Q&A for How to Keep a Diary and Stick to It

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    Do I have to be honest with my diary even if I think someone will read it?
    Community Answer
    You can do whatever you want with your diary, but it seems a bit pointless to write dishonest things in one. The purpose is supposed to be to have a place where you can put your real thoughts and feelings, including ones you wouldn't share with anyone else. Whatever works for you, though! You may want to check out How to Hide Your Diary .
  • Question
    Can I insert photographs?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    Why should I keep a diary?
    Community Answer
    The many purposes of a diary can include being used to write letters to those you can't contact directly (ex. God, a parent you never knew, an imaginary friend, etc.), or to keep track of day to day happenings, such as what happened at school, work, or just life. It can be used to confide in, to write secrets or feelings in, ideas for your future, or to preserve memories. You get to decide what you use it for.
  • Question
    How can I remember to keep writing in my diary?
    Community Answer
    Try putting your diary in a place you will see every day, such as on top of your desk or pillow. You can also set up a specific time for writing in your diary, such as: immediately after school, just before going to bed, etc.
  • Question
    What is a good place to hide a diary?
    Community Answer
    Try hiding your diary inside your pillowcase, under your mattress, or your bookshelf. Also, consider rotating your hiding spots every few days. Lastly, try not to let others see you using your diary. This way, they won't get curious and go looking for it.
  • Question
    How would a diary help with parental problems?
    Community Answer
    Writing your problems in a diary can help you express your emotions. If you write your issues in a diary as though you were talking to a friend, sometimes this can help you sort them and gain a different perspective on them.
  • Question
    How can I end my diary entry?
    Community Answer
    You can keep it simple and just write a good concluding sentence, or you could end it like a letter with your signature.
  • Question
    What do I write about if my day isn't exciting?
    Community Answer
    Write about something else, like a poem, film, or a story that inspires you. You can also write song lyrics that you love or that you wrote yourself. Just have fun with it.
  • Question
    What do I do when it runs out?
    Community Answer
    Just get a new diary. There are many journals and notebooks in many different stores, so it is really easy to get a new one.
  • Question
    I have lost my diary of 4 years. It was like my best friend. How do I deal with the loss?
    Community Answer
    That's tough and it's okay to be sad about it. The best thing you can do is get a new diary and start writing in it. It won't be right away, but soon you will feel the same bond with your new diary that you felt with the one you lost.
  • Question
    What should I do if I lose my diary?
    Community Answer
    You should look for it the best you can, but do NOT freak out. If you can't find it, you can get a new one for a couple of dollars.
  • Question
    If I decorate my diary, will it attract others?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what you do. If it's subtle and not over the top, it might be okay. If you go too far out and add too much though, it might entice people to look.
  • Question
    Can I keep a diary on my phone?
    Community Answer
    Yes, keeping a diary on your phone may encourage you to write in it more often.
  • Question
    What do I write in my diary?
    Community Answer
    You can write anything, as it is completely up to you for what you put in your diary.
  • Question
    What should I write about when I have nothing to write about?
    Community Answer
    Try looking around you for ideas. Pick an object and list things that are related to it, even distantly related.
  • Question
    Can I fill up empty pages with drawings?
    Community Answer
    Of course! After all, it's your diary. You can do whatever you'd like with it.
  • Question
    Can I write a diary in the 3rd person perspective, talking about myself as a character?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely! That's a unique and cool idea for a diary.
  • Question
    Why is it necessary to write a diary?
    Community Answer
    It's not. It's a choice some people make and love. If you don't feel like keeping one, don't keep one!
  • Question
    Will keeping a diary help me be more productive?
    Community Answer
    That's not really the purpose of a diary, but in some ways, it could. If you use writing in your diary to work through problems or decisions in your life, that could help you. You can also write out your plans and goals in your diary to help guide your life. Also, writing out your thoughts and feelings can help clear your mind, relieve stress, and make you feel better, which will in turn help you be more productive.
  • Question
    I am keeping a diary on my phone, but my siblings and friends keep trying to get into it so they can read about my crushes. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell them that it's none of their business. Put a passcode on your phone so only you can access it. You can also download apps to lock certain folders or even hide them so no one can see them.
  • Question
    What should I do if my dad reads my journal?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you hide it in a new place after he has already read it, so he won't find it again in the future.
  • Question
    What if you feel bad when you don't write EVERYTHING of what happened in your day?
    Community Answer
    Don't feel bad at all! A diary is supposed to give you a way to work through your thoughts and relieve stress.
  • Question
    Is your underwear drawer a good place to hide it?
    Community Answer
    Oh, goodness no! That's the oldest one in the book. People are likely to look there first.
  • Question
    What should I do if I'm always too tired to write?
    Community Answer
    You could write once every few days, or set aside 15 minutes or so in the morning to write before you get started with your day.
  • Question
    How do I cover the blank pages if I forgot to write sometimes?
    shalom mitra .g
    Community Answer
    You could stick in pictures of you as a baby, draw something, write songs and poetry, color, make a collage, etc.
  • Question
    Does writing a fictional story in the form of a diary count as keeping a diary if I write about my life as the character?
    Community Answer
    Yes, I would think so, as long as your thoughts and words aren't affected by the fact that they're coming from your character instead of you directly.
  • Question
    How can I set aside a specific time to write in my diary if I have lots of homework?
    Community Answer
    Try getting your homework done as soon as you get home from school, and journal right afterwards. Half an hour is usually enough time to write in your journal, so if you spend time doing other things, put your homework first, and your journaling second. If you wake up early enough, you can also journal before school if you prefer.
  • Question
    Can I write simple things in my diary, like "I couldn't sleep well last night," or "I made breakfast," or "My friend told a funny joke"?
    Community Answer
    Sure! Your diary is all about your life and those little things are a part of your life, even if they don't seem that important. If you read over your diary in the future, you'll probably have fun remembering all those little things that happened.
  • Question
    I want my journal to be my weight loss journey. How would I start?
    Community Answer
    You can start with first writing down one week of what you're doing right now and then see what new goals you want to accomplish. When you reached your goal for that day you just put a cross or a check. The crossing thing really helps.
  • Question
    How can I make my diary more protected in case someone finds it?
    Community Answer
    You could write really boring stories on the first and last few pages. Then, if someone reads it, they could get bored and just give it back.
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