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Q&A for How to Delete a TikTok Account
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QuestionI can't access my email account anymore, and can't remember my password. How can I access my TikTok profile now?AasimTop AnswererDid you set up a phone number? If so, use that to sign in to TikTok. Otherwise, you should contact TikTok support.
QuestionCan I just get rid of it if I have never signed up, only downloaded it?AasimTop AnswererIf you never signed up, then you do not have a TikTok account to delete. You can uninstall the app by tapping and holding on the app, choosing Uninstall (X), and confirming.
QuestionHow do I delete an old TikTok account if I have forgotten my email and password?AasimTop AnswererIf you forgot your email and password, then you need to use a phone number associated with your account. You can also ask that TikTok delete all of the data on the platform by emailing their support team, but that may take a little longer.
QuestionI made a new TikTok account because I couldn't get into my old one. I put in my phone number, it said it was already in use. Got into my old account and deleted it, but it still says that. What do I do?AasimTop AnswererIf you have a large amount of information on the app, it can take a few minutes for all of it to be removed. Give it some time. If you are still having trouble, use the "Report a problem" feature or email TikTok support.
QuestionWhat does it mean when my TikTok account reads "deactive" but I haven't deactivated it?AasimTop AnswererIt means that either TikTok removed your account or you deleted your TikTok account already. If you have deleted your TikTok account, you can still sign back up with your old login information; you just will not get the same username as before.
QuestionDo my videos auto update when logging in after deleting my TikTok account?AasimTop AnswererDeleting your TikTok account deletes your videos and other content. You may or may not be able to retrieve some content after your account is deleted.
QuestionWhere are the videos saved on TikTok?AasimTop AnswererWhen you choose "Post," your videos are made public for everyone to see (unless your account is private). Choosing "Save to drafts" will allow you to edit your TikTok videos later should you be unfinished.
QuestionWhen I delete my TikTok account, does it delete all videos so nobody can access them to view them?AasimTop AnswererWhen you delete your TikTok account, your account will appear as "Deactivated" to other users searching for your profile. They will not be able to view any of your videos or liked content. After 30 days, your account and its information (including videos) will be deleted.
QuestionWhat if I already have a phone number linked to the account and want to delete it?AasimTop AnswererSimply choose "Thinking about removing your account?" and follow the instructions.
QuestionWhat if my number is not available?AasimTop AnswererIf your number is unavailable, then you can change your phone number. First, confirm that you know your old number by entering the last few digits of it. Then enter a new phone number and then the code sent to that phone number.
QuestionHow long does it take for my TikTok account to deactivate, and what does deactivate mean?AasimTop AnswererOn any platform, not just TikTok, account deactivation hides your public content from others and marks it for deletion. After 30 days, all your content will be permanently removed from the platform.
QuestionI deactivated my account, expecting the phone number attached to it to not be associated with the account anymore. However, I can't attach the phone number to my new account. They claim it's been used.AasimTop AnswererYou need to wait 30 days before you can use the phone number again. If you still cannot use that number after the 30 days, contact TikTok support.
QuestionHow do I change my password recovery email address on TikTok?AasimTop AnswererChoose "email" under "Manage my account" in TikTok's settings You will then have to verify your email address.
QuestionI logged into TikTok using my Google account and it is frozen. If I reinstall it using the same Google account, will my old videos still be available?AasimTop AnswererYes, though you still have to pass age verification. If you entered your birthday incorrectly, you will have to send your government ID to TikTok via the "report a problem" feature or email.
QuestionI want to delete my daughter's TikTok account. What do I do?AasimTop AnswererEmail TikTok's privacy team at privacy @ You need to place "COPPA account deletion request" or similar in the header to indicate that the deletion request is because your child created an account without parental permission. Child accounts are limited to creating (not uploading) videos only (unless they lied about their age).
QuestionIf my account is deleted, does it remove my phone number linked with the account?AasimTop AnswererYes, it will. Per privacy laws across the world, users who request their account be deleted must have all of their data deleted, including their phone number.
QuestionHow would I email TikTok support to delete my account, what do I write exactly, how do I word it?Community AnswerTikTok support isn't required to delete your account; simply follow the instructions in the article.
QuestionWhat if I signed up with an email address?AasimTop AnswererFor security reasons, you will have to add a phone number before you can delete your account.
QuestionHow do I permanently deactivate my TikTok account?AasimTop AnswererAfter thirty days, your account will be deleted. During the deletion process, your profile pic will be hidden and display name will be "Deactive".
QuestionHow can I delete the account if I logged in with Facebook?AasimTop AnswererConnect to your phone number, disconnect from Facebook (by tapping on the account then choosing Remove), then continue with the steps above.
QuestionI deleted it, now can I make another account?AasimTop AnswererYes, you can. Tap on the profile button, then tap on "Sign up with Phone or Email." Then follow the instructions.
QuestionI tried to delete my TikTok account, but it doesn't let me delete it. Why?Community AnswerThat sounds like a technical glitch the site is currently experiencing right now. In the meantime, you can just delete all your videos, comments, profile page, and change your user photo to something blank or generic.
QuestionWill all my likes on other people's content be gone after my TikTok account is deleted or do they still remain there?Community AnswerIf you delete your account, all likes you posted will be gone forever, like they never existed.
Questionif I delete my Tik Tok account, will comments with my name tagged on them be deleted too?HagukananTop AnswererNo, the comments won't be deleted. If people reading the comments try to tap on your username to see your account, it will give them a message that says "deleted account".
QuestionI received a message on my phone it says [TikTok] #### is your verification code, valid for 5 minutes. To keep your account safe, never forward this code. I don't have an account. What should I do?SophiaCommunity AnswerLeave it alone. If you have never had an account, someone has tried to get a code and sent it to the wrong email.
QuestionI made a new TikTok account after my phone broke and when I was on TikTok one day I saw my old TikTok account and all my videos and I want it back! How do I get it?SophiaCommunity AnswerAll you have to do is log out of your current account and sign into your old one. If you connected your email to it and forgot your password or username, TikTok will send you an email and you can still recover it.
QuestionIf I delete my TikTok app, does that mean that my TikTok account will also be deleted?SophiaCommunity AnswerNo, you will still have your account. You might have to log in again though, so make sure you know your username and password.
QuestionWill I be able to use my phone number with a different TikTok account once I delete my other account?Community AnswerYes, although you may have to wait for the 30 days until your old account deactivates.
QuestionHow do I remove my personal information from my TikTok account?Community AnswerIf you put any personal information in your Tik Tok bio, then you can simply change your bio by clicking “ Edit Profile”. If you shared anything in a video, go to the three dots and you have the option to delete it. Things like your birthday that you put in while making your account is not shown to the public. Deleting your account will also delete any information you shared. Switching to a private account will allow only people that request to follow you (and you accept) to see your account.
QuestionHow do I change my number on my TikTok account?Community AnswerGo to your account and press the 3 dots in the right hand corner. You should be able to see Manage My Account. Press it and you shall see a Change My Number button. Follow the prompts it provides.
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