Q&A for How to Form a Band

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    How do I memorize the songs when I'm in a band?
    Nicolas Adams
    Professional Guitarist
    Nicolas Adams is a 5th generation musician of Serbian Gypsy descent and the lead guitarist of the band Gypsy Tribe. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Nicolas specializes in Rumba Flamenco and Gypsy jazz and playing the guitar, Bouzouki, Balalaika, and piano.
    Professional Guitarist
    Expert Answer
    It's different for everybody, and it's just pretty much whatever works for you. I prefer to learn which chords are there in the song, then how the chords are put together and how they flow, and then learn the lead afterward. You can't play the lead correctly, even if you hear it correctly, unless you know what key you're in.
  • Question
    Once I have formed a band, how do we work on getting a record deal?
    Community Answer
    Pick a record label you like and record a demo. Send it in to them but don't be surprised if you get rejected; you will probably need to try many labels to begin with. If you are still not successful, then record some new songs and try again. There are also options for releasing your music online without getting a record deal, and these may be a great way to break into the market initially, and retain control over your label.
  • Question
    Do you have any suggestions for a band whose members are too young to rent facilities?
    Community Answer
    Most schools can help if they have facilities. First, ask the music teachers as they could probably suggest which facilities can be used and might offer advice as to what is appropriate by way of holding a concert. Also check out community meeting places and community hubs which have spare rooms to rent out by the hour or even free for those in need. In terms of equipment, your school's music teacher is the best person to begin with.
  • Question
    How can I get members for my band?
    Community Answer
    Ask people that you know might want to be in it. If they say "no," then just move on and ask some other people. If you are popular on social media, you could also try promoting on there, and asking people to message you for a change to audition and join your band.
  • Question
    How old do I have to be to form a band?
    Community Answer
    You can form a band at any age! As long as you have the talent, confidence, and interest, you're ready to start playing.
  • Question
    Where should my band perform?
    Community Answer
    It mostly depends on your genre, such as if you play classical music, then you could possibly play at a library. Or, if you play somewhere along the lines of rock music, you could play at clubs and bars, etc. Or, check into festivals, because some festivals have stages set up for local bands so that they gain recognition.
  • Question
    What do I put on the band agreement?
    Community Answer
    Whatever you guys agree on what should be in it. It depends on what everyone in the band thinks, and all of you should stay open minded about the potential changes and pathway into the future.
  • Question
    How do I fund my band's equipment?
    Community Answer
    You could get a job. Not a permanent job, but something like a clerk at a local supermarket. Or, sell all the bits and pieces you no longer need, using eBay or similar.
  • Question
    I want to start a band, but it's girls only. What if everyone laughs at us?
    Community Answer
    Some of the greatest bands ever are "girls only." Keep trying, and ignore people who make fun of you.
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm too young to play gigs and I'm scared to show anyone my music?
    Community Answer
    Do some YouTube videos and share the links with friends and family. Many places such as coffee shops host open mic acoustic sets. Once you work up your courage, you can try a school talent show. By the time you are old enough to play gigs, you'll have some experience backing you, and it will be easier to get them.
  • Question
    What if my mom says no to starting a band right now?
    Community Answer
    Respect her answer and don't complain or be pushy. That will show her that you're responsible. Then you can take the time to prepare for your band without her knowing yet. After a while, ask her again; she may have changed her mind, especially if she sees how dedicated you are by how much time you've put into preparing. If she still says no, don't worry; there's still a chance that she may change her mind in the future, and if she doesn't, then you can form the band when you move out and you're legally on your own (you can make your own decisions by then). Just don't give up and you'll eventually get there!
  • Question
    Does the person who forms a band necessarily have to be the vocalist?
    Community Answer
    No, anyone who wants to make music can form a band, even if he is not the vocalist.
  • Question
    I'm currently 13 and in 8th grade. I want to form a grindcore band, but no one in my school can play guitar or sing. What can I do?
    Cowboy 4 Jesus
    Community Answer
    Ask around at music stores, ask an employee there. They probably know of at least a few people wanting to start a band.
  • Question
    What if all my friends or anyone who has musical experience says no?
    Community Answer
    Keep trying and expand your search beyond musicians that you already know. Trying using social media to get band members or hang around music stores or any music schools in your area.
  • Question
    Can a band have only two members?
    Community Answer
    You can absolutely be a band with two members. Look at how successful Twenty One Pilots are and they are a two-man band. You can also be a band with only one person, like Panic! At The Disco.
  • Question
    Can the other musicians in the band (besides the lead vocalist) sing?
    Community Answer
    Of course! There are no rules about who can and cannot sing in a band. Experiment!
  • Question
    What if the band does not sound good together?
    Community Answer
    Keep practicing and try new things (new songs, new instruments, new types of music). It's very rare for a band to sound great immediately. It takes a lot of work.
  • Question
    How do you keep a band together?
    Community Answer
    Everyone needs to feel appreciated and heard. Above all, everyone has to be having fun.
  • Question
    Can we still have a band without a vocalist?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Don't limit your options if you are a band without a vocalist - be an instrumental band. However, there should always be one instrument playing the melody, with accompaniment.
  • Question
    How can I be a member in a band?
    Community Answer
    Play an instrument or have a good voice and ask to practice with the band. If you are talented and willing to work hard, that may land you a regular spot.
  • Question
    What should I do if someone in my band wants all the credit?
    Community Answer
    You should talk to that person about how being in a band is a group effort that no single individual can take credit for. If they don't change their attitude, you might want to consider replacing that member.
  • Question
    Do I need to be a certain age to perform at bars and clubs?
    Community Answer
    It could depend on the individual club or bar, and change from venue to venue. Your best bet would be to contact the establishment and find out if they have any age restrictions.
  • Question
    I'm considered too young to be in a band, 14 years old. So none of my friends or other people that I ask want to do it. Should I wait until I get a little bit older or start on my own?
    Community Answer
    Start on your own! You'll be ahead of the game. Learn an instrument, or more than one, and start learning how to write lyrics. You may even decide you prefer being a solo act.
  • Question
    Do we have to be a certain age to start playing in a band?
    Cowboy 4 Jesus
    Community Answer
    Nope, The Jackson Five was an all-kid band. I'm in a band and we're all younger than sixteen.
  • Question
    I'm the vocalist in someone's band, but they want me to sing a song that is inappropriate. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Don't, plain and simple. If it goes against what you believe, then don't.
  • Question
    Are there ways to find band members using methods other than social media?
    Community Answer
    You can always put up flyers throughout school or work, as long as you have permission.
  • Question
    Is it okay for a band to only have two members?
    Community Answer
    Of course! There are many famous bands with only two members.
  • Question
    Do I need money to form a band?
    Community Answer
    It would be very helpful to have money in order to form a band.
  • Question
    Can two people who cover all of the conventional instruments technically become a band?
    Community Answer
    Yes. There are multiple examples of two-person bands, including The White Stripes, The Black Keys and Flat Duo Jets.
  • Question
    How do I pull off a live performance if all I can do is create music on a computer with editing software?
    Community Answer
    You could just perform your computer mixes in person like many DJs do!
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