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Q&A for How to Care for Flaming Katy
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QuestionWhen does the Flaming Katy flower?NinoxTop AnswererUsually from February to April. The more you expose the plant to the light, the more it will bloom.
QuestionHow do I take a cutting?NinoxTop AnswererYou don't have to cut the plant. You can just remove dead flowers to stimulate flowering.
QuestionHow will it survive in the garden ?NinoxTop AnswererIt will survive if the temperature doesn't drop below zero. Otherwise, it could die.
QuestionThe main stem looks dead and a new shoot has started growing. Should I remove the dead one?NinoxTop AnswererYes. If a new stem grows, you can remove the dead one without damaging the plant.
QuestionCan I cut off the two branches of a flaming katy and throw them out or will they grow new root if I put it in water?Community AnswerIf you place them in water you can propagate the cuttings. They will grow new roots then you can plant them in soil.
QuestionHow do I take a cutting?Community AnswerTo take a cutting you can just snip of a portion of the stem. To get it to grow, you can use either the water method or soil method of propagation.
QuestionWhy did my Flaming Katy stop blooming this summer?Top AnswererFlaming Katy is a short day plant that typically flowers in the fall and winter so it stops flowering under the long days of summer.
QuestionWhy are some of the leaves turning yellow with a brown edge?Top AnswererLeaves are functional for only three or four months. Then the aging process causes them to turn yellow and, ultimately, brown as nutrients are recycled to new leaves. It is typical for older, lower leaves to turn yellow, then brown and then fall from the plant as new leaves are produced.
QuestionDoes a Flaming Katy need the sun from a certain direction? When I got mine a couple years ago it was in bloom. It still looks good but never blooms any more.Top AnswererNo, just a bright, sunny window. It is quite difficult to coax it to flower again, because it requires the specific short-day treatment described above.
QuestionCan I put a cutting into soil, or does it need to go into water first?Top AnswererEither method will work. Using well-drained potting soil, stick in the cutting(s), water thoroughly, enclose in a plastic bag to maintain high humidity and place in a warm, bright location that does not receive direct sun. Add water after 7 to 10 days. It should have roots in two or three weeks.
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