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Q&A for How to Do Mutah
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QuestionWhere in the Quran, Sunnah or Hadith is this found?Community AnswerIn the Quran, in the 24th verse of Suraton Nissae, Allah is clearly is mentioning mutah. For further information, you may refer to the book "al-Mizan" from Allame Tabtabaee.
QuestionWe did consummate our marriage. Could we add terms to the contract before it ends?Community AnswerOnce the contract is set, it can't be modified.
QuestionCan I do Mutah with a Christian woman?Community AnswerMutah is just like normal marriage, and since the Muslim religion allows the marriage to a Christian woman, then Mutah to a Christian woman is accepted as well.
QuestionCan the woman decide she doesn’t want a dowry or mahr? And if she did set one can she change it?Miffy the gacha-cornCommunity AnswerYes, she can decide that and tell her parents and she can change it if it has not been given yet.
QuestionDo you need to end Mutah in order to have a permanent marriage, or does it automatically end after the ceremony?ReyhaneCommunity AnswerThe man should end it, then the woman can marry again with other man. Otherwise, the second marriage is haram.
QuestionCan you say the words in English for the mutha marriage as I don’t know Arabic?ReyhaneCommunity AnswerNo, it's necessary to speak them in Arabic. Just read the text. If you can't, then ask someone to say them for you.
QuestionBasically this marriage can be done by the man and woman themselves? Like they don't need a Sheikh/Molana to do it for them? And are the rules different for a virgin woman?ReyhaneCommunity AnswerYes it can be done by themselves. The virgin woman will need her dad's permission.
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