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Q&A for How to Fingerspell the Alphabet in American Sign Language
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QuestionIs there a universal sign language?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerNo, different countries or regions have different forms of sign language. For example, if you try to use ASL the U.K., people who have learned British Sign Language (BSL) might not understand you. However, some countries have adopted features from other countries’ sign languages.
QuestionWhy is fingerspelling important in ASL?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerFingerspelling is helpful if you don’t know a sign for an individual word or if you want to spell out a personal name. Researchers from the NSF Science of Learning Centers have also found that fingerspelling is important for helping Deaf children develop strong reading and writing skills.
QuestionIs fingerspelling the same as sign language?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerFingerspelling is just one component of sign language. It allows you to spell out words using individual letters. Other signs are used to represent entire words.
QuestionHow do I ask out a guy that cannot hear?Community AnswerJust ask. Either learn sign language, write it down, or just say it to him if he can read lips.
QuestionHow do I ask a boy out if he is deaf?Community AnswerYou could sign, write it out or, if he reads lips, then just say it.
QuestionHow do I learn easy words for sign language?Community AnswerStart with basic conversation words, like "Hello," "How are you," and "Nice to meet you."
QuestionHow do I sign quickly and easily without messing up?Community AnswerPracticing allows you to use your hands faster and more steadily. There is no substitute; as you gain proficiency signing through practice, you will naturally become faster (and less likely to mess up).
QuestionShould I spell out each letter to make a sentence?Community AnswerIt depends. Typically you'd use signs for the words, and spell out names.
QuestionHow can a deaf person become a comedian?Community AnswerYou could try hiring a sign language translator to translate what you're saying to the audience, or if you're performing somewhere with a large screen, you could put up a PowerPoint presentation or video with subtitles to help convey what you're saying.
QuestionWho invented Sign Language?Community AnswerNon-verbal language has always existed. For example, when you nod your head for yes or shake it for no. These basic signs are ones that most people don't realize are included in Sign Language. Although there is some debate about the exact origin of Sign Language, in 1620, an instruction manual was published by Juan Pablo de Bonet.
QuestionHow can I better understand J and Z?Community AnswerWith J, you first sign an 'i' and then point it to the opposite direction—towards your chest. To sign Z, you literally write a Z in the air with your index as if you were writing it on paper.
QuestionHow do I make up a language like that?Community AnswerThis language originated in order to help people who can't speak, using easy hand motions.
QuestionWhat is a good tip to help me remember the "P"?Community AnswerIt's just "K" (like in the ASL alphabet) sideways, and how I remember "K" is that it actually kind of looks like the letter K.
QuestionAre there any free apps for learning sign language?Community AnswerYes. There are many sign language apps. Start with the basics first. You have to learn the alphabet and numbers before moving on to simple and then complex words and phrases.
QuestionIs it important to sign X and L with a particular hand?Community AnswerNo. As long as people can see what letter you are signing, it won't matter.
QuestionCan I sign with my left hand, or will it reverse the positioning?Community AnswerNo, it is kind of like writing with your left hand. I do it all the time!
QuestionDoes this work the same way if I am left handed?Community AnswerYes, you can use whichever hand you like, the effect is the same.
QuestionFor the most part, I can only fingerspell. Can I still communicate?Community AnswerIt will take longer to say what you want if you can only finger spell, but you can communicate simple messages this way if needed.
QuestionHow do I communicate with a mute person if there are some signs I do not understand?Community AnswerFinger spell them out if you do not know the sign for a word or phrase.
QuestionDoes ASL use one or both hands?LaraCommunity AnswerYou only need one hand for ASL. You can use either hand, however it may feel more natural to use your dominant hand.
QuestionIs it fun to learn sign language?LaraCommunity AnswerThis depends entirely on your own personal interests. If you are someone who enjoys learning (in particular learning languages) this can be a fun experience. If you don't find learning new things enjoyable, then learning sign language is will not be as fun.
QuestionHow can I remember everything?LaraCommunity AnswerPractice for short period of time on a regular basis. You might like to revise the for 15 minutes a day, or half an hour every two days. Practicing for long periods of time on an irregular basis will only hurt your brain.
QuestionWhen I write the letters "Z" or "J", do I spell them so that I can read the letters or so that the person I'm talking to can read them?AnnabelCommunity AnswerYou sign it so that you can read it, or dependent on your dominant hand. So, if you were using your right hand for z - it would go left down to right. For J, it would be down and curved to the left. It would be the opposite if using your left hand.
QuestionMy friend is deaf and I want to have a conversation with him. How should I communicate with him?AnnabelCommunity AnswerPerhaps start with pen and paper, and explain that you want to learn ASL. It is probable that he'd be more than happy to help you learn, and it also ensures you're learning the official language.
QuestionHow do you indicate that you are moving onto the next word with finger spelling? Like, when we write things down there are spaces, would you just pause or...?AnnabelCommunity AnswerYou can pause, or use lip pattern to support the split of words. You can also use your thumb. Hold it upright, with other fingers inward. Tilt it slightly to sign "and/next".
QuestionIs there more than one sign for the letter E? I have seen what I believe is an E with the three middle fingers pointing to the left.AnnabelCommunity AnswerThere may be variations, depending on the location you are in. However, in general, the sign shown is the official one. You may be mixing this up with British Sign Language or another country's sign language. Alternatively, the sign could represent a sign name - which are assigned by deaf people.
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