Q&A for How to Avoid Being Punished with Bad Grades

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    I have trouble talking to my teachers about bad grades, I may cry! What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes it can be hard to not cry, but don't let that hold you back. Seek to be strong about your mistakes. If you notice the mistakes and address them, then the teacher will be prepared to help you. And if you do cry, just say sorry and wipe the tears away, explaining that you're passionate about improving the marks.
  • Question
    How do you hide an awful exam grade?
    Community Answer
    You can either fake it or destroy it. However, you can't hide the truth from your parents forever. If there's an upcoming parent meeting, or if your parents know anyone in your class, this may be a major bummer. Tell your parents before they find out, or the consequences may be much worse.
  • Question
    What can I do to avoid the yell?
    Community Answer
    Be straightforward, and before they even get a chance to speak (or yell), tell them everything. That includes explaining why the bad grade happened and how you will improve. Often the reason they will yell is for lying, or if you refuse to keep trying and say that you can't get better. That really upsets parents because they'd rather see you meeting the challenge than avoiding it. If you are scared of your parents and they yell at you for everything, this might be a case of verbal abuse and you may find it helpful to read [[Deal With Emotional Abuse from Your Parents (for Adolescents)|How to Deal With Emotional Abuse from Your Parents (for Adolescents)]].
  • Question
    Whenever I try to study, I get really bored and sidetracked. I've tried multiple methods and none have worked. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try to get rid of anything distracting you. This includes any ticking clocks, electronics etc. Try to focus. If you really are stressed, take a break and come back later. I
  • Question
    My mum's a really strict person and I have a really bad report card. What do I do ?
    Community Answer
    Be brave and tell the truth. Tell her that you're struggling, how you feel bad about it, and say that you want to do better. Ask her for help coming up with a solution: tutoring, study group, Khan Academy, etc. She'll focus more on helping you than punishing you.
  • Question
    How can I improve in math?
    Community Answer
    Take notes during class, then go over them later and do lots of practice questions. Talking to friends and studying together can also be very helpful. If you really need help, ask your math teacher.
  • Question
    My Science Grade is 83, and I'm scared it will be busted by my parents in the meeting. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Although an 83 is not great, it is not bad either. You should be fine. I wouldn't worry too much about it, especially if your other grades are higher.
  • Question
    My parents become abusive when they find out how low my grades are. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    If your parents are abusing you for any reason, you need to seek help from a trusted adult. Talk to a teacher, guidance counselor, clergy person or another relative. Abuse is never warranted and you don't have to suffer in silence.
  • Question
    I have one bad grade and we got our grades today what should I tell my dad?
    Little miss abnor_mal
    Community Answer
    Explain to your dad why and promise you will do your very best next time. Try to improve, tell the truth, explain why, and explain thoroughly. Show your plan for better progress next time.
  • Question
    My mom and dad are threatening to sell every thing I own over my bad grades. They have done it before. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Wow, that's rough. Set up a time for you and your parents to talk. Ask them for a punishment more appropriate to the situation -- like maybe missing next week's party to study or having your phone taken away for a month. Tell them you understand their standards but that you feel taking away everything you have is too extreme.
  • Question
    What do I do if I report my parents for child abuse and they beat me harder?
    Community Answer
    If you're in the US, call 911 or Child Protective Services if it's really bad, or ask a trusted adult for help and explain the situation.
  • Question
    How do I stop getting distracted by my friends?
    Community Answer
    You may have to move your seat or tell them that you are trying to focus.
  • Question
    What if it's a bad grade in physical education, that doesn't matter for your overall scores?
    Community Answer
    It depends. If your parents want you to get a good grade in physical education, then try your best. Try your hardest in subjects your parents want you to get good grades in. It doesn't mean you shouldn't try in other subjects but get the best in the main subjects.
  • Question
    How do I deal with a teacher who is mad and ignoring me?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your teacher. Ask if there is a problem and how you can solve it. If you have misbehaved, apologize. If your teacher will not listen to you or answer your questions, tell your parents, they will know how to handle it.
  • Question
    How can I tell my parents I have an F in math?
    Community Answer
    Just be up front. You already know you're going to get into trouble, just accept it and redo the work and show you that you can succeed.
  • Question
    Is being sent outside as a punishment considered as abuse?
    Community Answer
    Not unless you're being sent out into dangerous conditions (for example, during a thunderstorm or in the middle of the night).
  • Question
    How do I stop being abused if I get bad grades?
    Community Answer
    Talk to someone you trust immediately, like the police, a teacher or counselor at school for help.
  • Question
    How can I stop my mom from taking my nice clothes and makeup due to bad grades?
    Community Answer
    Your clothes and makeup are privileges. You will need to earn these privileges back. Try bargaining with your mom to earn your privileges back, like "If I study for two hours, can I have my eye shadow back?" etc.
  • Question
    How can I get better grades in middle school?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you have all your homework completed. If you need extra help, don't be afraid to ask. Try to always pay attention in class, and don't goof off with your friends.
  • Question
    What do I do if my excuses don't work?
    Little miss abnor_mal
    Community Answer
    You just might have to face the truth it's better to tell the truth even if you get in trouble you would probably get into more trouble for telling a lie.
  • Question
    I have some bad tests that I don't want to show my parents. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you have good tests and bad tests, show them to your parents together. That way, the bad one(s) won't look as bad.
  • Question
    My mom is kind of strict with grades. I'm in sixth grade but in the seventh grade math class. My mom's happy I'm in advanced classes, but I have a C. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Talk to her about your grade and work hard. If you get a bad grade, just keep on trying.
  • Question
    My sister was an all A student and I feel forced to follow in her footsteps, but I already got a B on a test. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You can form a study group in school to study with your friends in the weakest subjects, and you can ask your sister to help you when you have difficulties in your work.
  • Question
    My mom is now mad because I got a 58% on a science test. She said I didn't study, but I studied really hard.
    Community Answer
    There's no way you can make her believe you, unfortunately. Just be mature and tell her that you'll try harder next time. If you whine or try to argue, she'll only get more angry. Next time, make sure you ask for help if you don't understand the material, and maybe consider studying right in front of your mom so she can see that you're working.
  • Question
    Should I listen to music while doing homework, etc.?
    Little miss abnor_mal
    Community Answer
    Yes it's a good idea but no heavy metal R&B or pop. Try letting to classical music or indie music. It's been said to give inspiration and ideas. Or put ocean sound or relaxing sounds.
  • Question
    What if I can't tell anyone that my parents are emotionally abusing me?
    Community Answer
    You can, you always can. You can either tell somebody you know (anyone who works at your school will be trained to handle this situation), or you can call a hotline and let them know what is going on. If it begins to get serious, and to the point where you cannot take it any longer, you should call the police.
  • Question
    How can I get my mom to stop talking on and on about my bad grade?
    Community Answer
    Just say that you'll try harder. If she keeps bringing it up, tell her that she's hurting your feelings and making you feel bad about yourself.
  • Question
    Is fighting disrespectful if I get beat up by my parents over my bad report cards?
    Community Answer
    Fighting is never respectful, no matter what, but if you're being abused by your parents, the best thing to do is seek help from another adult. Tell a teacher or guidance counselor that you are being hurt at home and they will know how to help you.
  • Question
    What do I do if I have a zero and multiple bad grades?
    Community Answer
    You should ask your parents for help before they find out for themselves. Getting a tutor and studying are two good ways to improve your grades.
  • Question
    What if my parents are stubborn about me doing stuff on the weekend when nothing is supposed to go home?
    Community Answer
    If you aren't doing well in school, that's probably the reason why they are giving you the work on the weekend. Otherwise, they probably just want you to work hard and be the best student you can be. If you don't have homework, you can just review what you've learned - reread your notes, review things you got wrong on previous tests or assignments, do some practice math problems, or do some extra studying for a subject that you need to improve in.
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