Q&A for How to Increase the Number of Pushups You Can Do

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    I can do push-ups fine, but I can't do a lot in a row. I do karate, and I need to do push-ups a lot. How can I get better?
    Community Answer
    Increase your frequency of doing them. Also increase the amount you do in one session. So, do 10 one day, then they next day do 11 or 12 and keep increasing.
  • Question
    What if I can't do a pushup at all?
    Haley Conklin
    Community Answer
    Everyone has got to start somewhere, so if you find it hard to complete one regular pushup, try modifying your technique. You can try a "tabletop pushup" with your knees and feet on the ground. Once you can do that move on to a "knee push up" with just your knees on the ground. Once you can do that move onto an "incline push up" on an elevated surface. Work your way up to a regular pushup.
  • Question
    How many times per week should I do pushups?
    Community Answer
    Try to do pushups at least 3 to 4 times per week. If you are extremely fit or serious about becoming fit, then consider doing them 6 days per week, and giving yourself 1 day of rest.
  • Question
    I can do 55 push-ups in one minute and I want to get to 70. How will I do so?
    Community Answer
    To do that feat, you need to work on your pushing speed. I suggest doing explosive or clap push-ups. Do 15 explosive or clap push-ups, then take a one minute break. Repeat that for 4 rounds. Do this 3 or 4 times a week and you should see results.
  • Question
    What if a push up test is tomorrow and I forgot?
    Community Answer
    You can't really magically do more push ups tomorrow than you are doing now, but you could try setting a goal and mentally preparing to push yourself a bit more than you have before.
  • Question
    How long would it take to do all this?
    Community Answer
    There's no set amount of time. Take as much time or as little as you like, though be careful not to rush so much that your form suffers.
  • Question
    If I am doing push-ups 3 or 4 times a week, can I build muscle?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can build muscle that way.
  • Question
    I do 150-200 push ups a day in sets of 5-10-15 or 20. Is this good?
    CDG baller
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as you continue to push yourself. However, if you get hurt stop doing your push ups and don't finish the 200 pushups. You could hurt yourself more if you push through pain.
  • Question
    How do I increase the amount of push ups I can do?
    Community Answer
    Every time you do push ups, increase it by 5. Like, do 30 one day, then 35 the next. Make sure to rest and eat properly.
  • Question
    What are the most frequent injuries of untrained people doing pushups?
    Community Answer
    Dong pushups the wrong way can hurt your shoulders, elbows, neck and back. One warning sign is flared elbows. This happens when your hands are too far apart, and pointing straight ahead. To fix this, put your hands shoulder-width apart and point them diagonally outwards at 45 degrees.
  • Question
    How do I increase the number of push-ups I can do if I am shaky and in pain after only a few?
    Community Answer
    Just keep practicing. The more often you do it, the easier it gets and the more you will be able to do.
  • Question
    Is it possible for me to do a finger pushup like Bruce Lee did?
    Community Answer
    Yes; however it takes an insane amount of conditioning and time to do even one.
  • Question
    What should be the head position to prevent neck stiffness while doing pushups?
    Top Answerer
    The ideal head position is to look forward, not at the ground. Prevent neck stiffness by stopping before you overdo it.
  • Question
    What kind of exercise should I do before push ups?
    Community Answer
    Take a short run. A half mile between every set of pushups works best for me.
  • Question
    How do I do the maximum push ups in one week?
    Sameer Malik
    Community Answer
    There is no definite amount to do, so do as much you can. Do not forget to rest, as rest is very necessary for all this.
  • Question
    How can I increase the reps I do when doing pushups?
    Community Answer
    Gradually increase the amount of push ups in each set, aiming to do an extra one every other day. I recommend the maximum amount of standard push ups until failure, then doing the maximum amount of incline push ups, then knee push ups, without resting in between.
  • Question
    Will doing 10 reps of diamond, regular and wide pushups for 3 sets each day increase my total number of regular pushups I am able to do?
    Community Answer
    Yes, diamond and wide pushups help build up strength in stability muscles that can help in regular pushups.
  • Question
    How do I not give up when trying to do push-ups?
    Community Answer
    The method varies from person to person. Personally, I think about the end result, e.g. a better looking body, and tell myself I will be one step closer to my goal. Sometimes, I will play music and ignore the pain and just focus on the rep.
  • Question
    Before I used to do 40 pushups, but now I can only do 30. Why?
    Community Answer
    If you are no longer doing pushups regularly, that may be the reason. Another reason may be that as you are getting stronger, you are going slower and getting better form; this actually works the muscle harder and means each pushup is more effective.
  • Question
    How do I do the push ups correctly?
    Community Answer
    Your body should be lined up perfectly. Your arms should be shoulder-width. And, when you're going down, your elbows should be right by your side.
  • Question
    Is it likely I can increase the number of push-ups to 100?
    Community Answer
    Yes. But remember to not push yourself too hard.
  • Question
    How do I learn to do clap push-ups or superman push-ups?
    Community Answer
    Clap push-ups and superman push-ups are classified as an explosive movement, which requires a very big impulse (force per unit of time) from your triceps, front shoulders, and chest. Those exercises require one to be able to lift a lot, but also to lift fast. I would suggest mastering your regular push-up until you can complete about 50 without stopping. Then, it's just a matter of trying your first clap push-up, increasing your numbers of clap push-ups to about 20, then attempting the superman push-up.
  • Question
    What do I do if my body hurts after resting 2 days after doing a lot of pushups?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you stretch beforehand and post-workout. It's not a bad sign if it still hurts. Pay attention to the degree of pain as the days go by; on your first day of rest it may hurt more than your second day, and that is a good sign. Your body is healing. People say "no pain, no gain", and it's true. Pain is a good sign that you're forcing yourself to your limits.
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