Q&A for How to Be Human

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    Can I be human without validating my existence?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it could be a boring and unfulfilling life.
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    What does the average human do if they are not capable of love?
    Community Answer
    A human who is incapable of love can still find many other sources of happiness and fulfillment. Do what you enjoy, as long as you're not hurting anybody. Develop your talents and pursue your goals. Try to help others sometimes if you can. Love could still some someday.
  • Question
    What should I do if I have no friends and I am not satisfied with my life?
    Community Answer
    Don't take your self-worth from those around you, you need to find it internally. If you can't control one aspect of your life, throw yourself into something you can control, like self-improvement. Soon enough, your free time will be occupied and friends will come naturally.
  • Question
    How do I find friends without leaving the comfort of my bedroom and laptop?
    Community Answer
    It's difficult to find "online" friendships, and in-person social interaction is an important part of being human. Consider joining a club or taking a class related to your interests. This will "force" you to get to know others, and that is the first step in making new friends.
  • Question
    Why is it all so focused on pointless things, like upholding other people's beliefs?
    Community Answer
    We do not have to uphold other people's beliefs. We simply have to respect their right to have their own beliefs, as long as they are not destructive to themselves or others.
  • Question
    Why do people need friends?
    Community Answer
    Friends help make life easier, more pleasant and fun! They remind us that we aren't alone.
  • Question
    What is the meaning of life? I really need to know.
    Community Answer
    This article on how to find meaning in life may be useful for discovering meaning in your life specifically. As for the philosophical question of what the purpose in life generally is, that's a heavily debated question.
  • Question
    What if I'm naturally asocial and don't see the need to "remedy" this?
    Community Answer
    It's okay to be naturally introverted and nervous about social interaction. As long as you're not isolating yourself completely in an unhealthy way, then there's no need to "remedy" it.
  • Question
    Why do some humans hurt others intentionally when other people never hurt them?
    Community Answer
    Some people do this because they have mental or emotional problems. They may feel hurt and broken inside and decide to try to take their pain out on somebody else.
  • Question
    How can I properly display emotions?
    Community Answer
    Body language and facial expressions are the most effective ways to convey emotions.
  • Question
    Why would someone need this?
    Top Answerer
    This article was probably created with the intention of providing various encouragements and reminders. While most people probably would not "need" to absorb every point in this article, most of us might well benefit from a review of at least a few of the steps above.
  • Question
    When I make friends, what do I do now? How do I keep them connected in my life? Are human friends are the only kind of friends that I can have?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Definitely not, dogs and other pets can be excellent friends as well. But humans really offer more of an in-depth feedback in good times and in bad. Friends will always come and go; some stay for a month, others for years, so keep making friends your entire lifetime. You cannot ask, much less force them to stay, so enjoy the time you have together and make good memories. Have some fun, relax, listen more than you talk, reach out to them, go on adventures, have quiet times together, too, and just hang out. Help your friends every time you can.
  • Question
    Why do humans feel the need to interact with others?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    There is little to say as to the why. We just do. We are born with the instinct to form social connections, at a very basic level, to increase our chances of survival, in general, because social interaction gives us hope, warmth, love, affection, affirmation and comfort, to name but a few.
  • Question
    What are the basic physiological needs?
    Community Answer
    Wikipedia tells us "Physiological needs include: Air (Breathing); water; food; sexual instinct; sleep; clothing; shelter". These are the needs of the human body.
  • Question
    What if I am very unattractive?
    Community Answer
    To some humans, appearance doesn't matter. They may love you for your personality, and even if they don't, God loves you.
  • Question
    If I am socially awkward and am unable to form human relationships, am I still human?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course you are still a human being. Being socially awkward is quite common, most just won't admit it and try to cover it up. Just keep practicing being around one or more people, practice engaging in small talk, notice what works and what doesn't. Keep at it and don't give up. Same with relationships, don't give up. You will eventually find human beings who like you just the way you are. Be yourself, don't try to change for others.
  • Question
    Do I have to socialize to be human?
    Community Answer
    No. You were born human and nothing will change that. However, humans are social animals, so if you want to be a healthy human and survive in society, it's important to be able to socialize.
  • Question
    What do I do if I feel that my existence is unappreciated by my human friends, but I feel somewhat attached to them?
    Benjamin M.
    Top Answerer
    You can communicate your problem openly with them. You can also reflect on whether you do things for the sake of getting approval from others or whether you do things because you think they are good and valuable things to do. If it's the latter, you will keep on doing them whether or not people appreciate you. If it's the former, then you will always be at the whim of other people.
  • Question
    Why there's a page explaining how to be human - to humans?
    Benjamin M.
    Top Answerer
    There are two senses in which the word "human" is used. One of them is purely descriptive, i.e. an entity in a specific biological class. The other is deeply normative. This is clearer in other languages. For example, in Yiddish, the word "mensch" means a "human" but it also means "a good person". Many people believe there is some particular way that humans should be, therefore, they turn to wikiHow to find out how they can be a human in this expected way.
  • Question
    What is a human?
    Top Answerer
    Humans (Homo sapiens) are a species of primates. It used to be thought that humans were the only creatures who could think and use purposeful thought in everyday life. However, this once common belief has been debunked in many fields, beginning with Jane Goodall's work.
  • Question
    What is the answer to everything?
    Community Answer
    You are the answer. You always were the answer and always will be the answer. You are the center of your own universe, and what you do with it is up to you.
  • Question
    If I don't do most of the things listed in this article. Does that mean I am not a human being? (For example, I am antisocial.)
    Top Answerer
    No. This does not mean that you are not human. There are many types of human beings. Some social, some not so social, and some in the middle. If you want to, you can always work on being a little more social but it's not required.
  • Question
    What if I do not want to be loved or love others?
    Mohammad hossein Zolfigol
    Community Answer
    If you think this lifestyle is better for you, then to succeed in it you have to distance yourself from any other person. Maybe move to somewhere isolated.
  • Question
    What if I like to hurt people and feel that should be my purpose?
    Community Answer
    Do you actually feel like you want to hurt people? Or do you do it because of negative feelings? Anyway, as long as you can pinpoint your reason and want to change, then you can. If you feel like you can't help but like it, or that it is coming from the deep inside you, know that one single positive thought can overpower a hundred negative ones. Just remember: Anything is possible, though it can't always be proven.
  • Question
    What is the most important thing to do in life ?
    Community Answer
    Live life to the fullest. Make the best out of it. Enjoy and don't take negativity with you.
  • Question
    Why am I scared of death?
    Community Answer
    We tend to be scared of things that we know little or nothing about. Nobody can tell what comes after we die. Additionally, we usually associate death with pain and suffering, although that's not entirely true; many people pass away peacefully.
  • Question
    How can I function myself to display the emotion of disgust of hatred because I really need to know?
    Community Answer
    You don't choose when to feel such emotions, sometimes you just hate something or someone and react with disgust or hatred. One thing that makes me disgusted is when I have to clean my dog's cage: maybe thinking of that will work for you too.
  • Question
    What if I am unable to validate my existence?
    Community Answer
    While it is increasingly difficult in a culture that is pluralistic, nihilistic, and relativistic, you have to remember that really, you can "what if," yourself into circles or even a knot. Truth is not relative. If you have 99 red stones and 1 blue, either you have to remove the blue from the equation of "these 100 stones are all red," or change the statement to, "Hey, cool! I have 99 red stones!" (and nothing is wrong with that). Or, you accept the altered statement of having 99 red and 1 blue and celebrate diversity. But that you are reading this says you exist.
  • Question
    Someone told me the meaning of life is to live it, is that true?
    Aliha Akram
    Community Answer
    Yes...it actually is. If you are not doing what you love, if you are either forced by circumstances or people to do something that you don't like, if you are not enjoying your life to its full extent, it does not mean that you are living the life. It means that you are just spending or passing the days of your life. There is a difference between living life and spending the days of life.
  • Question
    How can I adapt a normal human form yet be attractive?
    Community Answer
    Accept your normal human form. Whenever you judge yourself, you feel less beautiful. So, get your mind off looks and on grooming instead. Dress your hair to keep it trimmed and proper, wear well cut clothes that allow stretching for your body as needed, avoid flimsy accessories that don't go with your looks, stick to one look with one attire and be pleasant whenever you talk.
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