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Q&A for How to Get Revenge on Anyone
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QuestionHow do I get revenge on people at schools? My enemy is soooo annoying!Community AnswerDo it so that they can't tell that it is you. Do little things at first, like if they're walking in a crowded hallway, push them and keep on walking that way so they can't tell that it was you. If you're in homeroom or study sessions and they walk away from their stuff, take something, maybe all their pens or their book and put it somewhere else in the room. After a while, build the intensity up and start to do proper prank-esque things, like cling wrapping their locker. Don't be afraid to play dirty.
QuestionHow can I embarass my enemy?Community AnswerBy being clever enough to spot their inconsistencies, inaccuracies and lies, and pointing these things out. If that seems too hard, then don't seek the path of embarrassment.
QuestionHow can I remember good comebacks?Community AnswerThis is a nice question because it shows that you're willing to respond to insults with intellectual passion and calm. You can find some help here by reading: How to Think of Quick Witted Comebacks , How to Come Up with Good Comebacks and How to Make a Clean Comeback .
QuestionHow can you do this without getting in trouble with a teacher?Community AnswerMake sure the teacher isn't looking or is out of the room, or even better do it at lunch or on a break, someplace where teachers don't pay attention much. If someone tells, fake cry, the teachers hate that.
QuestionI was playing Truth or Dare with friends and wound up telling them that I like this girl. My friend told the girl that I like her. How do I get revenge?Community AnswerNext time, don't choose Truth - clearly, your friend can't be trusted! You could come up with a great question or dare for your friend next time you play Truth or Dare, or play a prank on him. Or, if your friend has a similar secret, you could reveal it (though that would make you as bad a friend as he is, which is not recommended).
QuestionWhat if someone irritates you and you can't stand up for yourself?Community AnswerLearning to stand up for yourself will cause the irritation to go away because you'll be able to speak your mind clearly and have this person hear your real meaning. You might find it useful to read: How to Stand up for Yourself and How to Get Rid of Annoying People .
QuestionWhat if someone is sharing secrets about me?Community AnswerJust act normal, ignore and avoid him, and try the tips in the article to seek your revenge.
QuestionHas this method been tested on animals as well?Community AnswerNo, because seeking revenge on an animal is pointless and cruel. Unlike human beings, the majority of animals (barring some primates) do not act with malice, planned hatred or deliberate aggression. Animals act defensively to a threat or in response to a need to eat or protect territory. If an animal has hurt you physically, it may need behavioral correction via a professional trainer/behaviorist or it may need to be dealt with by authorities it is a wild animal that has lost its fear of humans. But it does not, in any way, deserve revenge thinking from a human being.
QuestionHow do I get revenge on someone who was talking behind my back?Community AnswerDon't get mad, just kill them with kindness and bury them with a smile.
QuestionWhat do I do if a family member is super rude to me?Community AnswerIf it's a kid talk to their parents. If it's an adult tell them that you don't like the way they're treating you.
QuestionDoes this help get over an ex?Community AnswerHere's the thing... revenge is actually an act of continuing to engage with the subject who has hurt your feelings or ruined your hopes. As such, revenge does not help you to move on or "get over" the person because you are still directing your anger, rage and upset at the person who hurt you. To "get over" your ex, you need to learn to let go, to stop harboring thoughts of revenge and to move on with your life. You'd be better off reading How to Let Someone Go and How to Let Go of Anger .
QuestionCould you prank them?Community AnswerYou could, if you don't mind them pranking you back or getting into loads of trouble if your victim is especially upset.
QuestionHow do I get back at little sisters for telling my worst secret?Community AnswerThe route to take here is to inform your little sisters of just how disappointed you are in them and how you will never, ever trust them again, not with anything. And leave it at that. Disappointment in a family context packs a very big punch.
QuestionWhat should I do if my enemy is stronger than me?Community AnswerIf your enemy is stronger than you, don't be violent and hurt your enemy. Do an embarrassing prank instead. Have a backup excuse planned, so if when your enemy finds out, he has no reason to do anything to you.
QuestionHow can I get even with a man who continuously lies to me? He plays with my feelings.Community AnswerYou set your own boundaries in life. While it may feel that he is playing your your feelings, switch it around and see that you are letting this happen. You could engage in vengeful behavior like lying right back or dating some good looking guy but it's best to let this fish go and find a new guy you're much happier with. It's your life, hence it's your choice to put up with the lies or to stop living so uncomfortably and without trust.
QuestionHow do I get them if I don't see them very often?Community AnswerYou can send them anonymous mail with crude stuff in it. Make sure you don't go too far, though, or you could get in trouble with the law.
QuestionI'm a female and I want get back at a male. How do I do that?Community AnswerThe steps here can be followed by either gender in an attempt to get revenge on anyone.
QuestionHow can I obtain odd information about a person and use it against them?Community AnswerBecome a close "friend" of the person and get them to trust you. Once they trust you, they will tell you their secrets and insecurities. Do with that information what you wish.
QuestionHow do you get rid of people, how to you destroy them?Community AnswerYou stop engaging with the person, you stop talking to them. You do not seek to destroy them, that is your anger talking right now but it's beneath you and you likely already know that. If you don't want this person in your life anymore, stop communicating with them and don't acknowledge them anymore. You can cut people from your life without inflicting actual physical harm.
QuestionHow do I get revenge on a stranger?Community AnswerWell, since you don't know too much about them, this could be difficult. If you see them everyday, mess with one of their everyday items like a phone or their office space perhaps. If it's a complete stranger, don't get too weird, because you have never met them before, which means you are putting yourself at greater risk.
QuestionHow do you make them say sorry to you?Community AnswerThis actually underlies a lot of people's desire for revenge -- the other person's acknowledgment of wrongdoing and an apology. Unfortunately, you cannot make the person give you an apology unless you go to court or mediation and spend a great deal of money to have a third party force that person to say sorry. Even then, they were forced, so how genuine is that really? It is better for you to find forgiveness and to get on with your life than to harbor a lifetime of waiting for their apology, one that may never be forthcoming.
QuestionWhat would you do if an annoying girl told something to your crush that made him not like you or want to talk to you?Community AnswerTry to make a time or a day to meet up with your crush and her at the same time and place and talk to them about it.
QuestionWhat would you do if someone poured water on a girl for no reason? I would be outraged.Community AnswerProbably the best response is to stop feeling so outraged and instead to turn it into a great, big laugh; that's probably not what the person intended, so it'll deflate their attempt to scare or shame you. Act as if it didn't shock you and turn around and pour water right back on them, laughing as you do it, as if you're in on the joke. They can hardly complain.
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