Q&A for How to Be Photogenic

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    How should a man pose for a good picture?
    Traci Halvorson
    Modeling Agent
    Traci Halvorson is a Modeling Agent, Former Model, and the Owner of Halvorson Model Management (HMM) in San Jose, California. HMM is a full-service, licensed talent agency representing over 300 professional models and actors. With over 25 years of experience in the modeling industry, Traci specializes in scouting, managing, advising, and launching modeling careers in the Bay Area. Traci holds a BA in Public Relations & Business Management from San Jose State University and also specializes in Marketing, Image consulting, and is a certified Life-Career Coach.
    Modeling Agent
    Expert Answer
    One of the best poses is usually a headshot, which doesn’t involve touching your face or your hair. Usually a close up of your facial expression, skin color, and smile. If you have an athletic physique take a body shot, by putting your hands in your jeans pockets and show confidence and smile.
  • Question
    I'm shy when being photographed, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Take photos of yourself or ask a friend to take your photo so you get used to being on camera. If you want, you can study portrait/fine art portfolios of models and photographers to see how other models look. Try to imagine what they were thinking and how they achieved their pose. In the end, confidence is all about how you choose to see yourself. It takes a lot of practice (I used to be extremely shy!) but if you pretend to be a confident, eventually you will actually feel confident.
  • Question
    How do I look nice in photos?
    Community Answer
    Confidence is key. If you don't feel confident in yourself, then it will show in your pictures. Tell yourself that I am beautiful and no one can bring me down. Be natural and yourself, nothing else. And by all means, smile.
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    How can I look really slim and get dramatic lighting?
    Community Answer
    There are many modeling tricks that will allow you to look slimmer. Some of these include turning your body, separating your arms from your torso (they will make you look larger), or using a clean background so you don't have any visual extenders to your waist. Look up videos and articles on modeling tips. For dramatic lighting, it really depends on the equipment you have. Lower angles will demonstrate superiority, but can make it harder to look slim. Harsh shadows (bright source of light from one angle), a contrast between the subject and the background's brightness (flash), and the point of view will determine the mood of an image.
  • Question
    My nose looks huge in photos -- especially when I smile. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Turn your head slightly to the side so that the natural shadows contour your face to make your nose look slimmer.
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    How do I smile more naturally for photos?
    Community Answer
    Try to think of a funny memory to make you smile naturally. People look a lot better in photos when their smile is natural rather than forced. If you can't conjure up a memory, smile in the manner that you normally would for a photo. However, as the article says, make sure it's natural and not so wide that you can see your gums.
  • Question
    How can I take a selfie if my phone doesn't have an inside camera?
    Community Answer
    The best way to do so is to stand facing a mirror so that you see your phone screen and how you look in it.
  • Question
    How can I take good pictures if I am not in a pretty place and I am not beautiful?
    Community Answer
    Just work your angles and choose a flattering filter. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, don't be hard on yourself.
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    How do I look photogenic in school photos?
    Community Answer
    Just think of something funny, and listen to the photographer, because chances are, they know what they are doing. When they say "say cheese" just smile though, because saying cheese will give you a gummy and fake smile. Don't tilt your head up too much and puff out your chest a bit too.
  • Question
    I don't know how to work out the angles of my face, can you suggest what I need to do?
    Community Answer
    Take different pictures, tilting your head in different directions each time. The one that looks best to you is the way you should aim to pose most times. Realize that there will be occasions when you've no choice about your angle, such as for passport photos or candid shots, but when you have control over it, remember the image of your best angle and perform that.
  • Question
    I am self conscious about my large chin. How can I disguise it in photos?
    Community Answer
    Tilt your head up slightly and to either side (which ever looks best for you) and hold your camera at an angle and above your head.
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    What is a nice way to do hair for a photo?
    Community Answer
    Try to do your hair so that it is not on your face and shows off your features. A good option is a clean ponytail or braids. You can also wear your hair down, as long as it is not messy.
  • Question
    How can I be photogenic if I don't have a great body?
    Community Answer
    You can move into a different angle. If you think you are fat, turn a bit so it will make you look skinnier. Also, flip your hair and add a pouty look if you are trying to look sexy, and if you are trying to make a funny picture, lean in and smile big, close your eyes and pretend you are laughing. Also, you can stick out your tongue or make a duck face, just for hilarity.
  • Question
    What if my teeth are horrible?
    Community Answer
    Maybe you could smile so your teeth don't show. But, don't feel bad. What makes attractive people so unique is often a feature that could be considered unattractive.
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    How do I make my acne less noticeable in pictures?
    Community Answer
    You can wear makeup, or use a filter on smart phone pictures. Visit a dermotologist, and see if you can't address the acne problem head on.
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    I'm ugly when I smile with my teeth. What should I do to have a natural smile without being ugly?
    Community Answer
    You can try smiling with your lips only. Consider getting braces if your teeth bother you.
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    How do I avoid blinking when being captured with flash?
    Community Answer
    Don't use a flash straight on. Use an off-camera flash instead and diffuse it to eliminate harsh shadows. If you don't have access to an off-camera flash, consider looking a different direction by turning your body and head in opposite directions. Remember to keep your eye line in line with your nose to avoid showing too much white over the iris.
  • Question
    How do I make my lips look not lopsided?
    Community Answer
    Tilt your head towards the higher or longer side of your lips and smile. You could also try to draw attention from your lips by accenting other parts of your face.
  • Question
    My nose looks huge in photos. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try to include hands in your poses. Or, just find an angle that will make it look slimmer.
  • Question
    How do I get the white sheet to hang from the ceiling?
    Community Answer
    If it's temporary, you can use glue tack. If you're going to use it for a long time, try using curtain poles or hooks.
  • Question
    What's the best way of for me to pose with acne scars and big lips as a confident model?
    Community Answer
    Embrace your flaws! Confidence is key and once you find your confidence, posing for photos will be easy. If you can’t find the confidence to embrace your acne scars yet, opt for some concealer.
  • Question
    I have a very large forehead. How can I make it seem smaller in pictures?
    Community Answer
    You could get bangs if you are a woman or wear a hat if you are a man.
  • Question
    Where can I study to become a model?
    Community Answer
    Google search modeling schools in your area, and research them for credibility. Find one you trust and apply.
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    How do I stand? And my eyes always look weird in photos, like half-way shut. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Tyra Banks always told her models to "smile with their eyes", which to me made a person's eyes have life and shine. Try practicing it in a mirror until you can do it without having to look.
  • Question
    I have a huge gap between my teeth so when I take a picture I usually just smile with my lips. But sometimes I want to laugh loudly like my friends. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Be confident with your smile! Also, you're not alone having a gap between your teeth; it is totally normal and totally charming.
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    I have a long jaw, how can I hide it?
    Community Answer
    Put your chin down and look up at the camera through your upper eyelashes.
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    What should I do if I don't know how to dress?
    Community Answer
    Just wear a minimal outfit, like some jeans, a cute t-shirt, and some tennis shoes. You can look online to find some fashion or style blogs if you want to get better at dressing yourself though!
  • Question
    I have long legs that make me appear very tall in photos. How can I prevent this?
    Community Answer
    If you don't want to draw attention to your legs, I would avoid high-waisted skirts and jeans as well as heels.
  • Question
    How do I not look short in my pictures?
    Sehara Goonasinghe
    Community Answer
    You could wear a maxi dress or an A-line dress (or if you are male, wear a suit and tie). You could also just take a photo of your upper body instead of a full-body shot.
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