Q&A for How to Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak

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    What are the symptoms of weak muscles?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    It depends partly on what muscle is affected. For example, weakness in your chest muscles might make it hard to catch your breath. If you have a weak muscle in your leg, your leg might tremble, feel heavy, or be difficult to lift. Depending on what’s causing the muscle weakness, you might also feel sensations such as pain, numbness, or tingling.
  • Question
    How can I strengthen my weak muscles naturally?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    The best way to strengthen your muscles is with regular exercise. To build muscle mass and strength, focus on resistance-based exercises, such as weight lifting, working with resistance bands, or doing exercises that use your body weight (like pull-ups or planks). Doing regular aerobic exercise and eating a balanced diet will also help improve your overall muscle health.
  • Question
    How long does it take to strengthen weak muscles?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Building muscle strength takes time. With consistent training, you may start to see a noticeable difference in about 8 weeks. Remember to alternate between working different muscle groups on different days so you don’t overwork your muscles, which can cause injuries and slow down the process.
  • Question
    How do I gain muscle if I'm weak and lean?
    Community Answer
    Firstly, you should eat lots of protein, like fish, boiled meat, and egg whites. You can also take protein powder. Consume more raw and green vegetables. Juices are also effective. Exercise and eat calories.
  • Question
    I'm 20 years old, but I am very weak and thin. My weight is 45 kilograms. How can I get stronger?
    Community Answer
    Follow the tips in this article. Weight-lifting will be very useful, as long as you do it properly and slowly advance. It is important to eat well, also.
  • Question
    Are there any pills that can make me stronger besides steroids?
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    How do I make my cardiac muscles strong?
    Community Answer
    Do some sort of workout that gets your heart pumping - mostly cardio. Walk, run/jog, swim or jump rope.
  • Question
    Will running strengthen my upper body?
    Community Answer
    No, not necessarily.
  • Question
    How can I make my biceps stronger without the use of weights?
    Community Answer
    Swimming is very effective, mainly butterfly stroke. If you don't swim, use resistance bands instead, and doing pull ups and pushups will also help.
  • Question
    What do I need when I go to the gym?
    Elijah Johnson
    Community Answer
    You need a towel for sweat, weights if they don't have any, running shoes, an extra shirt, headphones to listen to music on your phone, and a gym bag.
  • Question
    How do I develop a mid-range muscular body with chest packs as a teenager?
    Cam Fenley
    Community Answer
    Bench press using heavy weight about 3 times a week and make sure you have some protein after your workout. Also, push ups can't hurt.
  • Question
    Will it work if I only rest my muscles on the weekends?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how intense your workout routine is. You can actually hit the gym every day, but you wouldn't want to train the same muscles every day -- have one day be for legs, one for abs, etc.
  • Question
    I am 17 and weigh 46 kg. How do I get a muscular body and increase my total body weight?
    Community Answer
    You need to exercise daily and eat a healthy proper diet.
  • Question
    I am 20 and very weak, at 103 pounds. Should I join a gym to get stronger?
    Community Answer
    You should see your doctor, as you are underweight. You can also research bodybuilding, healthy eating and weight lifting programs to help you gain strength.
  • Question
    I'm 13 years old, and girls in my school always pick fights with me. I'm weak and I want to get stronger. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Take a martial arts or self defense class. Push-ups, crunches, squats, plunges, and burpees can help you gain muscle. Just remember that fighting isn't always the answer, if you're getting bullied at school, talk to an adult about it.
  • Question
    Which type of underwear should I wear while working out?
    Community Answer
    Wear something that isn't tight, such as loose boxers, which would breathe, and reduce possible rashes.
  • Question
    How do I become tougher than others who are bigger than me?
    Community Answer
    The easiest way is to learn some different fighting styles, like karate or kickboxing or other martial arts. Try taking some classes.
  • Question
    How can I get taller if I am a teen?
    Community Answer
    Just make sure you maintain a healthy diet and exercise. Outside of that, you can't really control your height. It's largely based on genetics (how tall your parents are).
  • Question
    How do I gain weight?
    Community Answer
    See how to gain weight for some pointers.
  • Question
    How can I get stronger muscles when I am a busy person?
    Community Answer
    Try to get a few reps of weight lifting in whenever you can. For example, while you are waiting for coffee to brew in the morning or as you read news.
  • Question
    I did the wrong kinds of exercises and actually lost muscle during a month at the gym! What can I do to fix my errors?
    Community Answer
    You probably lost muscle because you are not eating enough. When you work out, if you don't get enough calories to give enough energy to your muscles, your body will start losing muscle. Eat a lot of protein and allow a day between workouts to allow your muscle tissue the opportunity to grow.
  • Question
    I am 13 and my weight is 30 kg. How can I make my body stronger and increase my weight?
    Community Answer
    Eat a lot of protein and do muscle-building weightlifting routines every other day - high weight, low number of reps. Allow a day in between workouts for your muscles to rebuild. Make sure you eat well, get at least 8 hours of sleep each night, and work out safely.
  • Question
    How can I grow big muscles quickly?
    Cam Fenley
    Community Answer
    Eat a lot of protein, drink protein shakes, and lift heavy weights 3-5 times a week.
  • Question
    My body is very weak and I can't lift 10 kg. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Start with 8, or 6, or 4. We all have to start somewhere, and there is no shame in starting low. Keep at it and you'll hit 10 kg one day, then 20, then 50 then 100.
  • Question
    How do I get stronger muscles when I am overweight and weak?
    Community Answer
    Do cardio and heavy weights combined, and eat lean protein. Also, rest properly and drink lots of water.
  • Question
    How do I get stronger muscles if I've never worked out?
    Cam Fenley
    Community Answer
    Start small with body weight exercises like squats, push ups, and pull ups. Then, start lifting weights and continue to add heavier weight over time. Drink a protein shake after your workouts, and eat 3 or 4 good meals a day.
  • Question
    I am weak and have pain in my back muscles. How should I get stronger muscles?
    Cam Fenley
    Community Answer
    The tips in this article will help. Eat a lot and eat good, protein-rich foods like chicken and fish as well as greens. Start small with push ups and squats, then move to weights. Drink a protein shake after your workout. Stick with it, and you will see progress. Also, find a workout buddy if you can.
  • Question
    How do I get stronger muscles for basketball?
    Cam Fenley
    Community Answer
    The best lifts for basketball are squats, power cleans, lunges, box jumps, bench press and pull ups. Also, the more you play ball and jump around, the more your muscles will develop.
  • Question
    How do I get stronger muscles when I have difficulty doing push ups?
    Community Answer
    Start with doing knee-push ups. Once you get used to that, progress to regular push ups. Then increase the amount as you get stronger.
  • Question
    In order to get stronger, is it necessary to push myself so hard that I don't have any strength left during every workout? I want to become stronger, not bigger.
    Community Answer
    No. Take it slow and steady and follow the tips in this article. Make sure to change up your routine so you're not doing the same thing every time.
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