Q&A for How to Be the Prettiest Girl in School

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    What can I do to get more people to like me at school?
    Sheila A. Anderson
    Certified Image Consultant & International Branding Icon
    Sheila A. Anderson is a Certified Image Consultant, International Branding Icon, and the Founder of Image Power Play, an impression management and personal branding company. With over three decades of experience, she specializes in empowering corporate professionals to raise their personal image to meet the value of their brand. Sheila is a Certified Image Consultant with The Image Resource Network and a Certified Universal Style Consultant with The Universal Style International. Sheila is a member of the C-Suite Network Advisors and the author of the book, I.C.U., The Comprehensive Guide to Breathing Life Back Into Your Personal Brand.
    Certified Image Consultant & International Branding Icon
    Expert Answer
    Try mirroring people when you talk to them. This is where you take their tone and energy, and then replicate it. So, if they're laughing, you should laugh with them. If they're kind of sad, speak in a more empathetic and measured tone. By mirroring another person's behavior, you activate the feel-good part of their brain and they'll respond well.
  • Question
    How does good posture make you pretty?
    Sheila A. Anderson
    Certified Image Consultant & International Branding Icon
    Sheila A. Anderson is a Certified Image Consultant, International Branding Icon, and the Founder of Image Power Play, an impression management and personal branding company. With over three decades of experience, she specializes in empowering corporate professionals to raise their personal image to meet the value of their brand. Sheila is a Certified Image Consultant with The Image Resource Network and a Certified Universal Style Consultant with The Universal Style International. Sheila is a member of the C-Suite Network Advisors and the author of the book, I.C.U., The Comprehensive Guide to Breathing Life Back Into Your Personal Brand.
    Certified Image Consultant & International Branding Icon
    Expert Answer
    Your body language communicates a lot about how you feel and that impacts the way people perceive you. If you sit up straight, make eye contact, and smile, people will naturally be drawn to you!
  • Question
    Can I look good when I am Chinese?
    Community Answer
    Of course. You can be pretty regardless of your race, ethnicity, gender, etc.
  • Question
    How do I look pretty for school when I only have two outfits?
    Community Answer
    Try changing things up by adding accessories like belts, scarves, jackets, etc. You can also buy clothes from thrift stores or outlet stores if you're on a budget, or even trade stuff with friends.
  • Question
    What if I am really over weight and not pretty?
    Community Answer
    Every girl can be pretty, I'm overweight too but I feel pretty. Try doing your hair in different cute styles, go online for inspiration. You can also try wearing a little bit of lip gloss and a hint of mascara. Besides, inner beauty is what matters.
  • Question
    I recently straightened my hair. It looks really good on me, but now patches of hair are getting frizzy, so my hair looks like a gross combination of straight and frizzy. Is there a way to stop this?
    Community Answer
    Use an anti-frizz product. My favorite is the anti-frizz line from John Frieda.
  • Question
    What toothpaste should I use to make my teeth pearly white?
    Community Answer
    Use a toothpaste designed for whitening teeth. It will be advertised as such.
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    What if we have to wear a school uniform?
    Community Answer
    You do not have to wear good clothes, but follow the other steps above, such as exercising.
  • Question
    How can a ten-year-old make friends at school?
    Community Answer
    Be polite. Don't be a bully. Walk up to people and say "hi." Show genuine interest in them.
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    how o remove pimples
    Community Answer
    Cera-Ve has amazing products for getting rid of pimples. I personally like to use their foaming cleanser, apply 5% benzoyl peroxide cream, mist my face with rubbing alcohol, apply Cera-Ve moisturizer, and follow with one drop of argan oil on my face. If you want any of the links to those products, please feel free to comment on my talk page and I can send them to you.
  • Question
    What if people think you're weird or rude?
    Community Answer
    If people think that, nicely say you are not, and you just want to feel pretty.
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    My armpits smell really bad! All the boys at school can't even go near me without gagging. How do I stop this?
    Community Answer
    Shave. Use extra deodorant. Keep your arms down.
  • Question
    What if you don't have a lot of confidence, and people never stop teasing you?
    Community Answer
    Usually when people tease you, they are envious of you or insecure about themselves. Pretend to be confident ("fake it 'til you make it"), and don't let their mean teasing hurt you. If they think their teasing is having no effect on you, eventually they'll give up and stop. Be nice to them in the meantime. It may be hard, but treat others the way you want them to treat you.
  • Question
    I wear glasses, and that makes me look ugly. I hate contacts. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Glasses do not make you look ugly. Some people think they make you look classy and smart. If you hate contacts, wear what you like. Own your glasses. Be confident in them. Show people how great you feel wearing your glasses. Who knows, maybe you'll start a new trend.
  • Question
    What if I have a friend who thinks she is ugly but isn't?
    Community Answer
    Remind her about how gorgeous she is. Don't do it in an annoying, repetitive way, but occasionally when you see her say "You look so pretty!" or "I love your hair so much".
  • Question
    I am not pretty, but I have lots of hidden talent. How can I let people know about it? I am not shy, but popular classmates seem embarrassed to speak to me.
    Community Answer
    You don't need to tell people about your hidden talent. Show them! Do really well in school and sports (if you do sports), and show kindness to everyone. People are drawn to people who are joyful and kind. Love who you are! Be confident!
  • Question
    How can I shape my eyebrows into a nice skinny form without waxing or making them too noticeable?
    Community Answer
    Take eyeliner and line your eyebrows where you want them to be. Then pluck anything outside of those lines. It helps to have someone else make the lines for you, so they are symmetrical and not too thin.
  • Question
    How will I be pretty when I don’t feel pretty, and I’m Asian?
    Community Answer
    You are already pretty! Asians are blessed with the most beautiful hair, skin, and features. Love yourself! You are gorgeous! Don't try to change who you are.
  • Question
    How can I feel good about myself?
    Community Answer
    Love yourself for who you are. Tell yourself how amazing you are. Write down all the things you love about yourself. Another way to feel good about yourself is to help other people. Sometimes when we focus on other people instead of ourselves, we feel good.
  • Question
    What are the best natural makeup products to wear in the summer?
    Community Answer
    Burt's Bees has some amazing makeup products: mascara, highlighter for the inner crease of the eye and lip gloss.
  • Question
    How can you look good when your school is strict and has uniforms?
    Community Answer
    Cute hairstyles and light makeup can be helpful! Even if you aren't allowed to wear makeup, take care of your skin so it looks its best.
  • Question
    How can I make a boy fall in love with me?
    Community Answer
    Be yourself. If you try to be someone else, the wrong boy will be attracted to you. Don't spend a lot of time worrying about it. It's a natural process that will work the way it's supposed to. In the meantime, enjoy the life you're living. If you can manage that, it won't matter if you don't happen to have a boyfriend at the moment. There are other pleasures in life.
  • Question
    How do I become pretty without makeup in 4th grade?
    Community Answer
    You are already pretty! You don't need makeup to be pretty. Just be yourself and smile a lot. Do really well in school and get awesome grades. Wear girly colors like teal and pink, and wear Chapstick to keep your lips moisturized. It's also important to put lotion or oil on after you shower to keep your skin glowing.
  • Question
    How do I find the right makeup look for myself?
    Community Answer
    You can experiment with makeup combinations until you find your look, or go to a professional makeup stylist. Find pictures of a celebrity who has the same general skin tone, hair, eyes, and face features as yours, and study their makeup. Even if there's just minor similarities, they can help you find a perfect makeup look.
  • Question
    I cut my hair short so it's hard to add accessories to it. And even when I put on headbands they get lost in it so I don't know what to do with it!
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    Small clips with little decorative elements on them might be a good choice for your short hair, as the decoration will stand out from your hair and the clip will slide on and clip in place with ease. You can choose from a range of designs such as animals, bows, stars, rainbows, etc., depending on where you source the clips from. Look in stores selling hair accessories or do a search using online shopping portals.
  • Question
    I only have tight jeans but I really want a pair of baggy jeans because I look weird in tight jeans because I have thick thighs. But I don't have much money, so what could I pair with these tight jeans?
    Mary Beth Toca
    Community Answer
    Try to get a shirt that draws people's attention away from your legs. A pretty blouse, sweater, or even t-shirt will distract them. You might also consider an oversized sweatshirt.
  • Question
    I'm the richest girl at my private prep school. My father is a powerful lawyer, and my mom comes from an old money family. How do I use my wealth to increase my attractiveness?
    Mary Beth Toca
    Community Answer
    Buy brand name clothes and purses and shoes, that are easily recognizable. Wear expensive jewelry. Lots of makeup from brands that are famous.
  • Question
    What do I do when I think my crush likes my best friend but everyone keeps telling me he likes me?
    Community Answer
    Be straightforward. You can try talking to your crush, casually working up to the question of if he likes anyone. If you need some help, look up any of the many wikiHow articles on how to talk to your crush. If your friends are trustworthy, listen to them! If you don't trust them enough to listen, then that's okay. Follow your heart!
  • Question
    What if you only have baggy jeans? I hate baggy jeans!
    Community Answer
    Try wearing sweaters with them. You can also wear coats or cardigans to look good. And try some pointed toe boots or a bag to go with it.
  • Question
    What if you are chunky, then how are you meant to look prettier than all the other girls? And what if you're just plain ugly and nobody likes you?
    Community Answer
    Be confident, smart and outgoing. It is possible to convince people you're gorgeous if you act as if you own the space. Beauty is inner more than outer and there are some way ordinary people out there, even celebrities, who have carved a belief in the rest of us that they're pretty even though they don't meet standard ideas of beauty. And treat people well, make them feel like they're the only person in the world when you talk to them, that is truly seductive. And bet you anything you're not "plain ugly" but it's how you feel rather than what's true.
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