Q&A for How to Get over Your Lesbian Crush on a Straight Best Friend

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    Why can't I get over a crush?
    Mary Church, PhD
    Research & Clinical Psychologist
    Dr. Mary Church is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist based in Honolulu, Hawaii. With over a decade of clinical experience, she aims to integrate evolution, genetics, and neuroscience within the practice of psychotherapy. Dr. Church holds a BS in Psychology from Eckerd College and an MS and PhD in Experimental Psychology from The University of Memphis. She completed a Post-Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at The University of Hawaii at Manoa. In addition, Dr. Church is a member of the American Evaluation Association and Hawaii-Pacific Evaluation Association.
    Research & Clinical Psychologist
    Expert Answer
    It's hard, but you will get over it someday. Know that everything in life is temporary and try to grow from loss. It's really helpful to remember that life is full of loss and to frame your situation as grieving. Recognize the various stages of grieving in your situation and then fully process them accordingly, giving them meaning.
  • Question
    I like my best friend. I told her once when we were drinking, and I got drunk. Before that we kissed. We act like a couple. What does that mean?
    Community Answer
    It might mean that she's bi-curious or experimenting with her sexuality, but it's also very likely that she's only using you for fun or her own purposes. Make sure you're being respected in the relationship. You can ask her straight out if she's really interested in a relationship or just being playful, in which case that's a bit of an issue.
  • Question
    She had a boyfriend, but when I said they should break up, she immediately did. Does this mean she's into me?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. She could just value your opinion as a friend and have taken your advice.
  • Question
    How can I ask someone else what her sexuality is?
    Community Answer
    Sit down in private and just ask instead of assuming. Share your sexuality first to possibly make her more comfortable with the conversation.
  • Question
    My best friend has been in a relationship for 2 years. She says she's straight, but could she be bi? She's only been in one relationship so maybe she just hasn't found the right girl yet?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't pursue her if I were you. If she's straight and in a relationship, breaking them up or trying to convert her would only end badly.
  • Question
    I told my friend that I liked her and she says she's cool with it, but things are different. How do I talk to her about it?
    Community Answer
    You might just want to give her a little time to get used to the idea. Just continue treating her like you always have and she will see that things don't have to change. If she's still acting weird in a week or so, try just saying, "Hey, I don't want these feelings getting in the way of our friendship, can we just forget about it and get back on track?"
  • Question
    I know she's straight, but what if she does feel something for me and I don't know?
    Community Answer
    There is a difference between having small feelings and being in love. She might posses small feelings for you, but that will only last a short time because, at the end of the day, she is straight. Someone who is not clearly in love with you will never attend to all of your emotional needs. It is better to find someone who will love you for you, without reservation.
  • Question
    How do I know whether my best friend is lesbian?
    Community Answer
    It's not really a give or take answer. If she is ready to come out to you, then she will. Don't make any assumptions--this will only hurt you in the long run.
  • Question
    What if she herself is questioning her sexuality?
    Community Answer
    If she is truly questioning it, then it would be in your best interest to give her a little push to wherever she needs to be. That doesn't mean making her a lesbian, but maybe you could suggest something else she might feel comfortable with, like being bisexual.
  • Question
    What should I do when I'm interested in a teammate, but I'm not sure if she's a lesbian?
    Community Answer
    Just ask her what her preference is. It's better than guessing or always wondering. If she is a lesbian, you can tell her how you feel then.
  • Question
    What do I do when I am head over heels for her, but I have to help her get a guy she likes?
    Community Answer
    If you truly love her, you'll want her to be happy and give her your blessings and all the support she needs. If she's happy, you'll be happy too.
  • Question
    I like my bestfriend who is straight, but it kind of seems like she likes me. I told her this past summer that I liked her and she said OK and she acts like she likes me. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Don't jump to conclusions and don't pressure her into anything. Wait it out and if she does like you then eventually she will show it.
  • Question
    What can I do if my best friend and I have fooled around a few times, but she has a boyfriend?
    Community Answer
    It is best to stop before anything serious happens between you two unless that's what you want. It's not fair to her boyfriend for the two of you to be fooling around behind his back.
  • Question
    How should I tell my crush I like her if I am shy?
    Community Answer
    You can write it down on a piece of paper and pass it to her as a note. Don't use email or texting because talking online is not genuine and can also be kind of risky, because there is no tone of voice used in text messages and that means people can be really misunderstood. Make sure to include in your note that you want to give her space to decide how she feels about you liking her so that she doesn't have an immediately defensive reaction. You can also say that you don't want to be in a relationship, you just wanted to let her know. This will take a lot of pressure away from her.
  • Question
    I fell in love with my BFF, and I can't just ignore her because she loves to talk to me. A lot of people "ship" us because we act like a couple. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Try not to ignore her, but ignore your crush on her. If you're positive she doesn't like you back, it's the best thing to do. Now if you're not positive, that’s another story. If you think there's a chance she might like you back, you should tell her how you feel. Be prepared for anything, and try to maintain the friendship if she doesn't feel the same way.
  • Question
    How do you do this when you don't have other friends?
    Aislyn Roueche
    Community Answer
    Accept that you'll never be together, and try to see her as a friend. This will help your relationship in the long run. You may also want to try to make some new friends in case being around her becomes too painful.
  • Question
    Is avoiding her for a while a good option?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Just try not to be rude about it. If she knows about the crush, just tell her you need a little space to get over it. If she doesn't know, just make polite excuses, "I'm really busy today," etc.
  • Question
    How do I tell someone I'm a lesbian and I have a crush on her?
    Community Answer
    If you're comfortable enough coming out to her, start with that and get her reaction. If she's a close friend, it probably won't change her opinion of you. If things go favorably, be direct, and tell her that she's your type.
  • Question
    I'm a lesbian in middle school and my crush is in eight grade. It's almost the end of the year, so I won't see her after this. I want to tell her my feelings but I don't know if she's straight. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try to approach her as a friend and get to know her better. You might be able to pick up on her sexuality just by hanging out and talking to her. You could even say, "Hey, want to hang out sometime over the summer?" and give her your number or ask for hers. That way you won't feel like you're on a time crunch. You could also ask her friends if she is straight, or just be bold and go up and ask her yourself. Most likely the worst that will happen is she will tell you she's not interested.
  • Question
    What if we both are questioning ourselves about sexuality?
    Community Answer
    That is fine, but don't force a relationship. If you find yourselves experimenting together, things in the future might be awkward. To avoid this, you might want to wait until you both have a better idea of what your sexuality is, and make sure you both like each other before you jump into a relationship.
  • Question
    My best friend told me she's straight and I'm pan, but she's been acting flirty to me lately and is making me confused. I respect who she is, but I can't help but having a huge crush on her.
    Community Answer
    Is she flirty with everyone? If so, that's just her personality. Try to remind yourself that it isn't personal, she doesn't like you, that's just how she acts friendly. If she isn't like that with everyone, it's possible she's trying to flirt with you for attention because she knows you like her (leading you on). If that's the case, she's not a very good friend. Either way, just remember that it's not going to happen with her. If your feelings are really upsetting you, distance yourself from this friend.
  • Question
    What do I do if my crush finds out I have a crush on them?
    Community Answer
    That's great! Talk to your crush about going forward together.
  • Question
    How do I know if she loves me?
    Marvel Fandom Girl
    Community Answer
    Do you know what her orientation is? Maybe just ask her. I know it is easier said than done but I've found that flirting with girls (for me) is very difficult even if both of you are queer. Sometimes it is easier to just ask, "Are you flirting with me?" or say, "I'm flirting with you." Just be direct so there's no confusion.
  • Question
    What should I do if I have a crush on my only friend?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your friend about your feelings honestly and openly, and talk about ways you can remain friends even if she does not share your feelings.
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    I think I have a crush on my best friend. I've told her that I am crushing on a girl, and she supports me 100 percent, but she doesn't know that it's her. It is so hard for me to tell her. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If she truly supports you, then you can tell her. Just keep in mind that if she's straight, your feelings are not going to be returned. But if it would make you feel better to just get it off your chest, you should go ahead and tell her. You can always do so by text or in a note if you don't know how to tell her face-to-face.
  • Question
    I'm not interested in her, but she has a crush on me, how do I get her to stop liking me?
    Community Answer
    You can't make someone stop liking you, but if she's doing something that makes you uncomfortable (flirting with you, being too affectionate, etc.), just tell her that you're uncomfortable and ask her to stop. A good friend will be understanding about this.
  • Question
    I'm trying to give us space, but it's impossible because we take the same bus ride home, and it'd be weird if I suddenly stopped riding. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to stop riding the bus. Try telling her that you need a little space so she doesn't think it's weird that you stop talking to her on the bus, or just keep busy so you don't really have to talk to her, like doing homework, listening to music, etc.
  • Question
    My friend says she is lesbian, and I think she's into me. She always playfully picks on me and does what I believe is flirting. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you don't like her flirting with you, you should directly (politely) confront her. Just let her know that you aren't interested and you'd appreciate it if she would stop flirting.
  • Question
    My friend likes me but she told me she’s straight what should I tell her?
    Community Answer
    Tell her you are sorry, but you do not want to date her. You want to be friends, and it's not her fault, it's just your decision.
  • Question
    How can i avoid her? We're in the same class!
    Community Answer
    Obviously you can't avoid her if you're in the same class. You can still put some space between the two of you by not hanging out with her outside of class, texting her too much, etc. And just keep reminding yourself that she's never going to feel the same way about you, so you might as well just move on. Think about all the ways she's a good FRIEND to you, and be grateful for what you have together.
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