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Q&A for How to Draw a Cow
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QuestionWhere can I find simple images of cow art?Community AnswerGo to Google and search for "cow clip art." Then click "images" at the top and you will see lots of simple cow art.
QuestionHow do I make the legs not so skinny?Community AnswerIt is okay to have skinny legs, but if you prefer to avoid them, increase the angle of the upper leg and decrease the angle of the lower leg.
QuestionWhy do all of these pictures look hard to draw?Community AnswerEverything difficult takes time to master, the same goes with drawing. The more you practice, the better you'll become and the easier it will be.
QuestionI altered the picture a little bit to make it look better. What other alterations would you recommend?Community AnswerDon't be afraid to try new things and experiment. You can take inspiration from other cow breeds in terms of the fur patterning, or draw a bull with bigger horns. The possibilities are endless!
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