Q&A for How to Clean Tough Stains from a Bathtub

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    We have a very old tub in a rental. How do I determine if the bathtub is porcelain or enamel?
    Michelle Driscoll, MPH
    Founder, Mulberry Maids
    Michelle Driscoll is the Owner of Mulberry Maids, which is based in Fort Collins, Colorado. With five years of experience, her business specializes in cleaning homes and small offices. She holds a Masters in Public Health from the Colorado School of Public Health. Additionally, Mulberry Maids has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
    Founder, Mulberry Maids
    Expert Answer
    A magnet will stick to enamel, but will not stick to porcelain or acrylic. Acrylic looks similar to plastic. If you do the magnet test and the magnet clings to the side, your tub is made of enameled metal.
  • Question
    Is there a way to remove essential oil stains from an acrylic bathtub?
    Michelle Driscoll, MPH
    Founder, Mulberry Maids
    Michelle Driscoll is the Owner of Mulberry Maids, which is based in Fort Collins, Colorado. With five years of experience, her business specializes in cleaning homes and small offices. She holds a Masters in Public Health from the Colorado School of Public Health. Additionally, Mulberry Maids has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
    Founder, Mulberry Maids
    Expert Answer
    Depending on how badly the tub is stained, oil stains can be difficult. First, cover the stained area with a coat of baking soda. Then, mix up your cleaning solution in a spray bottle: 1 cup vinegar, 1 tablespoon of dish soap, and 3 cups of water. Spray this mixture over the baking soda. Use a soft sponge to scrub the stained areas. You may need to repeat this process a couple times. If you have stubborn stains, you can let the solution and baking soda sit for 15-20 minutes prior to scrubbing it away.
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    Can you clean the tub with vinegar?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Yes, this should be fine. For general cleaning, make a cleaning solution of half vinegar and half water (preferably warm but not essential) and place in a spray bottle; use to clean the whole bath, wiping after spraying. For specific stains on an acrylic bath, use distilled white vinegar sprayed onto the stained area, then wipe off with water.
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    Can you use bleach to clean a bathtub?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    The answer depends on what your bathtub is made out of, as bleach can damage some tubs. Tubs containing iron should never be cleaned using bleach because it can cause the iron to oxidize, leaving red streaks that can stain permanently. Also, acrylic and enamel bathtubs should not be cleaned using bleach, although some manufacturers say that the use of powdered oxygen bleach is safe on some types of acrylic baths; check the manufacturer’s instructions for your bath type. Even where you can use bleach, always dilute it to avoid discoloration or staining the tub. For detail on cleaning a bathtub using bleach, see How to Clean a Bathtub with Bleach.
  • Question
    How can I keep a bathtub clean without much trouble?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    A bathtub is always easiest to clean just after a bath, so try to wipe down the bathtub with a cloth or sponge and some clean water after the bathwater has drained out; stubborn areas can be rubbed with a little dishwashing liquid. This is far easier than having to tackle a month’s worth of grime buildup without the benefit of elbow grease and cleanser!
  • Question
    How can I tell if my bathtub is porcelain, enamel or acrylic?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    An enamel bathtub and a porcelain bathtub look similar but you can test the difference by applying a magnet to the surface; if the magnet adheres, the bathtub is enamel over metal (iron or steel). If you find the bathtub has a little give when pressed, it may be either acrylic or fiberglass; acrylic also tends to scratch or chip more easily than porcelain and enamel bathtubs. Rust tends to suggest a cast iron or enamel bath.
  • Question
    I’ve tried everything but the stain is really stubborn. Is there anything besides buying a new bathtub?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    When you have tried many remedies and the stain is stubborn, it’s possible that it’s set permanently. At this point, you might consider looking for a commercial rust remover product from the supermarket or hardware store. This type of strong cleaner may fix the stain problem but there is a big risk of corrosion, so it’s definitely last resort. If this doesn’t work or you don’t want to use it, find out whether it’s possible to get a new coat on your bathtub in place of having to install a new tub, if the cost is reasonable; call a plumber or a bathroom supplies store for advice.
  • Question
    How do you clean an enamel bathtub?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    An enamel bathtub can be cleaned with warm water and wiping if it’s not dirty from use but just dusty. If it is in use, add some gentle dishwashing liquid to the warm water and use a non-abrasive cleaning cloth or sponge to remove bathtub rings or dirt. Stains need to be focused on specifically, such as by using a gentle cleanser or vinegar or by soaking. For more details on cleaning an enamel bath, see How to Clean and Enamel Bath.
  • Question
    How do I get rust off my bathtub?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Rust on a bathtub is usually a sign that the protective coating has been worn through, either by aging or over-scrubbing with abrasives. Once this happens, the rust can bleed and leave stains on the bath surface. Orange oil cleaners are often great at removing this rust but be sure the cleaner is suitable for your bathtub’s surface; apply it to a dry surface, rubbing in circular motions using a soft sponge, then rinse (and repeat if needed). A vinegar and baking soda paste is another option (see instructions above). Or use a vinegar and borax paste for a fiberglass bath.
  • Question
    What removes hard water stains?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Hard water stains can be removed in various ways. One is to purchase a specific product designed for this activity from a hardware store or supermarket. Another way is to make your own cleanser from hydrogen peroxide and cream of tartar (the instructions are provided above). Or, make a paste from baking soda and vinegar, apply it to the stain for 15 minutes, then wash off (repeat if needed). For more help in removing hard water stains, see How to Remove Hard Water Spots.
  • Question
    How do I know what my tub is made of?
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    I'm sure there are exceptions, but enamel tubs that I am familiar with are enameled steel and a magnet will be attracted to them. Glazed porcelain or any of the newer plastics will will not attract a magnet.
  • Question
    How do I get rid of rust around the bath plughole?
    Community Answer
    Create a paste using vinegar and baking soda, two items found in most household pantries. Rub this paste on and allow it to sit for about 24 hours before scrubbing and then rinsing.
  • Question
    How can I remove acetone nail varnish remover stain from the bathtub?
    Community Answer
    Acetone doesn't stain. It probably cleaned wherever it touched. Use peroxide and coke mixed with enough diatomaceous earth to make a paste and scrub the tub.
  • Question
    How can I remove a blue stain?
    Community Answer
    You should take some baking soda, and mix it with one tablespoon of lemon juice. You should then put this solution on the stain for 30 minutes, and rinse it off.
  • Question
    How do I clear a tub blockage that's preventing the water from draining?
    Community Answer
    It's probably best to call a professional to help you. Removing the plug from the drain is easy enough, but clearing the blockage is likely going to be unsafe for someone who doesn't have experience.
  • Question
    How do I remove roses petal stain from a tub?
    Community Answer
    Use an abrasive cleaning formula, like Ajax. Scrub the area with an abrasive sponge and repeat the process until the stains are removed.
  • Question
    My fiberglass tub was used to tie dye and a red stain was left. How can I get the stain out?
    Community Answer
    Spray the bathtub with bleach for 10 seconds and leave sitting for 30 seconds. Run the bathtub until water covers the bathtub floor and scrub hard for 1 minute and then drain the tub.
  • Question
    How do I remove calcium deposits from the bathtub?
    Community Answer
    Scrub with vinegar or sodium hydroxide (lye).
  • Question
    How do I clean black marks on acrylic rubber bottom of shower glass?
    Community Answer
    I recommend using RAM cleaner with a rag making sure to rinse out the area with water.
  • Question
    Will an oven cleaner remove mineral deposits?
    Community Answer
    No. Soft Scrub with bleach works best. Let it sit a few hours with the bathroom fan on, then wipe off - little to no scrubbing required.
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