Q&A for How to Fold a Cup from a Sheet of Paper

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    How can I get these instructions on paper?
    Community Answer
    You can try printing directly from your web browser, or copy and paste the instructions into a word document and print from there.
  • Question
    Is there supposed to be a hole in bottom?
    Top Answerer
    No, it should be in the shape of a cup.
  • Question
    Can I put anything in the cup?
    Community Answer
    Do not add liquids. The paper is not thick enough to support it. You may add anything else you'd like.
  • Question
    How can I make the cup stand?
    Community Answer
    Press the cup down onto a flat surface, making the base flat.
  • Question
    How big is a cup supposed to be when folding a cup from a sheet of paper?
    Emma_DIY 234
    Community Answer
    It depends on what size sheet of paper you use. You probably will end up having a cup 3x smaller than the paper you started with.
  • Question
    When I put water in it, it rips. What do I do?
    Top Answerer
    Water is not supposed to be poured in the cup. Paper is delicate, and isn't thick enough to support the water. Try adding small objects, such as paperclips or marbles instead.
  • Question
    What size paper do I need?
    Community Answer
    Any square piece of paper will do, it depends on how big you want the cup to be.
  • Question
    The side triangles keep opening. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Add some tape to secure the triangles, which also adds a bit of shine.
  • Question
    Can I use index cards or paper by making the paper square?
    Lanie Beare
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. It makes a small cup, but it still makes a cup. When you make the triangle, cut or tear off the excess.
  • Question
    My paper is double-sided. If I want the pattern side for the cup, what side should I start with?
    Community Answer
    To make the pattern side for the cup show outward, then start with the pattern facing down on the table so the white part should be facing up.
  • Question
    Why does it have a hole inside?
    Community Answer
    It must have ripped during the process, or you used notebook paper. Try not to use paper with holes in them for the cup.
  • Question
    Can we add mud or dirt?
    Community Answer
    You can add dirt but if you add mud, there will be stains on both sides, and if you carry it somewhere, you will end up with less mud to pour.
  • Question
    Do I have to use square paper or can I use A4 paper that is not cut?
    Community Answer
    The paper should be square.
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