Q&A for How to Build a Fire

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    Are plastic substances safe to burn?
    Community Answer
    No. Burned plastic substances are often toxic to inhale and can cause damage and/or explosions.
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    Why does the wood need to be stacked in a pyramid shape?
    Community Answer
    Flames burn upward, so when you build a pyramid, the fire will burn up the stick and be less likely to go out from lack of a fuel source.
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    What's the easiest way to build a fire?
    Community Answer
    Layers. Start it with kindling, start adding twigs, then move onto a bigger structure. The classic way is a pyramid, and personally I think it to be best.
  • Question
    How big does it have to be?
    Community Answer
    As big as you need it to be. Make it big enough so that it doesn't die down, but don't make it big enough to where it becomes a danger.
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    What is an easy technique to light the fire?
    Community Answer
    The easiest way to start a fire is to use paper. Build your paper into a really big and full ball, then put it in the middle of your fireplace and build wood over it. Use a match or lighter to light your paper and it should ignite the wood within a few minutes.
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    Why do I need to dig a cross ditch?
    Community Answer
    To allow oxygen to reach the flame and be drawn up through the fire, otherwise your fire could go out from a lack of oxygen for it to burn
  • Question
    Why do we need fire?
    Community Answer
    Fire is needed to keep people warm when it's cold and to cook food. Some people just enjoy sitting around a fire, telling stories, toasting marshmallows, etc.
  • Question
    Why do I need the rocks?
    Community Answer
    The rocks prevent the fire from getting out of control as they form a boundary for the fire. They are not really necessary (especially if your camp already has a metal fire ring) but are good to have.
  • Question
    How long does it take?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the size of the fire. A fire similar in size to the one in the pictures above might take 5 to 10 minutes to get it burning well, assuming you already have your materials collected.
  • Question
    How long will a fire typically last?
    Community Answer
    Well if you watch it and keep adding more wood, the fire will last a longer period of time, but if you don't keep an eye on the fire, it could burn out quickly. Every fire is different.
  • Question
    Do I need a lighter to build a fire?
    Community Answer
    No. You can use a bow drill and other friction methods to start a fire. As long as you have a tinder nest at the base (or the end if you're using a different method), it should light in 5 to 7 minutes of intense friction.
  • Question
    What happens if the fire gets out control?
    Community Answer
    Put it out with water, sand, or dirt. If the fire is serious, contact emergency services.
  • Question
    Can I start a fire on my lawn or is that dangerous?
    Community Answer
    It depends. Many counties/states have ordinances about what fires can be set in residential areas in where. In some places, you cannot set a fire on your property at all. In others, you can, but it has to meet certain criteria (like within a functioning fire pit). Check your state and county's laws regarding fires in residential areas before proceeding. In any event, starting a fire on your lawn can be dangerous if proper precautions aren't taken, so ensure that you've removed any flammable material from the fire area and that you have an extinguisher on hand in case of emergencies.
  • Question
    How big would a fire have to be for someone to get arrested (assuming the fire was lit in an area that allows them)?
    Community Answer
    Your fire would have to reach a height where it threatens to set trees on fire.
  • Question
    How do I build a fire with only sticks and a lighter?
    Community Answer
    If you have a pocket knife, you would shave small, thin, long shards off the sticks and use that as the tinder, then shave thin strips almost all of the way from the stick to help the fire spread. Other than that, you would simply follow the other steps.
  • Question
    Can I make a fire on grass?
    Community Answer
    Don't. Even if the grass is well-watered, you still run the risk of creating a fire hazard, and you will end up killing the grass in that spot. Only build fires where it is safe to do so.
  • Question
    How long does it take to make a fire using a fire plow? How do I make a fire doing this?
    Community Answer
    It can be done in 5 minutes, though it can take up to half an hour. Once you have the smoldering punk (wood dust), transfer it to your kindling and gently blow to grow it into a flame. Finally, place it at the base of the fire, then treat like a normal fire.
  • Question
    What’s the difference between a cross pattern and a teepee pattern?
    Community Answer
    A cross pattern is where you lay the kindling sticks across each other and a teepee pattern is where the kindling sticks are stacked in the form of a teepee.
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