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Q&A for How to Capture the Interest of a Nerdy Girl
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QuestionHow can I tell if a nerdy girl likes me?Connell Barrett is a Relationship Expert and the Founder and Executive Coach of Dating Transformation in New York City. Connell has over five years of experience as an international coach who helps men connect with women by unlocking their best, true, most confident selves. He is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Dating Sucks but You Don’t,” and has appeared on Good Morning America, the "Today" show, Access Hollywood, and in Best Life, Cosmopolitan, and The Oprah Magazine. In 2019 he was named Datezie.com's “New York City’s Best Male Dating Coach."Pay attention to her body language when you're holding a conversation with her. If she's making eye contact, leaning closer, or copying your posture, she may have a crush on you.
QuestionMy crush is nerdy, and she likes books. How would I talk to her?Community AnswerAsk her to recommend books for you and always ask her about the books she is reading. Start reading her genre, and read the series she is into. Then, casually make a reference to the book around her, or rave about how good it is. That will stimulate conversation!
QuestionI'm an eleven-year-old bookworm of a boy. How do I get an eleven-year-old science-nerdy girl to like me?Community AnswerStart reading more science-related books. A good way to start a conversation is by asking her to confirm a science fact. If you are at the same school, get help from her occasionally or get reviews from her for your science project. Suggest a book group for her to join with you or offer to take her to a great science museum or documentary.
QuestionMy boyfriend is a nerd and I want your help to help me be more like him.Community AnswerTake an interest in his hobbies a bit. Ask him about his hobbies and research them. Don't overdo it. If you are seriously not comfortable, avoid it. Be yourself largely.
QuestionMy crush is a techie, sci-fi nerd, comic book junkie, science nerd, mathlete, bookworm, and a role player. How do I get her to notice me?Community AnswerIt might be a bit hard to get in all of these fields but try it a bit. You can do it by finding things she has more interest in. You can ask her about what happened in the sci-fi series you missed or you can confirm a fact related to her interest from your crush.
QuestionMy friend is a gamer girl and a bookworm. How do I get her to like me?Community AnswerCheck out popular games like Mario and Minecraft. And make sure you've at least read Harry Potter twice. Do your research so you can engage her intelligently regarding her interests.
QuestionThe girl I like is a movie junkie and a bookworm. I got to know her quite well, but she lost all her faith in love. What do I do?Community AnswerDon't make it too obvious that you like her. Just try to get her to like you. Share her interests in movies and books and start up small conversations about them with her. Act like you just like her as a friend, get a way to contact her, and what happens after that up to you.
QuestionThe girl I like is an Otaku. She tries to hide it, but it shows occasionally. Afterwards she gets kind of embarrassed. How do I get her to like me?Community AnswerIf you're feeling confident, you could go up to her and ask her for some advice, like some of her favorite anime/manga. If that wouldn't work, you may just want to start getting into some anime yourself. Then you can start talking to her about it and see if she opens up. If she's embarrassed about it, though, wait until you're talking one on one, don't bring it up in a group setting.
QuestionHow should I start a conversation with my crush if she is nerdy and really shy?Community AnswerIf you see her in school, ask her something about the topic of discussion in class. Take it gradual. Say "hi" to her everyday, talk about school, and soon she'll feel more eager to talk to you.
QuestionI have a crush on a geeky girl, but I'm not exactly sure what she likes. What should I do?Community AnswerAsk her! It’s that easy. If you see her reading, or playing some game, or doing anything that looks like it interests her, just say, “So, you like [name of book/game/etc.]?" If you like it as well, it’s a great way to start a friendship, and potentially more. If you don't know much about the thing she likes, say, "Oh, I've been meaning to check that out, how is it?" That's another great way to start a conversation, because she'll probably have a lot to say on the subject.
QuestionHow can I make the girl I like notice me as more than an amusing friend?Community AnswerWell, as a bookworm/theater nerd girl, I can tell you what I know if she’s into either of those. Put a bit more than a little interest in her hobbies. Try comparing something that happened in that book or broadway show she likes to something in your life. We don’t really like sharing our own feelings, but feel special if you do in a subtle way, as I mentioned before.
QuestionThe girl I like is into sci-fi, anime, and roleplay. I'm 17 and she's 23. How can I make her interested in me?Community AnswerAsk her about sci-if things, like her favorite shows, books, anime, etc. Choose one of these things and tell her you've been meaning to check that out. Then actually check it out and you guys can have a conversation about it. Invite her to a sci-fi movie or convention or whatever else might be convenient.
QuestionHow do I know if a girl who is a bookworm likes me?Community AnswerIf you see her reading, try asking about the book. If she seems open to conversation, ask for her number! Asking for the number is the first official step to let a girl know you like her. If she answers very briefly or brushes you off, she's probably not interested.
QuestionThe girl I like is an Otaku (obsessed with Anime) and I'm a movie junkie and a jock. What do I do?Community AnswerTry to share each others interests! Ask her to show you her favorite Anime and talk to her about it. Invite her to your favorite movies and sporting events. If you're both open-minded you can expand each other's horizons.
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