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Q&A for How to Castle in Chess
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QuestionWhich side is best to castle in chess?Vitaly Neimer is an International Chess Master and Certified Professional Chess Coach with over 15 years of training experience. He has been a part of the United States' Webster SPICE national chess champion team and is also a two-time Israeli national chess champion.Castle on the opposite of your opponent for a game with more attacks, or castle on the same side as your opponent for a more peaceful game.
QuestionHow long can you take to move?DonaganTop AnswererIn regular chess, there is no time limit. "Speed chess" is a variant game in which each player has a total allotted time for all of his/her moves and thus would want to move as quickly as possible.
QuestionCan I castle a queen?Community AnswerNo, castling always involves the king and a rook.
QuestionCan the rook move after I castle?DonaganTop AnswererYes, both the king and the rook can move anytime after castling.
QuestionHow numbers and letters work?DonaganTop AnswererThe letters identify the files. The numbers identify the ranks. Each square is identified by a specific letter/number combination. This system makes it easier for players to communicate with each other regarding past, present or future moves.
QuestionDoes castling count as the king's two-place move for the game?DonaganTop AnswererYou may be thinking of a pawn's two-square opening move. A king never moves two squares except in castling.
QuestionCan I castle through check?DonaganTop AnswererNo, when castling the king cannot move from, through or to a square in which he is in check.
QuestionCan I castle when the rook is across from the king?Community AnswerYes, if there are no other pieces in between the king and the rook. Both the king and the rook have to be in their original starting position for this to happen.
QuestionCan a king capture a queen?DonaganTop AnswererOrdinarily, a king cannot get close enough to the opposing queen to capture her. However, if a queen is "pinned" to a square (because she is protecting her king), the opponent's king could move into an adjacent square and then capture her if she's unprotected.
QuestionIs castling all done in one move?LavacraftCommunity AnswerYes, it is. Move your king to g1 or c1, and your rook to f1 or d1. In chess programs, move your king and the program will automatically move your rook.
QuestionShould I castle in the beginning of a game right as soon as I can?Top AnswererYes. However, you should not castle to a square where you could be attacked or castle when a major piece is under attack.
QuestionAs white, my first move is always pawn e4. I prefer long castles, what opening should I learn to get to do long castles?FlowerPower 💖Community AnswerLong castling as white is less common than short castling. In the Sicilian or the Center Game, there are possibilities for white to do long castles.
QuestionIf I castle on the king's side, can I move the h2 pawn to h3 for safety?FlowerPower 💖Community AnswerMany chess players do that to avoid back-rank checkmate. However, as you get more advanced, playing h3 just for the purpose of avoiding back-rank checkmate is a waste of a move. Be attentive for back-rank checkmate instead, and don't waste a move just trying to prevent it from happening.
QuestionCan you move a pawn 2 squares when it is its second move?TujouesCommunity AnswerNo, pawns are only allowed to move two squares on their first move. They can only be moved on square at a time after that.
QuestionIs there anything called double castling?Community AnswerIt's the same meaning for castling. Double castling = castling. But most of the players call double castling for queen side castling.
QuestionWhat happens when I move another piece when my king pawn is in a check?Community AnswerIf your king is in check, and you moved another piece, then it is completely an illegal move. There are 2 chances of illegals.
QuestionCan I castle a rook?Community AnswerNo. You can castle only the king in the chess board. You can chose one of the sides, king side and queen side.
QuestionDo I have to move the first piece I touch?Community AnswerYes. Otherwise you will play an illegal move. If you touch the king first, it's okay and you can castle. If you touch the rook, you can't castle. You have to move the rook somewhere. And also remember, after moving one of the pieces, king or rook, you can't castle again even when it is back in the same square.
QuestionHow do I explain to someone that this is not cheating and that it is a legal chess move?Community AnswerCastling involves the king and a rook. As mentioned, there are many rules to castling: The first is that you may only castle if you haven't moved your king and your rook (on the side where you want to castle). The second rule is that no piece can be between your king and the rook on the side where you want to castle.
QuestionHow to castle queen side?Community AnswerCastling queenside is just what it sounds like. You have to castle but towards the queenside. All spaces between the king and the queenside rook should be empty, meaning you should have developed your queen, knight and bishop.
QuestionHow cana king can capture a queen? I feel the answer lacks details.Community AnswerAll of these cases are dependent on the fact that immediately after you make your move, the king is not in check. Therefore, you may capture the queen so long as the king is no longer in check after you make your move. I have seen this called ABC rule (Away, Block, Capture) in few books.
QuestionAs white, my first move is always pawn e5. I prefer long castles. What opening should I learn to get two long castles?Community AnswerThere are a lot of openings that you can try. Try Queen's gambit as white. It takes long castles. King's gambit gives short castles.
QuestionAfter the king moves, can I do castle?Ronaldo the godCommunity AnswerNo, if the king moves before castling, then you can’t castle. So, castle first, then move your king.
QuestionIs it mandatory to say check when attacking the king?LunaCommunity AnswerNo. In official games you are not required to say "check" though some players will in tournaments. Some players say that it breaks the silent atmosphere of the tournament hall and may consider it bad manners. In friendly games, many players will say "check" though some do not. All in all, it's not required but many players say "check".
QuestionCan I perform this move in the Real Chess Android game?Joshua WalsworthCommunity AnswerI assume so. The way it usually works is that you click your king and click the second space away from him. It will automatically castle.
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