Q&A for How to Improve Mind Power

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    How can I increase my brain power naturally?
    Rahti Gorfien, PCC
    Life Coach
    Rahti Gorfien is a Life Coach and the Founder of Creative Calling Coaching, LLC. She specializes in working with artists, entrepreneurs, and college students in creative fields. Rahti is accredited as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coach Federation, an ACCG Accredited ADHD Coach by the ADD Coach Academy, and a Career Specialty Services Provider (CSS). In addition, she has personal experience in the fields she coaches - she is an alumnus of the New York University Graduate Acting program and has been a working theater artist for over 30 years. She was voted one of the 15 Best Life Coaches in New York City by Expertise in 2018.
    Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    Try meditation. A daily meditation practice can improve your ability to process information and make decisions.
  • Question
    How can I make my brain work faster?
    Community Answer
    Start slow; take your time. Do brain puzzles. Then, once you have gotten good at them, start doing timed puzzles. Keep giving yourself less and less time to complete the puzzles and this will greatly increase your brain speed. However, this isn't an overnight solution. You're going to need to work on it.
  • Question
    What is a man's mind capacity for learning?
    Community Answer
    It is unlimited. The mind has 7 cores cell and each cell has a capacity to store infinite information.
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    How can I learn something for a test in less than 24 hours?
    Community Answer
    Use repetition to learn and remember facts in a short period of time. Make flashcards, copy your notes over and over again, and read facts out loud to remember them for your test.
  • Question
    How can I make my mind work faster?
    Community Answer
    Read or memorize poems and texts you like, and solve math problems.
  • Question
    What does daily sunshine do for the body and brain?
    Community Answer
    Aside from feeling good and being stimulating - which helps you generally function better - sunlight is our main source of vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining a strong immune system, absorbing calcium, regulating mood and energy, regulating your sleep/wake cycle, and many other functions.
  • Question
    Can the brain be improved by taking vitamins?
    Community Answer
    Yes, your brain is greatly influenced by what you consume, and there are a number of nutrients that help keep the brain functioning optimally and protect it from damage. It is generally much better to get nutrients from your diet than to take pills, with the exception of fish oil and natural extracts, and maybe Vitamin D, which doesn't occur naturally in food in adequate doses. Check out How to Protect Your Mind With Brain Foods for detailed guidelines.
  • Question
    If I stop training my brain, will it convert back to it's previous intelligence?
    Community Answer
    Brain training doesn't affect your intelligence; it only improves your ability to access information in your brain. So, yes, if you stop practicing, your brain will eventually lose it's extra "power", the way a muscle will weaken if it isn't worked.
  • Question
    Can poetry help improve mind power?
    Community Answer
    Certainly, it can provide insight into the world around you and inside you.
  • Question
    Is sex good for the mind?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is scientifically proven that "releasing the pressure" relieves stress, improves your self-esteem, fights depression, lowers your blood pressure, boosts brainpower (!!!), burns loads of calories, decreases risks for prostate cancer, etc. Yes, it improves mental, dental, AND physical health!
  • Question
    How can I improve my mind in math?
    Community Answer
    Practice, get a tutor, and do brain teasers.
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    How do I meditate?
    Community Answer
    To meditate, you need to sit in silence and peace (although as long as you're comfortable and relaxed, you don't have to sit), and allow yourself to erase your mind of all matters and all worries and try connecting with yourself. Remain this way until you feel it is time to end your period of meditation.
  • Question
    How can I make establish coordination between my body and mind?
    Community Answer
    Yoga will help you do this. When you practice yoga, the mind and body become one.
  • Question
    Is masturbation good for my mind?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily.
  • Question
    How can I think like my peers? They seem more faster in thinking than me. I am a bit slow, shy, insecure and afraid to speak my mind, thinking that I will speak about less important things or my idea is not good.
    Community Answer
    It seems your peers have knowledge about some topics that you lack knowledge about. However, whatever topic you know well may not be of interest to them. So the question is not speed of thinking, it is being sure of not being ridiculed by peers. What you can do is work on self improvement. Start with telling yourself that you are allowed to make mistakes and be laughed at and that if that happens, it will not be the end of the world. Get out of your cocoon by forming a worldview. Having a perspective helps you to come to your own conclusions while discussing topics. When you don't have any perspective, you won't develop knowledge. Start by reading books and good quality articles online, focusing on areas of interest to you.
  • Question
    How to connect myself as a spiritual person?
    Community Answer
    The spiritual self develops with actions and thoughts that are spiritual in nature or good. Start with meditation. When you make time to be quiet in the chaos of life, you start seeing the calmness in you. You then feel drawn to spiritual thoughts and acts like helping, building, supporting, loving others and yourself. You may also feel connected to the divine force, depending upon your take on religion.
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