Q&A for How to Fit in at a New School

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    What if you are naturally shy, or just a little quiet, and people dont talk to you much?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    If you don't feel comfortable talking to people at first, smiling is a great way to show that you're friendly and open to people talking to you. Smile at people who make eye contact with you in the halls or who sit next to you in class. Even just smiling and saying "Hi, I'm Jordan" is a good ice breaker.
  • Question
    are you sure to talk to everyone maybe some of them be bulliers
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    You don't have to talk to everyone--if someone smiles at you in class or introduces themselves, these are likely nice people who you can talk to. If you smile at someone and they smile back, it's unlikely that they're going to bully you.
  • Question
    How can you fit in to a group of people?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Choose a group of people that you have things in common with, like you all love playing soccer or like to read. This gives you things to talk about with them. Ask the group of people questions about themselves too, like what their favorite TV shows are or what they like to do on the weekends.
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    How do I ignore mean people
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Try to stay away from them as much as possible, and be polite if you have to talk to them. If someone is being mean to you, or you see someone being mean to someone else, tell a trusted adult so they can help.
  • Question
    What if I'll be considered the poor kid at my school, where mostly rich kids go?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    There are plenty of other things you'll have in common with many of the kids at your school, such as your favorite sports or activities. It's also likely that there will be other kids at the school who also don't have tons of money, and you can become friends with them too.
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    I just moved into a new school with my friend. I've just figured out thay almost everyone else has their own groups of friends, making friend making hard since everyone minds their business. Any tips?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Be friendly to everyone you talk to, and try to strike up conversations with different people to find out more about them. You'll find something in common with someone and start hanging out with a group of friends who have interests similar to yours, just be patient!
  • Question
    I'm changing schools to an Italian school, and I don't even know Italian. How will I make friends? Or understand what is being taught in lessons? I'm not that young, so it'll be hard to learn Italian.
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Being surrounded by people speaking Italian will teach you the language faster than you'd expect, and you'll soon find yourself understanding phrases being said. To help your Italian language skills, consider reading a book (or listening to an audiotape) about learning Italian.
  • Question
    How can I make a friend fast so we can eat lunch together
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Introduce yourself to someone sitting near you in class before lunch. Try to strike up a conversation with them about something you both have in common, or hint that you'd like someone to eat lunch with. After talking for a minute or two, you might say, "I'd love to hear more about your sports camp, do you mind if I sit with you at lunch today?"
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