Q&A for How to Keep a Secret Diary

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    How do I stop my friends from grabbing my diary and reading it?
    Community Answer
    Keep it out of sight when you are around them. Only pull it out when you are alone.
  • Question
    What do I do if I don't have a lock for my diary?
    Community Answer
    Find a good hiding place or always keep it with you.
  • Question
    Can I start a journal in the middle of the year?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that's fine. It's your journal and you can do whatever you'd like with it.
  • Question
    What equipment do you need to write a diary?
    Community Answer
    All you need is a pen and notebook or a book with a lock and key. Read the article for more suggestions.
  • Question
    What if I can't keep my family from searching for my diary and looking through it?
    Community Answer
    Get a diary with a lock on it, and keep the key with you. Even if your family members find your diary, they won't be able to open it. You can also keep your diary at a trustworthy friend's house instead. Lastly, if you have a desk or locker at school, you can keep your diary in there, and write in it only while at school.
  • Question
    If I don't have a lock and I can't hide it, then what do I do?
    Community Answer
    You could write using a code or, if you know multiple languages, try writing it in another language.
  • Question
    Why should I not write a diary with a gel pen?
    Community Answer
    With a gel pen, it's difficult to write neatly. Even if you do, gel pens have a reputation for leaking and you can easily smudge your writing by accidentally running your hand over it.
  • Question
    What do I do if my siblings know I have a secret diary?
    Community Answer
    You can tell them the truth and ask them not to invade your privacy, or you can deny that you have one and just keep it well-hidden.
  • Question
    What should I do if a teacher catches me writing in my diary in the middle of the class?
    Community Answer
    Apologize. Class isn't the time for diary entries. Hopefully your teacher will be understanding and let it go.
  • Question
    How will I not lose my diary if it is in a really good hiding spot?
    Community Answer
    I always draw a map, much like a treasure map that only I can understand. That way I can always locate my diary.
  • Question
    How do I go on my computer at night without my mom knowing?
    Community Answer
    Try going on your computer really late at night or early in the morning when nobody's awake. If you have a laptop, use it in your bed, so if you think somebody's awake, you could hide it in your pillowcase. Also, a good idea is to clear your history every time you use your computer, in case your mom would check your history.
  • Question
    Can I write about boys sometimes?
    Community Answer
    You can write whatever you want to write. It's your diary, and you have every right to express your feelings. Just make sure to hide your diary well if you don't want anyone to see what you've written!
  • Question
    Do I have to put a date on top of the page?
    Community Answer
    It is your diary, so you can do whatever you want. If you have an important date to mark down, you may want to try adding a date to the top of the page.
  • Question
    What if the teacher takes my diary in the middle of a session?
    Community Answer
    My only real answer is to not use it in a public space. A personal item should be used when only you are present.
  • Question
    How do I make a nice front cover for a diary?
    Community Answer
    Scrapbooking paper or plain paper (colored or decorated with your own patterns) are perfect for covering. Use the type of book cover you'd use for school books to make your diary more inconspicuous.
  • Question
    My mom read my diary and it's so embarrassing! What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You could get another notebook and make a new one, but keep writing in the old one and use it as a decoy.
  • Question
    My diary does not have a key. How do I stop my sister looking at it?
    Community Answer
    Hide it. Refer to How to Hide Your Diary .
  • Question
    What if my diary looks messy and I am afraid that people will judge me?
    Community Answer
    You can consult guides on how to improve your handwriting. Regardless, there's no shame in having a messy diary. If you write in it all the time, it's bound to be scratchy. You could get a new, fresh notebook and write everything over with improved handwriting. Maybe use a pencil, as pens can leak ink and that'll be hard to clean.
  • Question
    What if I use a fancy book and my parents don't realize it is a diary?
    iWavy Jelly49
    Community Answer
    Write "Diary" on the front cover or tell your parents that it is a diary, or do both.
  • Question
    What do I do if I accidentally lose the keys for my diary?
    Community Answer
    Look for them everywhere, and if you can't find them, try to pick the lock. If you cannot pick the lock, you may have to cut off the lock.
  • Question
    What if I had a diary without a lock and my brother took off the cover but didn't write in it, can I still use it?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can still use it. You could make a new cover for it out of cardboard or construction paper, just so the pages are less likely to fall out.
  • Question
    I haven't written in my diary in a long time. How can I begin again?
    Community Answer
    You can either just start writing fresh from today or spend time writing about all the things that have happened since the last time you wrote.
  • Question
    How do I prevent losing my diary keys?
    iWavy Jelly49
    Community Answer
    If you have a backpack pocket you could put your keys there or hide them elsewhere.
  • Question
    Is it good to write in my diary with a fountain pen?
    Community Answer
    It can be fun to write with a fountain pen, but it is not necessary. A normal pen will work just as well.
  • Question
    Can I write bad things about my worst friend in my diary and show it to my best friend?
    Community Answer
    You can show it to your best friend if you want, because I doubt that your best friend would tell someone and talk behind your back. However, if your best friend is not good at keeping secrets I would refrain from showing him/her/them anything that can get you in trouble. Better yet, don't write bad things about your worst friend, and if you don't like that person much, don't be friends with them.
  • Question
    What do I do if my teacher catches me writing in my diary in class, but she doesn't accept my apology?
    Community Answer
    If she took your diary away, approach her after class and apologize again. Then ask her when you can have it back.
  • Question
    If I have a fancy-looking diary, would it be obvious that it is my secret diary?
    Community Answer
    Yes. As this article said, the fancy one should be your decoy diary. Use a plain book to write your real thoughts, no one will ever suspect.
  • Question
    I want to have an online diary, but I can't find one that doesn't require me to sign up with an email address. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    There are tons of diary or journal apps that you can download onto your computer from the associated App Store. You could also use a basic text program like Word.
  • Question
    I want a specific person to have my diary after I die. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You obviously trust the person, so tell them before you die where the diary is located. You can also include this info in your will.
  • Question
    My nosy seven-year-old brother saw me writing in my diary this morning. The diary does not have a lock so he can easily access it. He knows where I hit it. How do I handle this problem?
    Community Answer
    Hide it somewhere better, or carry it with you. But still be wary and act as if you hid it in the same place. You could also leave a decoy diary there for him to find.
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