, spicy food and caffeine as it can increase your cramps [7]
      • Wearing long shirts can be helpful if you are to be faced with a "spot"
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      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • If you're playing sports, try wearing a tampon (get the super ones if your flow is heavy) along with a liner. This way, you can be more comfortable while moving and the panty liner can collect anything that may have leaked from your tampon.
      • Keep track of your flow with an app so you'll know which days are lighter than others, how long your period is, and when the first and last days of your last period are.
      • Try to carry a sweatshirt or a hoodie with you so if you leak through your pants and don't have extra clothes, you can tie the hoodie or sweatshirt around your waist.
      • Wear black shorts or tights over your underwear. It'll act as an extra barrier in case you do leak through.
      • Sleep on an old red or brown towel to protect your bedsheets at night.
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      • Make sure to change your pad every so often, or if you find that it is almost all "used up." Wearing a dirty pad could pose a health risk, not to mention a nasty leak. It is recommended that you change your pad every 6 hours for a light or regular flow or every 3 hours for a heavy flow.

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      Article Summary X

      To prevent a pad from leaking while you’re on your period, make sure it’s in the right position in the middle of your underwear. You can also place pantyliners sideways above or below your pad to give you extra coverage wherever you tend to leak. If you have trouble with leaking from a heavy flow, use super absorbency or overnight pads, which are thicker and absorb more fluid. In addition to using the right products, try changing your pads as often as every hour so they don’t absorb too much blood. For more tips, including how to use period panties for extra protection, read on!

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        Apr 11, 2018

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