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Q&A for How to Be Quiet
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QuestionHow can I be quiet and calm at school?Katie Styzek is a Professional School Counselor for Chicago Public Schools. Katie earned a BS in Elementary Education with a Concentration in Mathematics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She served as a middle school mathematics, science, and social studies teacher for three years prior to becoming a counselor. She holds a Master of Education (M.Ed.) in School Counseling from DePaul University and an MA in Educational Leadership from Northeastern Illinois University. Katie holds an Illinois School Counselor Endorsement License (Type 73 Service Personnel), an Illinois Principal License (formerly Type 75), and an Illinois Elementary Education Teaching License (Type 03, K – 9). She is also Nationally Board Certified in School Counseling from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.Do your best to pay attention to the teacher and to the content at hand. Focus on taking notes instead of socializing with your peers, and make friends with other students who have the same academic goals as you, as they will encourage you to study and to focus.
QuestionMy friend tells me to shut up a lot. How do I do that? They say they're starting to hate me.Community AnswerConsider when your friend is saying this to you. If it's during class, then perhaps heed the advice because your friend is trying to listen to the lesson. On the other hand, if it's during lunch or other times when socializing, it's possible your friend is being rude and controlling and isn't such a great friend. If you do talk too much, about things that people find boring, learn to recognize when you're doing this and change the subject or let someone else talk for a while. In class, be a little quieter but not so quiet that you don't answer or ask questions. And if you are saying interesting things often but your friend is being mean, then reconsider the friendship.
QuestionMy friends and acquaintances all say I'm too loud and that I never shut up. What should I do?Community AnswerIf you think that you are loud, then try being a little quieter. Before you're about to say something, think it through and decide if it really needs to be said. However, if you don't think you're too loud, don't change yourself. It may be that your friends are just giving you a hard time.
QuestionI feel like I talk too much and I want to be a quiet person. When I stay quiet people always ask me if I'm sad or mad. What do I tell them?Community AnswerJust tell them, "I feel like I talk too much, I'm trying to be quiet." They might even tell you they don't think you talk too much, it might just be in your head. If you don't want to tell them the truth for some reason just say you're not mad, you're just thinking about the homework you have to do later, a show you watched last night, etc.
QuestionHow can I stop my friends from talking in the middle of class?Community AnswerIgnore them, or sit away from them. If they are assigned seats, ask the teacher, after class, to move you.
QuestionWhy is my teacher making me be quiet when everybody else is talking too?Community AnswerPerhaps he/she did not notice the others talking, or they are making an example out of you. It's not very fair, but it's best to just do what he/she says instead of arguing.
QuestionHow can I be quiet all day if that's what my parents want?Community AnswerRemember your parents are trying to make you a pleasant and charming person. Listen to them and try staying out of their way; if you have no one to talk to, it will be easier to not talk.
QuestionMy teacher told me it's a good thing that I speak up and speak my mind but my problem is that people talk behind my back and say that I'm loud. But that's my way of learning. What do I do?Community AnswerYou're going to have to grow a thicker skin and learn to either ignore them or laugh at yourself.
QuestionMy teachers say that I talk a lot, and I sometimes talk without thinking. What should I do?Community AnswerMake it a game to avoid speaking for a whole day. Then the next day, play a game where you count each time you speak. Every time you make any noise, you have to write it down on a little piece of paper that you carry in your pocket all day. Overall, just continue to pay attention to yourself, both physically and mentally. Once you do this, you will become more aware of what you are doing, and you can better understand when it is and is not appropriate to talk.
QuestionI think one of my friends is annoyed with me because I talk too much, but my other friends talk the same amount. What can I do?Community AnswerTry to talk less and listen to what they're saying. Another tip is ask if what you are going to say is going to help. And, if they are talking a lot and you are, too, and they tell you to be quiet, tell them that they should stop talking, too.
QuestionCan I listen to music without lyrics?Community AnswerYes, of course. Just make sure to keep the music at a reasonable level.
QuestionPeople say that I am a controlling person, but I don't think I am. I think it might be because of my loudness and how much I talk. How can I change but still not feel like a different person?SadisticShaDoWoLFCommunity AnswerThe first thing is to realize whether or not you are trying to force them to do things that they don't want to do. Do you try and influence your friends by pushing them into something that they do not like? If so, then, yes, you could be a little 'controlling. If not at all, then your friends might just want you to talk less and allow them some time to speak or share their opinions.
QuestionHow can I encourage other people to be quieter?Community AnswerYou could politely ask people to speak quietly when they're around you, but I would mostly focus on encouraging through example (that is, just be quiet yourself and hope that it encourages others to be quiet too).
QuestionHow do I become a chill and kind person?Community AnswerDo meditation and yoga to make yourself cool. Put yourself in other people's shoes.
QuestionHow do I learn to talk less in a classroom setting?Community AnswerPay attention to what the teacher is saying. Ask questions if you have any, and answer the teacher's questions if he/she asks any and you know the answers. If the teacher isn't actively lecturing, focus on whatever work you're supposed to be doing. If you have free time, study or work on assignments for other classes. If you keep busy, you won't have a chance to talk. If you're distracted by the people sitting around you, ask the teacher if you can move seats.
QuestionI always talk when watching TV with my family. What can I do to keep quiet?Community AnswerTry just saving things for commercial breaks or when a movie/TV show is not yet at an exciting part. Also, if you are going to say say things that have no importance just don't say them.
QuestionHow can I gain more self-control to be quiet if I tend to fool around in class?Community AnswerTry not to associate with other students, and just pay attention to you work. Usually people fool around for attention. If everyone is working, then what’s the point?
QuestionHow can I be quiet and stop using words that hurt others?Community AnswerGet in the habit of thinking before you speak. Think about what you're about to say and ask yourself if it could possibly be hurtful. Learn to put yourself in another person's shoes and have empathy. Consider how you would feel if someone said to you what you're about to say to another person. If you might feel hurt, then don't say it.
QuestionWhenever I act quiet, my friend always asks if I'm sad or if I'm mad at her, what do I say to her?Community AnswerTell her that you are not sad or mad at her, that you're just thinking or you're enjoying some downtime from talking.
QuestionMy friend doesn't like it when I talk. What should I do?Community AnswerOne of the main reasons we have friends is for companionship. Find new friends, those who enjoy your company.
QuestionHow do I not talk as much if the other person doesn't know what to say?Tom De BackerTop AnswererThat is difficult. Words are chains; they hold hands and pull each other along. If the first ten have gone over the waterfall, they keep pulling and pulling more and more words, even climbing back up to go over again! Sometimes, you need to forcibly stop yourself talking. It's OK to be quiet, but quietude can be a vacuum sucking in other people's words. Remember that if they don't know what to say, it doesn't mean you have to talk, or that they want to hear you. It also doesn't mean they have no opinion, or that you can force yours onto them. If it comes to it, you could share this point of view with them and say it's OK to be quiet sometimes.
QuestionDoes lofi music help with being quiet?Emmanuel TiboCommunity AnswerYes! You can listen to it since it is calming and low. It also helps you to be quieter.
QuestionHow can I be a good kid when I have problems with talking too much?Community AnswerTalking a lot doesn't necessarily make you a bad kid, but try to listen to whoever is talking at any time. And don't interrupt someone while they are talking. Figure out the right time to talk. But don't make yourself suffer by listening to a boring story. Enjoy listening to people, and enjoy being included!
QuestionI'm an introvert, but around my family, I'm really not. I want to start to be more quiet but I can't since they always ask what's wrong. What do I do?Community AnswerTell them you are just thinking or tell them the truth, that you'd rather just be less noisy and more contemplative. Be sure to be nice about it when you explain. And follow the steps in this wikiHow, that'll make it easier for you.
QuestionI get angry over small issues and am easily mentally disturbed while others are talking. How can I quieten my feelings?Community AnswerLook for calm music. It helps if you listen to lo-fi. Other calm music helps too. Also be sure to get sufficient sleep, as it is easier to feel irritated with trivia when you're tired.
QuestionI'm not that talkative but usually I have a noisy mind. Moreover, I tend to become aggressive when somebody speaks/listens to songs so loudly. Even from tiny sounds of insects. How should I concentrate on studies?John CroftCommunity AnswerTry to listen to calming music or ocean sounds. Music and ocean sounds can help.
QuestionI talk too much and I feel like I have lost a friend and I just have one friend. What do I do?Community AnswerAsk them questions and get them to talk about themselves, so it's not just about you. If you do this, they will feel more like you are respecting their views and opinions and will most likely stay your friend.
QuestionI'm really quiet. People often think I'm tensed or stressed and many times my friends think I'm ignoring them but seriously I'm just really boring and quiet... What to do?Community AnswerMaybe explain this to them, don't let them think you're mean when you aren't. If they know what you're going through, and they are truly your friends, they will respect this and help you.
QuestionI've never been quiet unless I'm mad at someone. What should I do?Community AnswerKeep your body language normal. If anyone asks, then tell them that you are working on being a quiet person.
QuestionHow do I become quiet when I'm an extrovert?Community AnswerDon't be ashamed of being an extrovert, be proud. To be quieter, follow all these steps. Additionally, give yourself breaks from people. If you're in a class, for example, try sitting in a corner or right in front of the teacher. Another thing maybe to sit in a darker area. It can help you to stay quieter when needed.
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