Q&A for How to Be More Like Jesus (Christianity)

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    Why it is so hard to live a Christian life?
    Community Answer
    Jesus says in the Bible, "Anyone who persecutes Me will persecute My followers." Satan is out there ready to destroy those who follow Jesus. However, faith and hope and prayer will help you through difficulties. Christians are killed, persecuted, bullied, stereotyped, judged, and mistreated because of their faith. No one can go through life without having problems with being a Christian. Remember that Jesus died for your sins and that your reward will be great.
  • Question
    Why do Christians want to behave like Jesus?
    Community Answer
    Christianity is based off of Jesus' teachings, so he is the perfect role model for a Christian. By behaving like Jesus, a Christian will be certain that they are following their religion's teachings the way Jesus would want them to.
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    I'm going through a lot right now. Should I give up?
    Community Answer
    You should not give up because Jesus will help you through your problems. Read Psalms 23; it talks about God helping you through the valley of darkness.
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    How do I lose the dark feeling after doing something that I know would upset Jesus?
    Community Answer
    Admitting that you've made a mistake and sinned by lying is the first - and most important - step, so well done! The next step, as you seem to have already guessed, is approaching God in prayer. Admitting your mistake to him and asking for his forgiveness are the next steps. Repenting is the last step - ask for help so that you can resist the temptation to repeat this mistake. While going through these steps, be gentle to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes and behaves poorly sometimes, but the beauty of God/Jesus is that He is relentlessly forgiving.
  • Question
    If Christians sin, does it mean they are no longer Christians?
    Community Answer
    No, Jesus forgives all of your sins. The reason why we're Christians is because Jesus came to take away ALL of our sins.
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    How do I build confidence in myself?
    Community Answer
    Just remember God loves you no matter what. Hebrews 4:16, 2 Corinthians 12:9, 2 Timothy 1:7, Ephesians 2:10, Psalm 139:13-14 .
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    How do I stop hating people?
    Community Answer
    Hating (or strongly disliking) people is more common than you might think, either due to someone's actions, appearance, or past experiences. The best thing you can do is to simply let these feelings go instead of dwelling on them. Recognize that nobody is perfect and that everyone makes mistakes and hurts people sometimes - it doesn't excuse it, but it can help you from feeling so much hatred towards someone who wrongs you.
  • Question
    Why is fasting important?
    Community Answer
    Fasting is important because it allows you to remove distractions from your life -- like TV, movies, or food -- and gives you more time to focus on Jesus and the Bible.
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    Does God try our faith through trials?
    Community Answer
    In the Bible's book of James, it says, "My brothers, consider it all joy when you encounter various trials; knowing that the trying of your faith produces endurance." Does God send the trials? I would rather say that He allows the trials because he sees that they have the potential to draw us to himself and to strengthen our character. The Bible also says that God won't allow us to be tempted above what we are able to bear.
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    How can you know for sure that you are saved and you will enter heaven?
    Community Answer
    You can be certain because the Bible tells us so! You have to have faith.
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    Is it possible to become Jesus?
    Community Answer
    No. We are like Jesus because we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, but we have sinned, and Jesus never did, so it is impossible for any of us to become Jesus. But we can become like Jesus in the way we live and act.
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    How do I get back into my Christian faith?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what you struggle with about the Christian faith. If you struggle with the Bible and how trustworthy the words can be, then it is important to remember that Jesus wanted people to look at the Bible to be reminded of the living word (Jesus himself). If it's personal pain, find a local Church (a Church is a group of people, not a building) and share your struggles and story, before Christ and after Christ stories. When we witness to one another we find strength and love in God. Once you see every person as yourself and as a higher being, you will find love and compassion for all of God's children. Praying for you if you are willing to receive it. God Bless.
  • Question
    Is it true that God will kill all anti-Christians?
    Community Answer
    No, God will not kill anti-Christians. Everyone will die and those who were Christians will go to Paradise and those who were not Christians will go to the hell.
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    Can women become preachers?
    Community Answer
    Of course they can. Anyone that has the calling in their heart to spread the word of God should not be discouraged. The preacher of our Church is a woman and is widely accepted.
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    What happens if I love Jesus more than God?
    Community Answer
    If you love Jesus more than God it means you love all 3 more. It is not possible to love them unequally. They are like three water pillars who share the same base. The more you pour in, the equal they share. Jesus is the first and only begotten son of God. People in the world were able to see on his arrival at birth until his departure from this world. The spirit of God is only felt by us. Therefore, it is normal for us to think that we love Jesus more than the other two. When we reach God's intended home we will see all 3 face to face, Jesus sitting on the right hand of God. Of the three Jesus is the only God who died literally for our sake. We can relate to Him even in our sinful nature.
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    Should I have the "they don't know better" mindset when someone does something bad?
    Community Answer
    Honestly, you should hope that they know better. This isn't just in Christianity, but in life. People make stupid mistakes sometimes. If they realize that they are stupid mistakes later, then that's good. That's what confession is all about. If they really don't know better, try to help them understand that what they're doing wrong.
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    I struggle every day while on social media. I see a public post from a local news station and I see comments I disagree with, and I reply in a wrong way. Am I wrong for doing so?
    Top Answerer
    Set limits on when you use social media. If you are tired or really worked up, do not use it. Also, remind yourself that what is put on the internet can never be removed. In short, if you would not get it tattooed on your arm, you probably should not say it on social media.
  • Question
    Is it wrong for a Christian to read and watch Harry Potter?
    Top Answerer
    It is perfectly okay to enjoy fantasy, as long as you do not regard it as fact, nor try to tie it in with your religion.
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    How do I grow that killer beard Jesus has?
    Breathe Johnson
    Community Answer
    Technically, no one really knows for sure whether or not Jesus even had a beard. But, to grow a beard, just don't shave your facial hair. If you can't grow a beard, talk to your dermatologist for advice.
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    How can you say that you trust God?
    Community Answer
    Trust is not the same always. It can be weak in fear. Or stronger out of faith backed by action. When you act like a follower of Christ, your faith gets stronger. Especially when it is difficult to follow God and not your own self or others.
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    How can I tell others about God and what He's done?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to tell because people already know. When they come asking, then you can tell. For that, learn verses and parables well. Understand and also share by voicing it on YouTube channel, blog writing, participating in church works, studying theology, being a minister/pastor/chaplain, etc.
  • Question
    How do you get more motivated to live like Christ?
    Joyce Hofer
    Community Answer
    Most people's motivation comes from the thought of the reward we will get after death.
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    I'm really depressed right now, should I end my life on earth to get to heaven faster?
    Joyce Hofer
    Community Answer
    No. God tells us he will not load us with more than we can carry. Try to be your best person and get help from another Christian adult. You have my support and sympathies.
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