Q&A for How to Breed Isopods

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    How do you tell a male isopod from a female?
    Community Answer
    Most of the time the uropods will tell which gender your isopod is. Males often have a longer last pair of legs. There are also some kinds which have differently coloured segmental plates. Porcellio silvestri females shine with a full and bright orange while the males are more plain in general.
  • Question
    How big of a tank should you have?
    Community Answer
    Any clear container can be used but a 5 or 10 gallon aquarium is recommended. Add bark or some other flat material to provide hiding places for the isopods.
  • Question
    Can I use decaying wood dirt too? I can't use sand.
    Community Answer
    Yes, you may use decaying wood dirt. In the wild, pill bugs feed on decaying wood.
  • Question
    I have mites in my reptile cage and am trying to save the isopods before I disinfect and de-mite the cage. Do isopods get mites on them and can they re-infest the lizard when I put them back?
    Aliyah Adkins
    Community Answer
    Isopods, like many other insects, can get infected by invasive mites that tend to eat insects alive. This can be a big problem when it comes to the health of the reptile as well. Instead of risking giving the reptile infested isopods, you would be better off killing them or letting them go.
  • Question
    My pill bug is blackish what does that mean?
    Aliyah Adkins
    Community Answer
    It is common for pill bugs to be dark in color. Some are even completely black.
  • Question
    Should my tank be closed or covered or leave open for fresh air?
    Community Answer
    Drill holes in the side of the tub, three or more on each side, so you can have a lid,
  • Question
    Can you have only 10 to 15?
    Community Answer
    The author above did say 20 is good. You can't control how many you have after they breed. So the simple answer is no, you can have over 20, unless you mean the vivarium. That's probably only for the breeding. Then just let 'em go at it.
  • Question
    Why do you say on caring #4 as an alternative to release them outside? That could alter our environment. They should be frozen first to cull then dispose. Be careful! Breed responsibly.
    Community Answer
    Pillbugs are everywhere. They are very common throughout the world. Releasing a few more isn't going to hurt the environment. Just more for birds and spiders to eat.
  • Question
    Can isopods eat fresh-fallen leaves?
    Community Answer
    They eat decaying matter, you should bake them to make them more crunchy and decaying, baking is mostly used for disinfecting the leaves.
  • Question
    What is an easy way to tell if a rollie-pollie is female or male?
    Community Answer
    Look at the stomach, or the spikes at their back end, the males have long ones and the females have shorter ones, the stomach difference is for specific species, like the terrestrial isopod. The males have more spiky looking stomaches, with longer spike-like "scales", the females will look like they have spiky bellies, but way shorter than the males stomach "scales."
  • Question
    Can a 10-year-old breed them?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely! Ask your parents to be sure it's OK.
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